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Merge pull request #123 from Arcterus/qsort-real

stdlib: implement qsort() as an introsort
Jeremy Soller 6 years ago
3 changed files with 256 additions and 2 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 10 1
  3. 245 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use platform::types::*;
 use vl::VaList;
 pub unsafe fn printf<W: Write>(mut w: W, format: *const c_char, mut ap: VaList) -> c_int {
-    let format = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(format as *const u8, usize::max_value()) };
+    let format = slice::from_raw_parts(format as *const u8, usize::max_value());
     let mut found_percent = false;
     for &b in format.iter() {

+ 10 - 1

@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng, XorShiftRng};
 use errno::*;
 use platform::types::*;
+mod sort;
 static ALLOCATOR: ralloc::Allocator = ralloc::Allocator;
@@ -388,7 +390,14 @@ pub extern "C" fn qsort(
     width: size_t,
     compar: Option<extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const c_void) -> c_int>,
 ) {
-    unimplemented!()
+    if let Some(comp) = compar {
+        // XXX: check width too?  not specified
+        if nel > 0 {
+            // XXX: maybe try to do mergesort/timsort first and fallback to introsort if memory
+            //      allocation fails?  not sure what is ideal
+            sort::introsort(base as *mut c_char, nel, width, comp);
+        }
+    }

