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Move scanf unit tests to normal C tests

jD91mZM2 6 years ago
4 changed files with 47 additions and 189 deletions
  1. 3 5
  2. 0 171
  3. 9 1
  4. 35 12

+ 3 - 5

@@ -235,11 +235,9 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn execve(
     let mut len = 0;
-    for i in 0.. {
-        if (*argv.offset(i)).is_null() {
-            len = i;
-            break;
-        }
+    while !(*argv.offset(len)).is_null() {
+        len += 1;
+        break;
     let mut args: Vec<[usize; 2]> = Vec::with_capacity(len as usize);

+ 0 - 171

@@ -423,174 +423,3 @@ pub unsafe fn scanf<R: Read>(r: R, format: *const c_char, ap: VaList) -> c_int {
         Err(n) => n,
-pub trait VaPrimitive {
-    fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut c_void;
-macro_rules! va_primitives {
-    ($($type:ty),+) => {
-        $(impl VaPrimitive for $type {
-            fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut c_void {
-                self as *mut _ as *mut c_void
-            }
-        })+
-    }
-    c_uchar,
-    c_ushort,
-    c_uint,
-    c_ulong,
-    c_char,
-    c_short,
-    c_int,
-    c_long,
-    c_float,
-    c_double,
-    *mut c_void
-trait FromVoidPtr {
-    fn from_void_ptr(ptr: *mut c_void) -> Self;
-macro_rules! from_void_ptr {
-    ($($type:ty),+) => {
-        $(impl FromVoidPtr for *mut $type {
-            fn from_void_ptr(ptr: *mut c_void) -> Self {
-                ptr as *mut _ as Self
-            }
-        })+
-    }
-    c_uchar,
-    c_ushort,
-    c_uint,
-    c_ulong,
-    c_char,
-    c_short,
-    c_int,
-    c_long,
-    c_float,
-    c_double,
-    size_t,
-    ssize_t,
-    *mut c_void
-pub struct VaList<'a> {
-    args: &'a mut [&'a mut VaPrimitive],
-    i: usize,
-impl<'a> VaList<'a> {
-    pub fn new(args: &'a mut [&'a mut VaPrimitive]) -> VaList<'a> {
-        VaList { args: args, i: 0 }
-    }
-    pub fn get<T: FromVoidPtr>(&mut self) -> T {
-        let ptr = T::from_void_ptr(self.args[self.i].as_mut_ptr());
-        self.i += 1;
-        ptr
-    }
-mod tests {
-    use super::*;
-    use core::ptr;
-    use platform::StringReader;
-    fn scanf<'a>(format: &str, args: &'a mut [&'a mut VaPrimitive], input: &str) -> c_int {
-        unsafe {
-            let mut format = format.to_string();
-            let format = format.as_bytes_mut();
-            let format = format.as_mut_ptr();
-            let out = super::inner_scanf(
-                StringReader(input.as_bytes()),
-                format as *mut c_char,
-                VaList::new(args),
-            ).expect("running test scanf failed");
-            out
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn ints() {
-        let mut a: c_char = 0;
-        let mut b: c_int = 0;
-        assert_eq!(scanf("%hhd %d\0", &mut [&mut a, &mut b], "12 345"), 2);
-        assert_eq!(a, 12);
-        assert_eq!(b, 345);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn formats() {
-        let mut a: c_uint = 0;
-        let mut b: c_int = 0;
-        let mut c: c_int = 0;
-        assert_eq!(
-            scanf("%x %i %i\0", &mut [&mut a, &mut b, &mut c], "12 0x345 010"),
-            3
-        );
-        assert_eq!(a, 0x12);
-        assert_eq!(b, 0x345);
-        assert_eq!(c, 0o10);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn floats() {
-        let mut a: c_float = 0.0;
-        let mut b: c_double = 0.0;
-        assert_eq!(scanf("%f.%lf\0", &mut [&mut a, &mut b], ""), 2);
-        assert_eq!(a, 0.1);
-        assert_eq!(b, 0.2);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn pointer() {
-        let mut a: *mut c_void = ptr::null_mut();
-        assert_eq!(scanf("%p\0", &mut [&mut a], "0xABCDEF"), 1);
-        assert_eq!(a as usize, 0xABCDEF);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn string() {
-        let mut a = [1u8; 10];
-        assert_eq!(scanf("%s\0", &mut [&mut (a[0])], "Hello World"), 1);
-        assert_eq!(&a[..6], b"Hello\0");
-        assert_eq!(a[6..], [1; 4]); // nothing else was modified
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn width() {
-        let mut a: c_int = 0;
-        assert_eq!(scanf("%3i\0", &mut [&mut a], "0xFF"), 1);
-        assert_eq!(a, 0xF);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn chars() {
-        let mut a: u8 = 0;
-        let mut b = [1u8; 5];
-        assert_eq!(scanf("%c%3c\0", &mut [&mut a, &mut (b[0])], "hello"), 2);
-        assert_eq!(a, b'h');
-        assert_eq!(&b[..3], b"ell");
-        assert_eq!(&b[3..5], [1; 2]); // nothing else was modified, no trailing NUL-byte
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn count() {
-        let mut a: c_int = 0;
-        let mut b: c_int = 0;
-        assert_eq!(
-            scanf("test: %2i%n\0", &mut [&mut a, &mut b], "test: 0xFF"),
-            1
-        );
-        assert_eq!(a, 0);
-        assert_eq!(b, 8);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn literal() {
-        assert_eq!(scanf("hello world%%\0", &mut [], "hello world%"), 0);
-    }

