@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+//! getopt implementation for relibc
+use core::ptr;
+use header::{stdio, string};
+use header::unistd::{optarg, optind, opterr, optopt};
+use platform::types::*;
+static mut CURRENT_OPT: *mut c_char = ptr::null_mut();
+pub const no_argument: c_int = 0;
+pub const required_argument: c_int = 1;
+pub const optional_argument: c_int = 2;
+pub struct option {
+ name: *const c_char,
+ has_arg: c_int,
+ flag: *mut c_int,
+ val: c_int
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn getopt_long(
+ argc: c_int,
+ argv: *const *mut c_char,
+ optstring: *const c_char,
+ longopts: *const option,
+ longindex: *mut c_int
+) -> c_int {
+ // if optarg is not set, we still don't want the previous value leaking
+ optarg = ptr::null_mut();
+ if CURRENT_OPT.is_null() || *CURRENT_OPT == 0 {
+ if optind >= argc {
+ -1
+ } else {
+ let current_arg = *argv.offset(optind as isize);
+ if current_arg.is_null()
+ || *current_arg != b'-' as c_char
+ || *current_arg.offset(1) == 0
+ {
+ -1
+ } else if string::strcmp(current_arg, b"--\0".as_ptr() as _) == 0 {
+ optind += 1;
+ -1
+ } else {
+ // remove the '-'
+ let current_arg = current_arg.offset(1);
+ if *current_arg == b'-' as c_char && !longopts.is_null() {
+ let current_arg = current_arg.offset(1);
+ // is a long option
+ for i in 0.. {
+ let opt = &*longopts.offset(i);
+ if opt.name.is_null() {
+ break;
+ }
+ let mut end = 0;
+ while { let c = *current_arg.offset(end); c != 0 && c != b'=' as c_char } {
+ end += 1;
+ }
+ if string::strncmp(current_arg, opt.name, end as size_t) == 0 {
+ optind += 1;
+ *longindex = i as c_int;
+ if opt.has_arg == optional_argument {
+ if *current_arg.offset(end) == b'=' as c_char {
+ optarg = current_arg.offset(end + 1);
+ }
+ } else if opt.has_arg == required_argument {
+ if *current_arg.offset(end) == b'=' as c_char {
+ optarg = current_arg.offset(end + 1);
+ } else if optind < argc {
+ optarg = *argv.offset(optind as isize);
+ optind += 1;
+ } else {
+ if *optstring == b':' as c_char {
+ return b':' as c_int;
+ } else {
+ stdio::fputs(*argv as _, &mut *stdio::stderr);
+ stdio::fputs(": option '--\0".as_ptr() as _, &mut *stdio::stderr);
+ stdio::fputs(current_arg, &mut *stdio::stderr);
+ stdio::fputs("' requires an argument\n".as_ptr() as _, &mut *stdio::stderr);
+ return b'?' as c_int;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if opt.flag.is_null() {
+ return opt.val;
+ } else {
+ *opt.flag = opt.val;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ parse_arg(argc, argv, current_arg, optstring)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ parse_arg(argc, argv, CURRENT_OPT, optstring)
+ }
+unsafe fn parse_arg(
+ argc: c_int,
+ argv: *const *mut c_char,
+ current_arg: *mut c_char,
+ optstring: *const c_char
+) -> c_int {
+ let update_current_opt = || {
+ CURRENT_OPT = current_arg.offset(1);
+ if *CURRENT_OPT == 0 {
+ optind += 1;
+ }
+ };
+ let print_error = |desc: &[u8]| {
+ // NOTE: we don't use fprintf to get around the usage of va_list
+ stdio::fputs(*argv as _, &mut *stdio::stderr);
+ stdio::fputs(desc.as_ptr() as _, &mut *stdio::stderr);
+ stdio::fputc(*current_arg as _, &mut *stdio::stderr);
+ stdio::fputc(b'\n' as _, &mut *stdio::stderr);
+ };
+ match find_option(*current_arg, optstring) {
+ Some(GetoptOption::Flag) => {
+ update_current_opt();
+ *current_arg as c_int
+ }
+ Some(GetoptOption::OptArg) => {
+ CURRENT_OPT = b"\0".as_ptr() as _;
+ if *current_arg.offset(1) == 0 {
+ optind += 2;
+ if optind > argc {
+ CURRENT_OPT = ptr::null_mut();
+ optopt = *current_arg as c_int;
+ let errch = if *optstring == b':' as c_char {
+ b':'
+ } else {
+ if opterr != 0 {
+ print_error(b": option requries an argument -- \0");
+ }
+ b'?'
+ };
+ errch as c_int
+ } else {
+ optarg = *argv.offset(optind as isize - 1);
+ *current_arg as c_int
+ }
+ } else {
+ optarg = current_arg.offset(1);
+ optind += 1;
+ *current_arg as c_int
+ }
+ }
+ None => {
+ // couldn't find the given option in optstring
+ if opterr != 0 {
+ print_error(b": illegal option -- \0");
+ }
+ update_current_opt();
+ optopt = *current_arg as c_int;
+ b'?' as c_int
+ }
+ }
+enum GetoptOption {
+ Flag,
+ OptArg,
+unsafe fn find_option(ch: c_char, optstring: *const c_char) -> Option<GetoptOption> {
+ let mut i = 0;
+ while *optstring.offset(i) != 0 {
+ if *optstring.offset(i) == ch {
+ let result = if *optstring.offset(i + 1) == b':' as c_char {
+ GetoptOption::OptArg
+ } else {
+ GetoptOption::Flag
+ };
+ return Some(result);
+ }
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ None