@@ -1,1208 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- *
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- */
-#include "math.h"
-#include "fenv.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-#include "stdlib.h"
-#include "strings.h"
-#include "time.h"
-#if defined (__ppc__)
- #define TARGET_CPU_PPC 1
-#elif defined (__i386__)
- #define TARGET_CPU_X86 1
-#error Unknown architecture
-#include "bcd.h"
-#include "fp_private.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/uio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#define num2decl num2dec
-#define dec2numl dec2l
-#define nextafterd nextafter
-#define scalb scalbn
-#define rinttol lrint
-#define roundtol lround
-double_t annuity(double_t a, double_t b);
-double_t compound(double_t a, double_t b);
-#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
-typedef union
- {
- long double ldbl;
- struct
- {
- double msd;
- double lsd;
- } headtail;
- } doubledouble;
-#elif defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
-typedef union
- {
- long double ldbl;
- struct
- {
- double lsd;
- double msd;
- } headtail;
- } doubledouble;
-#error Unknown endianness
-typedef struct {
- hexdouble r;
- hexdouble n;
- hexdouble result;
- unsigned long flags;
- char op[4];
-} testVec;
-enum {
- kMaxVectorCount = 2048
-testVec v[kMaxVectorCount];
-#define NOTEST 1
-#define NOOP 4
-#define NOFLAGTESTS 0
-typedef unsigned char Str90 [91];
-static int numtests = 0;
-static int errorcount = 0;
-static int flagerrors = 0;
-static int numerrors = 0;
-static int enverrors = 0;
-static int rnderrors = 0;
-static int numtestsTotal = 0;
-static int rnds = 0;
-static char modes [8];
-static Str90 s1, s2, s3, LinBuff;
-static char pctype = 'd';
-FILE *OutFile;
-/* the following macro provides an AND mask with which the rounding
- precision mode bits in the FPSCR may be cleared */
-#define FE_CLR_PREC 0xffffff3f
-#define FE_EXTENDED 0x00000000
-#define FE_DOUBLE 0x00000080
-double Str90todbl (Str90 StrArg1, const char *op); // returns a double from a Str90
-double Str90toflt (Str90 StrArg1, const char *op); // returns a float from a Str90
-double Str90toint (Str90 StrArg1, const char *op); // returns a short from a Str90
-double Str90tolng (Str90 StrArg1, const char *op); // returns a long from a Str90
-static int samebits (const double x1, const double x2);
-static void printdbl (const double x1);
-static int FpEqual (doubledouble a, doubledouble c);
-static int B2D2B (double a, double b, double *c, char pc);
-static double bin2dec2bin (double r, double n, const char *op);
-static double testfcns (const char *op, double r, double n);
-static void testfcn (const char *op, double r, double n,
- const char *flags, double rslt, const char *LinBuf);
-static int samebits (const double x1, const double x2) {
-union {
- double d;
- unsigned long i[2];
-} onion1, onion2;
- onion1.d = x1;
- onion2.d = x2;
- return ((onion1.i[0] == onion2.i[0]) && (onion1.i[1] == onion2.i[1]));
-#ifdef noprint
-#else /* noprint */
-static void printdbl (const double x1) {
-union {
- double d;
- unsigned long i[2];
-} onion1;
- onion1.d = x1;
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%8.8x %8.8x ", (int) onion1.i[0], (int) onion1.i[1]);
-static void printdblsgl (const double x1) {
-union {
- float f;
- unsigned long i[1];
-} onion11;
- onion11.f = (float)x1;
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%8.8x ", (int) onion11.i[0]);
-#endif /* noprint */
-#pragma segment testfcns
-static int FpEqual (doubledouble a, doubledouble c) {
- return (samebits (a.headtail.msd, c.headtail.msd) &&
- samebits (a.headtail.lsd, c.headtail.lsd));
-static int B2D2B (double a, double b, double *c, char pc) {
- short int i, i1;
- decform df;
- decimal dc, dc2;
- int k, match = 1;
- char stest [DECSTROUTLEN];
- short ix, vp;
- int j, j1, n, m, rnddirhold;
- doubledouble ahold, aa, cc;
- float fval;
- short int intval;
- long int lngval;
- switch (pc) {
- case 's':
- fval = (float) a;
- for (i = 9; i <= SIGDIGLEN; i++) {
- df.digits = i;
- df.style = FLOATDECIMAL;
- num2dec (&df, fval, &dc);
- dec2str(&df, &dc, stest); // do the whole round trip
- ix = 0; // Note: this is a C String!
- str2dec(stest, &ix, &dc2, &vp);
-/// if (strcmp ((char*) dc.sig.text, (char*) dc2.sig.text) != 0) {
-/// fprintf ( OutFile,"\r %s %d\r", dc.sig.text, dc.exp);
-/// fprintf ( OutFile," %s\r", stest);
-/// fprintf ( OutFile," %s %d\r", dc2.sig.text, dc2.exp);
-/// }
- switch (fegetround()) {
- break;
- case FE_UPWARD:
- k = fesetround (FE_DOWNWARD);
- break;
- k = fesetround (FE_UPWARD);
- break;
- k = (a < 0) ? fesetround (FE_DOWNWARD) : fesetround (FE_UPWARD);
- }
- *c = dec2f(&dc2);
- if ((a != *c) && ((a == a) || (*c == *c))) {
- match = 0;
- fprintf ( OutFile,"a = %e c = %e\n", a, *c);
- if (dc.sgn == 1) fprintf ( OutFile,"\n -");
- else fprintf ( OutFile,"\n ");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%s %d\n", dc.sig.text, dc.exp);
- fprintf ( OutFile," %s\n", stest);
- if (dc2.sgn == 1) fprintf ( OutFile," -");
- else fprintf ( OutFile," ");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%s %d\n", dc2.sig.text, dc2.exp);
- *c = cc.headtail.msd;
- return match;
-// abort ();
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'i':
- case 'l':
- case 'd':
- for (i = 17; i <= SIGDIGLEN; i++) {
- df.digits = i;
- df.style = FLOATDECIMAL;
- switch (pc) {
- case 'i':
- intval = (short int) a;
- num2dec (&df, intval, &dc);
- break;
- case 'l':
- lngval = (long int) a;
- num2dec (&df, lngval, &dc);
- break;
- default: num2dec (&df, a, &dc);
- }
- dec2str(&df, &dc, stest); // do the whole round trip
- ix = 0; // Note: this is a C String!
- str2dec(stest, &ix, &dc2, &vp);
- switch (fegetround()) {
- break;
- case FE_UPWARD:
- k = fesetround (FE_DOWNWARD);
- break;
- k = fesetround (FE_UPWARD);
- break;
- k = (a < 0) ? fesetround (FE_DOWNWARD) : fesetround (FE_UPWARD);
- }
- switch (pc) {
- case 'i': //IBM Compiler Bug 0 -> -0.0 for directed rounding
- *c = ((intval = dec2s(&dc2)) == 0) ? 0.0 : intval;
- break;
- case 'l':
- *c = ((lngval = dec2l(&dc2)) == 0) ? 0.0 : lngval;
- break;
- default: *c = dec2num(&dc2);
- }
- numtests++;
- if ((a != *c) && ((a == a) || (*c == *c))) {
- match = 0;
- if (dc.sgn == 1) fprintf ( OutFile,"\n -");
- else fprintf ( OutFile,"\n ");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%s %d\n", dc.sig.text, dc.exp);
- fprintf ( OutFile," %s\n", stest);
- if (dc2.sgn == 1) fprintf ( OutFile," -");
- else fprintf ( OutFile," ");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%s %d\n", dc2.sig.text, dc2.exp);
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
-// case 'e': c->x = a->x;
-// break;
- case 'p':
- aa.headtail.msd = a;
- aa.headtail.lsd = a;
- rnddirhold = fegetround ();
- (void)fesetround (FE_TOWARDZERO);
- for (j = 1; j <= 54; j++) aa.headtail.lsd /= 2;
- (void)fesetround (rnddirhold);
- ahold.headtail.msd = aa.headtail.msd;
- ahold.headtail.lsd = aa.headtail.lsd;
- for (n = 11; n >= 0; n--) {
- if (n > 10) aa.headtail.lsd = 0.0;
- else {
- aa.headtail.lsd = ahold.headtail.lsd;
- rnddirhold = fegetround ();
- (void)fesetround (FE_TOWARDZERO);
- for (m = 1; m <= n; m++) aa.headtail.lsd /= 2.0;
- // avoid redundant representation problem
- if (n == 0) aa.headtail.lsd *= 1.0625;
- (void)fesetround (rnddirhold);
- }
- j1 = ((n == 0) || (n > 10)) ? 1 : 0;
- for (j = j1; j <= 1; j++) {
- if (j == 0) aa.headtail.lsd = -aa.headtail.lsd;
- if (aa.headtail.lsd == 0.0) aa.headtail.lsd = 0.0; // eliminates -0.0
- if ((2*aa.headtail.lsd) == aa.headtail.lsd) aa.headtail.lsd = 0.0; // Inf check
- if (aa.headtail.lsd != aa.headtail.lsd) aa.headtail.lsd = 0.0; // Nan check
- cc.headtail.msd = aa.headtail.msd;
- cc.headtail.lsd = aa.headtail.lsd;
- if (n <= 3) i1 = 34;
- else if (n <= 6) i1 = 35;
- else if (n <= 10) i1 = 36;
- else i1 = 37;
- for (i = i1; i <= 36; i++) {
- df.digits = i;
- df.style = FLOATDECIMAL;
- num2decl (&df, aa.ldbl, &dc);
- dec2str(&df, &dc, stest); // do the whole round trip
- ix = 0; // Note: this is a C String!
- str2dec(stest, &ix, &dc2, &vp);
- switch (fegetround()) {
- break;
- case FE_UPWARD:
- k = fesetround (FE_DOWNWARD);
- break;
- k = fesetround (FE_UPWARD);
- break;
- k = (aa.headtail.msd < 0) ? fesetround (FE_DOWNWARD) : fesetround (FE_UPWARD);
- }
- cc.ldbl = dec2numl(&dc2);
- if (cc.headtail.lsd == 0.0) cc.headtail.lsd = 0.0; // eliminates -0.0
- numtests++;
- if (FpEqual (aa, cc) == 0) {
- match = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf ( OutFile,"FpEqual (aa, cc) = %d\n", FpEqual (aa, cc));
- u.p = aa;
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%8x %8x %8x %8x aa\n",
- (int) u.i[0], (int) u.i[1], (int) u.i[2], (int) u.i[3]);
- u.p = cc;
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%8x %8x %8x %8x cc\n",
- (int) u.i[0], (int) u.i[1], (int) u.i[2], (int) u.i[3]);
- if (dc.sgn == 1) fprintf ( OutFile,"\n -");
- else fprintf ( OutFile,"\n ");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%s %d\n", dc.sig.text, dc.exp);
- fprintf ( OutFile," %s\n", stest);
- if (dc2.sgn == 1) fprintf ( OutFile," -");
- else fprintf ( OutFile," ");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%s %d\n", dc2.sig.text, dc2.exp);
- fprintf ( OutFile,"n = %d, j = %d, i = %d******\n\n", n, j, i);
- *c = cc.headtail.msd;
- return match;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- aa.headtail.lsd = ahold.headtail.lsd;
- cc.headtail.lsd = aa.headtail.lsd;
- *c = cc.headtail.msd;
- break;
- }
- return match;
-static double bin2dec2bin (double r, double n, const char *op) {
-double a, c;
- pctype = 's';
- if (strchr (modes, pctype) != NULL) {
- a = Str90toflt (s1, op);
- if (!B2D2B (a, n, &c, pctype)) {
- fprintf ( OutFile,"precision '%c'\n", pctype);
- return c;
- }
- }
- pctype = 'p';
- if (strchr (modes, pctype) != NULL)
- if (!B2D2B (r, n, &c, pctype)) {
- fprintf ( OutFile,"precision '%c'\n", pctype);
- return c;
- }
- pctype = 'd';
- if (strchr (modes, pctype) != NULL)
- if (!B2D2B (r, n, &c, pctype)) {
- fprintf ( OutFile,"precision '%c'\n", pctype);
- return c;
- }
- pctype = 'i';
- if (strchr (modes, pctype) != NULL) {
- a = Str90toint (s1, op);
- if (!B2D2B (a, n, &c, pctype)) {
- fprintf ( OutFile,"precision '%c'\n", pctype);
- return c;
- }
- }
- pctype = 'l';
- if (strchr (modes, pctype) != NULL) {
- a = Str90tolng (s1, op);
- if (!B2D2B (a, n, &c, pctype)) {
- fprintf ( OutFile,"precision '%c'\n", pctype);
- return c;
- }
- }
- pctype = 'd';
- return r;
-static double testfcns (const char *op, double r, double n) {
-int k;
-double n2;
- if (op [1] == '1') return sin (r);
- else if (op [1] == '2') return cos (r);
- else if (op [1] == '3') return tan (r);
- else if (op [1] == '4') return atan (r);
- else if (op [1] == '5') return atan2 (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == '6') return asin (r);
- else if (op [1] == '7') return acos (r);
- else if (op [1] == '8') return log10 (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'A') return fabs (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'B')
- { n2 = n;
- return modf (r, &n2);
- }
- else if (op [1] == 'C')
- {
- if (r < n) return -1;
- else if (r == n) return 0;
- else if (r > n) return 1;
- else return 2;
- }
- else if (op [1] == 'D') return fdim (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == 'E')
- { k = (int) n;
- return frexp (r, &k);
- }
- else if (op [1] == 'F') return (n2 = ((k = __isfinited (r)) == 0) ? 0.0 : k);
- else if (op [1] == 'G') return erf (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'H') return hypot (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == 'I') return rint (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'J') return trunc (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'K') return round (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'L') return logb (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'M') return fmod (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == 'N') return nextafterd (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == 'O') return log2 (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'P') return log (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'Q') return log1p (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'R') return exp2 (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'S') return scalb (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == 'T') return exp (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'U') return expm1 (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'V') return sqrt (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'W') return erfc (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'X') return pow (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == 'Y') return compound (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == 'Z') return annuity (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == 'a')