+ 245 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+use platform::types::*;
+pub fn introsort(
+    base: *mut c_char,
+    nel: size_t,
+    width: size_t,
+    comp: extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const c_void) -> c_int,
+) {
+    let maxdepth = 2 * log2(nel);
+    introsort_helper(base, nel, width, maxdepth, comp);
+// NOTE: if num is 0, the result should be considered undefined
+fn log2(num: size_t) -> size_t {
+    const IS_32_BIT: bool = size_t::max_value() as u32 as size_t == size_t::max_value();
+    let max_bits = if IS_32_BIT {
+        31
+    } else {
+        // assuming we are 64-bit (this may or may not need to be updated in the future)
+        63
+    };
+    max_bits - num.to_le().leading_zeros() as size_t
+fn introsort_helper(
+    mut base: *mut c_char,
+    mut nel: size_t,
+    width: size_t,
+    mut maxdepth: size_t,
+    comp: extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const c_void) -> c_int,
+) {
+    const THRESHOLD: size_t = 8;
+    // this loop is a trick to save stack space because TCO is not a thing in Rustland
+    // basically, we just change the arguments and loop rather than recursing for the second call
+    // to introsort_helper()
+    loop {
+        if nel < THRESHOLD {
+            insertion_sort(base, nel, width, comp);
+            break;
+        } else if nel > 1 {
+            if maxdepth == 0 {
+                heapsort(base, nel, width, comp);
+                break;
+            } else {
+                let (left, right) = partition(base, nel, width, comp);
+                let right_base = unsafe { base.add((right + 1) * width) };
+                let right_nel = nel - (right + 1);
+                maxdepth -= 1;
+                if left < nel - right {
+                    introsort_helper(base, left, width, maxdepth, comp);
+                    base = right_base;
+                    nel = right_nel;
+                } else {
+                    introsort_helper(right_base, right_nel, width, maxdepth, comp);
+                    nel = left;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+fn insertion_sort(
+    base: *mut c_char,
+    nel: size_t,
+    width: size_t,
+    comp: extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const c_void) -> c_int,
+) {
+    for i in 0..nel {
+        for j in (0..i).rev() {
+            let current = unsafe { base.add(j * width) };
+            let prev = unsafe { base.add((j + 1) * width) };
+            if comp(current as *const c_void, prev as *const c_void) > 0 {
+                swap(current, prev, width);
+            } else {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+fn heapsort(
+    base: *mut c_char,
+    nel: size_t,
+    width: size_t,
+    comp: extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const c_void) -> c_int,
+) {
+    heapify(base, nel, width, comp);
+    let mut end = nel - 1;
+    while end > 0 {
+        let end_ptr = unsafe { base.add(end * width) };
+        swap(end_ptr, base, width);
+        end -= 1;
+        heap_sift_down(base, 0, end, width, comp);
+    }
+fn heapify(
+    base: *mut c_char,
+    nel: size_t,
+    width: size_t,
+    comp: extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const c_void) -> c_int,
+) {
+    // we start at the last parent in the heap (the parent of the last child)
+    let last_parent = (nel - 2) / 2;
+    for start in (0..last_parent + 1).rev() {
+        heap_sift_down(base, start, nel - 1, width, comp);
+    }
+fn heap_sift_down(
+    base: *mut c_char,
+    start: size_t,
+    end: size_t,
+    width: size_t,
+    comp: extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const c_void) -> c_int,
+) {
+    // get the left child of the node at the given index
+    let left_child = |idx| 2 * idx + 1;
+    let mut root = start;
+    while left_child(root) <= end {
+        let child = left_child(root);
+        let mut swap_idx = root;
+        let root_ptr = unsafe { base.add(root * width) };
+        let mut swap_ptr = unsafe { base.add(swap_idx * width) };
+        let first_child_ptr = unsafe { base.add(child * width) };
+        let second_child_ptr = unsafe { base.add((child + 1) * width) };
+        if comp(swap_ptr as *const c_void, first_child_ptr as *const c_void) < 0 {
+            swap_idx = child;
+            swap_ptr = first_child_ptr;
+        }
+        if child + 1 <= end
+            && comp(swap_ptr as *const c_void, second_child_ptr as *const c_void) < 0
+        {
+            swap_idx = child + 1;
+            swap_ptr = second_child_ptr;
+        }
+        if swap_idx == root {
+            break;
+        } else {
+            swap(root_ptr, swap_ptr, width);
+            root = swap_idx;
+        }
+    }
+fn partition(
+    base: *mut c_char,
+    nel: size_t,
+    width: size_t,
+    comp: extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const c_void) -> c_int,
+) -> (size_t, size_t) {
+    // calculate the median of the first, middle, and last elements and use it as the pivot
+    // to do fewer comparisons, also swap the elements into their correct positions
+    let mut pivot = median_of_three(base, nel, width, comp);
+    let mut i = 1;
+    let mut j = 1;
+    let mut n = nel - 2;
+    // use this to deal with the Dutch national flag problem
+    while j <= n {
+        let i_ptr = unsafe { base.add(i * width) };
+        let j_ptr = unsafe { base.add(j * width) };
+        let n_ptr = unsafe { base.add(n * width) };
+        let pivot_ptr = unsafe { base.add(pivot * width) };
+        let comparison = comp(j_ptr as *const c_void, pivot_ptr as *const c_void);
+        if comparison < 0 {
+            swap(i_ptr, j_ptr, width);
+            if i == pivot {
+                pivot = j;
+            }
+            i += 1;
+            j += 1;
+        } else if comparison > 0 {
+            swap(j_ptr, n_ptr, width);
+            if n == pivot {
+                pivot = j;
+            }
+            n -= 1;
+        } else {
+            j += 1;
+        }
+    }
+    (i, n)
+fn median_of_three(
+    base: *mut c_char,
+    nel: size_t,
+    width: size_t,
+    comp: extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const c_void) -> c_int,
+) -> size_t {
+    let pivot = nel / 2;
+    let mid = unsafe { base.add(pivot * width) };
+    let last = unsafe { base.add((nel - 1) * width) };
+    if comp(mid as *const c_void, base as *const c_void) < 0 {
+        swap(mid, base, width);
+    }
+    if comp(last as *const c_void, mid as *const c_void) < 0 {
+        swap(mid, last, width);
+        if comp(mid as *const c_void, base as *const c_void) < 0 {
+            swap(mid, base, width);
+        }
+    }
+    pivot
+fn swap(mut ptr1: *mut c_char, mut ptr2: *mut c_char, mut width: size_t) {
+    use core::mem;
+    const BUFSIZE: usize = 128;
+    let mut buffer: [c_char; BUFSIZE] = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
+    while width > 0 {
+        let copy_size = BUFSIZE.min(width as usize);
+        unsafe {
+            buffer
+                .as_mut_ptr()
+                .copy_from_nonoverlapping(ptr1, copy_size);
+            ptr1.copy_from_nonoverlapping(ptr2, copy_size);
+            ptr2.copy_from_nonoverlapping(buffer.as_ptr(), copy_size);
+            ptr1 = ptr1.add(copy_size);
+            ptr2 = ptr2.add(copy_size);
+        }
+        width -= copy_size as size_t;
+    }