.gitlab-ci.yml 495 B

  1. image: "rust:latest"
  2. before_script:
  3. - rustup toolchain add nightly
  4. - rustup target add x86_64-unknown-redox --toolchain nightly
  5. - rustup show # Print version info for debugging
  6. build:linux:
  7. script:
  8. - make all
  9. #build:redox:
  10. # script:
  11. # - make all
  12. test:linux:
  13. script:
  14. - make test
  15. fmt:
  16. script:
  17. - ./fmt.sh -- --write-mode=diff
  18. # TODO: Set up a docker image with a redox vm that would allow to
  19. # run things like tests under redox