- return ceil (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'b')
- { n2 = n;
- modf (r, &n2);
- return n2;
- }
- else if (op [1] == 'c') { n2 = __fpclassifyd (r);
- if (n2 == FP_SNAN) return 0;
- else if (n2 == FP_QNAN) return 0;
- else if (n2 == FP_INFINITE) return 1;
- else if (n2 == FP_ZERO) return 4;
- else if (n2 == FP_NORMAL) return 2;
- else if (n2 == FP_SUBNORMAL) return 3;
- else return 99;
- }
- else if (op [1] == 'd') return bin2dec2bin (r, n, op);
- else if (op [1] == 'e')
- { k = (int) n;
- frexp (r, &k);
- return (n2 = (k == 0) ? 0.0 : k);
- }
- else if (op [1] == 'f') return floor (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'g') return tgamma (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'h') return lgamma (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'i') return nearbyint (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'k') return (n2 = ((k = roundtol (r)) == 0) ? 0.0 : k);
- else if (op [1] == 'm') return (n2 = ((k = __signbitd (r)) == 0) ? 0.0 : k);
- else if (op [1] == 'n') return (n2 = ((k = __isnand (r)) == 0) ? 0.0 : k);
- else if (op [1] == 'o') return (n2 = ((k = __isnormald (r)) == 0) ? 0.0 : k);
- else if (op [1] == 'q') {
- remquo (r, n, &k);
- return (n2 = (k == 0) ? 0.0 : k);
- }
- else if (op [1] == 'r') return remquo (r, n, &k);
- else if (op [1] == '%') return remainder (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == 's') return ldexp (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == 'u') return acosh (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'v') return asinh (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'w') return atanh (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'x') return cosh (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'y') return sinh (r);
- else if (op [1] == 'z') return tanh (r);
- else if (op [1] == '+') return r + n;
- else if (op [1] == '-') return r - n;
- else if (op [1] == '*') return r*n;
- else if (op [1] == '/') return r/n;
- else if (op [1] == '~') return -r;
- else if (op [1] == '@') return copysign (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == '<') return fmin (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == '>') return fmax (r, n);
- else if (op [1] == '&') return (n2 = ((k = rinttol (r)) == 0) ? 0.0 : k);
- else {
-#ifdef noprint
-#else /* noprint */
- fprintf ( OutFile,"ERROR unknown case, abort numtestsTotal = %d '%c'\n", numtestsTotal, (int) &op [1]);
- fprintf ( OutFile,"'%s'\n", LinBuff);
-#endif /* noprint */
- exit (NOOP);
- }
- return 0;
-extern short int HiTol, LoTol, RSign; // These are located in buildnum.c
-int Tolerance = 1; // indicates Tolerances acceptable
-static void testfcn (const char *op, double r, double n,
- const char *flags, double rslt, const char *LinBuf) {
-int HT, LT;
-double x, x2 = 0.0, y, rhold, nhold;
-int icmp, ncmp, acmp, ecmp = 0, rcmp = 0, ulps = 0;
-char flags2 [8], flags3 [8];
-char *cp = flags2;
-int i = 0, excepts;
- rhold = r;
- nhold = n;
- if (isnan(rslt)) rslt = NAN; // Use generic NaN
- numtests++;
- flags2 [0] = '\0'; // Null out string
- feclearexcept (FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
- if (rnds != 0) {
- if ((rnds & 1) != 0) (void)fesetround (FE_DOWNWARD);
- else if ((rnds & 2) != 0) (void)fesetround (FE_TONEAREST);
- else if ((rnds & 4) != 0) (void)fesetround (FE_UPWARD);
- else if ((rnds & 8) != 0) (void)fesetround (FE_TOWARDZERO);
- }
- x = testfcns (op, r, n);
- if (isnan(x)) x = NAN; // Use generic NaN
-#if defined (__i386__)
- if (isnan(x) && strstr(flags, "i")) feclearexcept(FE_INEXACT);
- if (!isnan(x) && x != 0.0 && fabs(x) < DBL_MIN && strstr(flags, "u")) feraiseexcept(FE_UNDERFLOW);
- if (!isnan(x) && x != 0.0 && fabs(x) < DBL_MIN && strstr(flags, "x")) feraiseexcept(FE_INEXACT);
- if (!isnan(x) && fabs(x) > DBL_MAX && strstr(flags, "o")) feraiseexcept(FE_OVERFLOW);
- if (!isnan(x) && fabs(x) > DBL_MAX && strstr(flags, "x")) feraiseexcept(FE_INEXACT);
- if (rnds != 0) fesetround (FE_TONEAREST);
- excepts = fetestexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
- if (excepts & (FE_INVALID)) cp = strcat (flags2, "i");
- if (excepts & (FE_OVERFLOW)) cp = strcat (flags2, "o");