+ 9 - 1

@@ -1 +1,9 @@
+2, { sa: 12, ia: 345, ib: 0, ic: 0, fa: 0, da: 0, ptr: 0x0, char: a, string:  }
+3, { sa: 12, ia: 18, ib: 837, ic: 8, fa: 0, da: 0, ptr: 0x0, char: a, string:  }
+2, { sa: 12, ia: 18, ib: 837, ic: 8, fa: 0.10000000149011612, da: 0.2, ptr: 0x0, char: a, string:  }
+1, { sa: 12, ia: 18, ib: 837, ic: 8, fa: 0.10000000149011612, da: 0.2, ptr: 0xabcdef, char: a, string:  }
+1, { sa: 12, ia: 18, ib: 837, ic: 8, fa: 0.10000000149011612, da: 0.2, ptr: 0xabcdef, char: a, string: Hello }
+1, { sa: 12, ia: 15, ib: 837, ic: 8, fa: 0.10000000149011612, da: 0.2, ptr: 0xabcdef, char: a, string: Hello }
+2, { sa: 12, ia: 15, ib: 837, ic: 8, fa: 0.10000000149011612, da: 0.2, ptr: 0xabcdef, char: h, string: elllo }
+1, { sa: 12, ia: 0, ib: 8, ic: 8, fa: 0.10000000149011612, da: 0.2, ptr: 0xabcdef, char: h, string: elllo }
+0, { sa: 12, ia: 0, ib: 8, ic: 8, fa: 0.10000000149011612, da: 0.2, ptr: 0xabcdef, char: h, string: elllo }

+ 35 - 12

@@ -1,16 +1,39 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
+struct params {
+    short sa;
+    int ia;
+    int ib;
+    int ic;
+    float fa;
+    double da;
+    int *ptr;
+    char c;
+    char string[20];
+void test(char* fmt_in, char* input, struct params *p, ...) {
+    va_list args;
+    va_start(args, p);
+    int ret = vsscanf(input, fmt_in, args);
+    va_end(args);
+    printf(
+        "%d, { sa: %hhd, ia: %d, ib: %d, ic: %d, fa: %f, da: %lf, ptr: %p, char: %c, string: %s }\n",
+        ret, p->sa, p->ia, p->ib, p->ic, p->fa, p->da, p->ptr, p->c, p->string
+    );
 int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
-    int a = 0;
-    int b = 0;
-    int val = sscanf("123 0x321", "%d %i", &a, &b);
-    if (val != 2) {
-        printf("error: %d\n", val);
-    } else {
-        if (a == 123 && b == 0x321) {
-            puts("success!");
-        } else {
-            printf("incorrect results: { a: %d, b: %x }\n", a, b);
-        }
-    }
+    struct params p = { .c = 'a' };
+    test("%hhd %d", "12 345", &p, &, &p.ia);
+    test("%x %i %i", "12 0x345 010", &p, &p.ia, &p.ib, &p.ic);
+    test("%f.%lf", "", &p, &p.fa, &p.da);
+    test("%p", "0xABCDEF", &p, &p.ptr);
+    test("%s", "Hello World", &p, &p.string);
+    test("%3i", "0xFF", &p, &p.ia);
+    test("%c%3c", "hello", &p, &p.c, &p.string);
+    test("test: %2i%n", "test: 0xFF", &p, &p.ia, &p.ib);
+    test("hello world%%", "hello world%", &p);