percent: % string: String char: c char: þ int: -16 uint: 32 hex: beef HEX: C0FFEE string: end %n returned 51, total len of write: 94 Padding madness: 001 +2 c 0x00000ff 001 0 0x1 1 (00123) ( 123) (-0123) ( -123) ( ) 0xabcdef (nil) Positional madness: 4 3 2 00002 |Fiz |Buz | Fiz| Tot| int: 5 double: 0.100000 0.200000 0.300000 0.400000 -1717986918 0.100000 -1717986918 0.200000 Float madness: 1.234568e+02 1.000000E-05 123.456789 0.000010 -1.234568e+02 -00000001.234568e+02 %.5g: -123.46 %.5f: -123.45679 %.5e: -1.23457e+02 %.*g: -1.2e+02 %.*f: -123.46 %.*e: -1.23e+02 %.*2$g: -123.46 %.*2$f: -123.45679 %.*2$e: -1.23457e+02 100000 1e+06 1.000000e+06 0.0001 1E-05 1.000000E-05 Non-finite float madness: %e: inf -inf nan -nan %E: INF -INF NAN -NAN %f: inf -inf nan -nan %F: INF -INF NAN -NAN %g: inf -inf nan -nan %G: INF -INF NAN -NAN Things that have been buggy +05 Testing asprintf... printed: test string, value: 11 printed: test string 2, value: 13 printed: test string 2, value: 13