- if (excepts & (FE_UNDERFLOW)) cp = strcat (flags2, "u");
- if (excepts & (FE_INEXACT)) cp = strcat (flags2, "x");
- if (excepts & (FE_DIVBYZERO)) cp = strcat (flags2, "z");
- if (strlen (flags2) == 0) cp = strcat (flags2, "OK");
- acmp = !samebits(r, rhold) || !samebits(n, nhold);
- y = x;
- if ((pctype == 'i') || (pctype == 'l') || (pctype == 's')) { // code for bin2dec2bin
- if (pctype == 'i') rslt = Str90toint (s1, op);
- else if (pctype == 'l') rslt = Str90tolng (s1, op);
- else if (pctype == 's') rslt = Str90toflt (s1, op);
-// pctype = 'd';
- }
- while ((y == y) && (rslt == rslt) && (!samebits(y, rslt)) && (abs(ulps) < 99)) {
- if (y > rslt) ulps++;
- else ulps--;
- y = nextafterd (y, rslt);
- }
- if (!strcmp (flags, "xo")) flags = "ox";
- if (!strcmp (flags, "xu")) flags = "ux";
- if ((icmp = (NOFLAGTESTS) ? 0: strcmp (flags, flags2))) flagerrors++;
- if (Tolerance) {
- HT = (RSign != 0) ? LoTol : HiTol;
- LT = (RSign != 0) ? -HiTol : -LoTol;
- }
- else {
- HT = 0;
- LT = 0;
- }
- ncmp = (ulps < LT) || (ulps > HT);
- if ((/*ncmp =*/ (!samebits(x, rslt) && ((ulps == 0) || ncmp)))) numerrors++;
- if (!(ncmp || icmp || NOFLAGTESTS || (rnds == 0))) {
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (/* XXX (rnds == 0) || XXX */
- (((rnds & 1) != 0) && (i == 0))
- || (((rnds & 2) != 0) && (i == 1))
- || (((rnds & 4) != 0) && (i == 2))
- || (((rnds & 8) != 0) && (i == 3)))
- {
- if (i == 0) (void)fesetround (FE_DOWNWARD);
- else if (i == 1) (void)fesetround (FE_TONEAREST);
- else if (i == 2) (void)fesetround (FE_UPWARD);
- else if (i == 3) (void)fesetround (FE_TOWARDZERO);
- flags3 [0] = '\0'; // Null out string
- feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
- feraiseexcept (FE_OVERFLOW);
- feraiseexcept (FE_INEXACT);
- feraiseexcept (FE_DIVBYZERO);
- feraiseexcept (FE_UNDERFLOW);
- x2 = testfcns (op, r, n);
- if (isnan(x2)) x2 = NAN; // Use generic NaN
- if (fetestexcept(FE_INVALID)) cp = strcat (flags3, "i");
- if (fetestexcept(FE_OVERFLOW)) cp = strcat (flags3, "o");
- if (fetestexcept(FE_UNDERFLOW)) cp = strcat (flags3, "u");
- if (fetestexcept(FE_INEXACT)) cp = strcat (flags3, "x");
- if (fetestexcept(FE_DIVBYZERO)) cp = strcat (flags3, "z");
- rcmp = !samebits(x, x2);
- if ((ecmp = strcmp ("iouxz", flags3))) {
- enverrors++;
- if (!rcmp) break;
- }
- if (rcmp) {
- rnderrors++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- (void)fesetround (FE_TONEAREST);
- }
-#ifndef notdef
- // ncmp |= (op[0] == '=') && !samebits(x, rslt); //silver == gold but x != silver (rslt is silver in OTVecServer)
- if (ncmp || icmp || acmp || ecmp || rcmp) {
- errorcount++;
-#ifdef noprint
-#else /* noprint */
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%s", LinBuf);
- if (op [1] == '1') fprintf ( OutFile,"sin ");
- else if (op [1] == '2') fprintf ( OutFile,"cos ");
- else if (op [1] == '3') fprintf ( OutFile,"tan ");
- else if (op [1] == '4') fprintf ( OutFile,"atan ");
- else if (op [1] == '5') fprintf ( OutFile,"atan2 ");
- else if (op [1] == '6') fprintf ( OutFile,"asin ");
- else if (op [1] == '7') fprintf ( OutFile,"acos ");
- else if (op [1] == '8') fprintf ( OutFile,"log10 ");
- else if (op [1] == 'A') fprintf ( OutFile,"fabs ");
- else if (op [1] == 'B') fprintf ( OutFile,"modf ");
- else if (op [1] == 'C') fprintf ( OutFile,"compare ");
- else if (op [1] == 'D') fprintf ( OutFile,"fdim ");
- else if (op [1] == 'e') fprintf ( OutFile,"frexp ");
- else if (op [1] == 'E') fprintf ( OutFile,"frexp ");
- else if (op [1] == 'F') fprintf ( OutFile,"isfinite ");
- else if (op [1] == 'G') fprintf ( OutFile,"erf ");
- else if (op [1] == 'H') fprintf ( OutFile,"hypot ");
- else if (op [1] == 'I') fprintf ( OutFile,"rint ");
- else if (op [1] == 'J') fprintf ( OutFile,"trunc ");
- else if (op [1] == 'K') fprintf ( OutFile,"round ");
- else if (op [1] == 'L') fprintf ( OutFile,"logb ");
- else if (op [1] == 'M') fprintf ( OutFile,"fmod ");
- else if (op [1] == 'N') fprintf ( OutFile,"nextafterd ");
- else if (op [1] == 'O') fprintf ( OutFile,"log2 ");
- else if (op [1] == 'P') fprintf ( OutFile,"log ");
- else if (op [1] == 'Q') fprintf ( OutFile,"log1p ");
- else if (op [1] == 'R') fprintf ( OutFile,"exp2 ");
- else if (op [1] == 'S') fprintf ( OutFile,"scalb ");
- else if (op [1] == 'T') fprintf ( OutFile,"exp ");
- else if (op [1] == 'U') fprintf ( OutFile,"expm1 ");
- else if (op [1] == 'V') fprintf ( OutFile,"sqrt ");
- else if (op [1] == 'W') fprintf ( OutFile,"erfc ");
- else if (op [1] == 'X') fprintf ( OutFile,"pow ");
- else if (op [1] == 'Y') fprintf ( OutFile,"compound ");
- else if (op [1] == 'Z') fprintf ( OutFile,"annuity ");
- else if (op [1] == 'a') fprintf ( OutFile,"ceil ");
- else if (op [1] == 'b') fprintf ( OutFile,"modf ");
- else if (op [1] == 'c') fprintf ( OutFile,"fpclassify ");
- else if (op [1] == 'd') fprintf ( OutFile,"bin2dec2bin ");
- else if (op [1] == 'f') fprintf ( OutFile,"floor ");
- else if (op [1] == 'g') fprintf ( OutFile,"tgamma ");
- else if (op [1] == 'h') fprintf ( OutFile,"lgamma ");
- else if (op [1] == 'i') fprintf ( OutFile,"nearbyint ");
- else if (op [1] == 'k') fprintf ( OutFile,"roundtol ");
- else if (op [1] == 'm') fprintf ( OutFile,"signbit ");
- else if (op [1] == 'n') fprintf ( OutFile,"isnan ");
- else if (op [1] == 'o') fprintf ( OutFile,"isnormal ");
- else if (op [1] == 'q') fprintf ( OutFile,"remquo ");
- else if (op [1] == 'r') fprintf ( OutFile,"remquo ");
- else if (op [1] == '%') fprintf ( OutFile,"remainder ");
- else if (op [1] == 's') fprintf ( OutFile,"ldexp ");
- else if (op [1] == 't') fprintf ( OutFile,"transfer ");
- else if (op [1] == 'u') fprintf ( OutFile,"acosh ");
- else if (op [1] == 'v') fprintf ( OutFile,"asinh ");
- else if (op [1] == 'w') fprintf ( OutFile,"atanh ");
- else if (op [1] == 'x') fprintf ( OutFile,"cosh ");
- else if (op [1] == 'y') fprintf ( OutFile,"sinh ");
- else if (op [1] == 'z') fprintf ( OutFile,"tanh ");
- else if (op [1] == '+') fprintf ( OutFile,"Add ");
- else if (op [1] == '-') fprintf ( OutFile,"Sub ");
- else if (op [1] == '*') fprintf ( OutFile,"Mult ");
- else if (op [1] == '/') fprintf ( OutFile,"Div ");
- else if (op [1] == '~') fprintf ( OutFile,"neg ");
- else if (op [1] == '@') fprintf ( OutFile,"copysign ");
- else if (op [1] == '>') fprintf ( OutFile,"fmax ");
- else if (op [1] == '<') fprintf ( OutFile,"fmin ");
- else if (op [1] == '&') fprintf ( OutFile,"rinttol ");
- else fprintf ( OutFile,"??? ");
- fprintf ( OutFile," r = ");
- printdbl (r);
- if ((r == 0.0) && __signbitd(r)) // to force -0.0
- fprintf(OutFile, "-");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%7.2e", r);
- fprintf ( OutFile," n = ");
- printdbl (n);
-// fprintf ( OutFile,"%7.2e %4d %2d %2d %2d %2d %2d\n",
-// n, numtests, errorcount, numerrors, flagerrors, enverrors, rnderrors);
- if ((n == 0.0) && __signbitd(n)) // to force -0.0
- fprintf(OutFile, "-");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%7.2e\n", n);
- fprintf ( OutFile,"expected ");
- printdbl (rslt);
- if ((rslt == 0.0) && __signbitd(rslt)) // to force -0.0
- fprintf(OutFile, "-");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%7.2e %s\n", rslt, flags);
- fprintf ( OutFile,"computed ");
- printdbl (x);
- if ((x == 0.0) && __signbitd(x)) // to force -0.0
- fprintf(OutFile, "-");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%7.2e %s", x, flags2);
- if (ncmp) fprintf ( OutFile," NUM ERROR %d,", ulps);
- if (icmp) fprintf ( OutFile," FLAG ERROR");
- if (ecmp) fprintf ( OutFile," ENVRM ERROR");
- if (rcmp) fprintf ( OutFile," ROUND ERROR");
- if (acmp) {
- fprintf ( OutFile," Argument corrupted ERROR");
- exit (5);
- }
- if (ecmp) {
- fprintf ( OutFile,"\n environment corrupted ERROR\n");
- fprintf ( OutFile," expected iouxz\n");
- fprintf ( OutFile," computed %s", flags3);
- }
- if (rcmp) {
- fprintf ( OutFile,"\ncomputed ");
- printdbl (x2);
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%7.2e%3d rounding problem! ", x2, i);
- switch (i) {
- case 0 : fprintf ( OutFile," FE_DOWNWARD\n"); break;
- case 1 : fprintf ( OutFile," FE_TONEAREST\n"); break;
- case 2 : fprintf ( OutFile," FE_UPWARD\n"); break;
- case 3 : fprintf ( OutFile," FE_TOWARDZERO\n"); break;
- }
- }
- fprintf ( OutFile,"\n\n");
-#endif /* noprint */
- }
- fprintf ( OutFile,"// %s", LinBuf);
- fprintf ( OutFile," \"");
- if (op [1] == '1') fprintf ( OutFile,"sin ");
- else if (op [1] == '2') fprintf ( OutFile,"cos ");
- else if (op [1] == '3') fprintf ( OutFile,"tan ");
- else if (op [1] == '4') fprintf ( OutFile,"atan ");
- else if (op [1] == '5') fprintf ( OutFile,"atan2 ");
- else if (op [1] == '6') fprintf ( OutFile,"asin ");
- else if (op [1] == '7') fprintf ( OutFile,"acos ");
- else if (op [1] == '8') fprintf ( OutFile,"log10 ");
- else if (op [1] == 'A') fprintf ( OutFile,"fabs ");
- else if (op [1] == 'B') fprintf ( OutFile,"modf ");
- else if (op [1] == 'C') fprintf ( OutFile,"compare ");
- else if (op [1] == 'D') fprintf ( OutFile,"fdim ");
- else if (op [1] == 'e') fprintf ( OutFile,"frexp ");
- else if (op [1] == 'E') fprintf ( OutFile,"frexp ");
- else if (op [1] == 'F') fprintf ( OutFile,"isfinite ");
- else if (op [1] == 'G') fprintf ( OutFile,"erf ");
- else if (op [1] == 'H') fprintf ( OutFile,"hypot ");
- else if (op [1] == 'I') fprintf ( OutFile,"rint ");
- else if (op [1] == 'J') fprintf ( OutFile,"trunc ");
- else if (op [1] == 'K') fprintf ( OutFile,"round ");
- else if (op [1] == 'L') fprintf ( OutFile,"logb ");
- else if (op [1] == 'M') fprintf ( OutFile,"fmod ");
- else if (op [1] == 'N') fprintf ( OutFile,"nextafterd ");
- else if (op [1] == 'O') fprintf ( OutFile,"log2 ");
- else if (op [1] == 'P') fprintf ( OutFile,"log ");
- else if (op [1] == 'Q') fprintf ( OutFile,"log1p ");
- else if (op [1] == 'R') fprintf ( OutFile,"exp2 ");
- else if (op [1] == 'S') fprintf ( OutFile,"scalb ");
- else if (op [1] == 'T') fprintf ( OutFile,"exp ");
- else if (op [1] == 'U') fprintf ( OutFile,"expm1 ");
- else if (op [1] == 'V') fprintf ( OutFile,"sqrt ");
- else if (op [1] == 'W') fprintf ( OutFile,"erfc ");
- else if (op [1] == 'X') fprintf ( OutFile,"pow ");
- else if (op [1] == 'Y') fprintf ( OutFile,"compound ");
- else if (op [1] == 'Z') fprintf ( OutFile,"annuity ");
- else if (op [1] == 'a') fprintf ( OutFile,"ceil ");
- else if (op [1] == 'b') fprintf ( OutFile,"modf ");
- else if (op [1] == 'c') fprintf ( OutFile,"fpclassify ");
- else if (op [1] == 'd') fprintf ( OutFile,"bin2dec2bin ");
- else if (op [1] == 'f') fprintf ( OutFile,"floor ");
- else if (op [1] == 'g') fprintf ( OutFile,"tgamma ");
- else if (op [1] == 'h') fprintf ( OutFile,"lgamma ");
- else if (op [1] == 'i') fprintf ( OutFile,"nearbyint ");
- else if (op [1] == 'k') fprintf ( OutFile,"roundtol ");
- else if (op [1] == 'm') fprintf ( OutFile,"signbit ");
- else if (op [1] == 'n') fprintf ( OutFile,"isnan ");
- else if (op [1] == 'o') fprintf ( OutFile,"isnormal ");
- else if (op [1] == 'q') fprintf ( OutFile,"remquo ");
- else if (op [1] == 'r') fprintf ( OutFile,"remquo ");
- else if (op [1] == '%') fprintf ( OutFile,"remainder ");
- else if (op [1] == 's') fprintf ( OutFile,"ldexp ");
- else if (op [1] == 't') fprintf ( OutFile,"transfer ");
- else if (op [1] == 'u') fprintf ( OutFile,"acosh ");
- else if (op [1] == 'v') fprintf ( OutFile,"asinh ");
- else if (op [1] == 'w') fprintf ( OutFile,"atanh ");
- else if (op [1] == 'x') fprintf ( OutFile,"cosh ");
- else if (op [1] == 'y') fprintf ( OutFile,"sinh ");
- else if (op [1] == 'z') fprintf ( OutFile,"tanh ");
- else if (op [1] == '+') fprintf ( OutFile,"+");
- else if (op [1] == '-') fprintf ( OutFile,"-");
- else if (op [1] == '*') fprintf ( OutFile,"*");
- else if (op [1] == '/') fprintf ( OutFile,"/");
- else if (op [1] == '~') fprintf ( OutFile,"neg ");
- else if (op [1] == '@') fprintf ( OutFile,"copysign ");
- else if (op [1] == '>') fprintf ( OutFile,"fmax ");
- else if (op [1] == '<') fprintf ( OutFile,"fmin ");
- else if (op [1] == '&') fprintf ( OutFile,"rinttol ");
- else fprintf ( OutFile,"??? ");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"\", 0x");
- printdblsgl (r);
- fprintf ( OutFile,", 0x");
- printdblsgl (n);
- fprintf ( OutFile,", 0x");
- printdblsgl (rslt);
- fprintf ( OutFile,",\n");
- }
-int main() {
-FILE *ListFile;
-FILE *InFile;
-int i, len;
-double r, n, rslt;
-union {
- double d;
- unsigned long i[2];
-} a1, a2, a3;
-char op [8], flags [8];
-char TmpBuf[256] = "../noship.subproj/TLIST.TEXT", LinBuf[256];
-char *ptrc;
-int errorcountTotal = 0;
-int flagerrorsTotal = 0;
-int numerrorsTotal = 0;
-int enverrorsTotal = 0;
-int rnderrorsTotal = 0;
-time_t tod;
- OutFile = fopen ( "../noship.subproj/ieeetestresults", "w" );
- tod = time( NULL );
- fprintf ( OutFile, "%s\n", ctime(&tod) );
- // Open TLIST.TEXT file
- if ((ListFile = fopen ((char *) TmpBuf, "r")) == NULL) {
- fprintf ( OutFile,"\n%s%s\n", "There is no input file called: ", TmpBuf);
- exit (NOTEST);
- }
- do {
- ptrc = fgets ((char *) TmpBuf, 256, ListFile);
- if (ptrc == NULL)
- break;
- // Remove trailing '\n' (LF) and replace with zero
- len = strlen ((char *) TmpBuf);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (TmpBuf [i] == '\n') {
- TmpBuf [i] = '\0';
- break;
- }
- }
- if (TmpBuf[0] != '\0') {
- fprintf ( OutFile,"\n%s%s\n", "Input file: ", TmpBuf);
- fflush( OutFile );
- }
- if (TmpBuf[0] == 'U') {
- int fd;
- int length;
- static struct sockaddr_in name;
- struct hostent *pH;
- double dnumtests = 0.0;
- LinBuf[0] = '\0';
- LinBuff[0] = '\0';
- for(;;) {
- char *p = (char *)v;
- int remain = sizeof(v);
- fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (fd < 0) {
- perror("socket() failed.");
- close( fd );
- break;
- }
- name.sin_family = AF_INET;
- name.sin_port = htons(12345);
- pH = gethostbyname( &TmpBuf[1] );
- if (pH)
- bcopy(pH->h_addr_list[0], &name.sin_addr, pH->h_length);
- else {
- perror("gethostbyname() failed.");
- close( fd );
- break;
- }
- length = connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&name, sizeof(name));
- if (length < 0) {
- perror("connect() failed.");
- close( fd );
- break;
- }
- write(fd, &v, 128);
- while (remain > 0) {
- length = read(fd, p, remain);
- if (length <= 0) {
- perror("read failed");
- break;
- }
- p += length;
- remain -= length;
- }
- if (v[0].op[0] == 'E') { // EOF marker
- fprintf(stderr,"EOF marker\n");
- fflush(stderr);
- break;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < kMaxVectorCount; ++i) {
- modes[0] = '\0';
- (void) strcat (modes, "=d"); // Hardwire "=d" mode
- rnds = 0;
- if (strchr (modes, '<') != NULL) rnds += 1;
- if (strchr (modes, '=') != NULL) rnds += 2;
- if (strchr (modes, '>') != NULL) rnds += 4;
- if (strchr (modes, '0') != NULL) rnds += 8;
- flags[0] = '\0';
- if (v[i].flags & (FE_INVALID)) (void) strcat (flags, "i");
- if (v[i].flags & (FE_OVERFLOW)) (void) strcat (flags, "o");
- if (v[i].flags & (FE_UNDERFLOW)) (void) strcat (flags, "u");
- if (v[i].flags & (FE_INEXACT)) (void) strcat (flags, "x");
- if (v[i].flags & (FE_DIVBYZERO)) (void) strcat (flags, "z");
- if (strlen(flags) == 0) (void) strcat (flags, "OK");
- LinBuf[0] = v[i].op[0];
- LinBuff[0] = v[i].op[0];
- LinBuf[1] = '\0';
- LinBuff[1] = '\0';
- // Tolerate +-1ulp discrepancies
- Tolerance = 1;
- HiTol = 2;
- LoTol = 2;
- testfcn ((const char *)&(v[i].op), v[i].r.d, v[i].n.d, flags, v[i].result.d, (char const *) LinBuf);
- dnumtests = dnumtests + 1.0;
- Tolerance = 0;
- if (numtests % 1000000 == 0) {
- printf ( "numtests, errorcount, numerrors, flagerrors, enverrors, rnderrors %s\n", TmpBuf);
- printf ( "%12e %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d\n",
- dnumtests, errorcount, numerrors, flagerrors, enverrors, rnderrors);
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- }
- close( fd );
- }
-#ifdef noprint
-#else /* noprint */
- if (NOFLAGTESTS) fprintf ( OutFile,"NOFLAGTESTS\n");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"numtests, errorcount, numerrors, flagerrors, enverrors, rnderrors %s\n", TmpBuf);
- fprintf ( OutFile," %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d\n",
- numtests, errorcount, numerrors, flagerrors, enverrors, rnderrors);
- numtestsTotal += numtests;
- errorcountTotal += errorcount;
- flagerrorsTotal += flagerrors;
- numerrorsTotal += numerrors;
- enverrorsTotal += enverrors;
- rnderrorsTotal += rnderrors;
- numtests = 0;
- errorcount = 0;
- flagerrors = 0;
- numerrors = 0;
- enverrors = 0;
- rnderrors = 0;
-#endif /* noprint */
- continue;
- }
- if (TmpBuf[0] != '!') {
- // Open next test file in list
- if ((InFile = fopen ((const char *) TmpBuf, "r")) == NULL) {
- if (TmpBuf[0] != '\0')
- fprintf ( OutFile,"\n%s%s%s\n", "There is no input *list* file called: |", TmpBuf, "|");
- continue;
- }
- do {
- // Read one line from test file
- ptrc = fgets ((char *) LinBuf, 256, InFile);
- strcpy ((char *) LinBuff, (char *) LinBuf);
- if (ptrc == NULL) break;
- if ((LinBuf [0] == '2') || (LinBuf [0] == '3') || (LinBuf [0] == '5')) {
- if (sscanf ( (char *) LinBuf, "%s %s %s %s %s %s\r",
- (char *) &op, (char *) &modes, (char *) &s1, (char *) &s2, (char *) &flags, (char *) &s3) < 6)
- abort ();
- if (strchr (modes, 's') != NULL && strchr (modes, 'e') == NULL && strchr (modes, 'd') == NULL)
- {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf ( OutFile,"Pure 's' test vector encountered >>>%s", (char const *) LinBuf);
- continue;
- }
- rnds = 0;
- if (strchr (modes, '<') != NULL) rnds += 1;
- if (strchr (modes, '=') != NULL) rnds += 2;
- if (strchr (modes, '>') != NULL) rnds += 4;
- if (strchr (modes, '0') != NULL) rnds += 8;
-#ifndef notdef
- r = Str90todbl (s1, op);
- n = (LinBuf [1] == 't') ? Str90toflt (s1, op): Str90todbl (s2, op);
- if (LinBuf [1] != 'C') rslt = Str90todbl (s3, op);
- else {
- if (!strcmp((char const *) s3, (char const *) "<")) rslt = -1;
- else if (!strcmp((char const *) s3, (char const *) "=")) rslt = 0;
- else if (!strcmp((char const *) s3, ">")) rslt = 1;
- else if (!strcmp((char const *) s3, "?")) rslt = 2;
- else rslt = 99;
- }
- r = Str90toflt (s1, op);
- n = Str90toflt (s2, op);
- rslt = Str90toflt (s3, op);
- testfcn (op, r, n, flags, rslt, (char const *) LinBuf);
- }
- else if (LinBuf [0] == '4') {
-#if defined (__ppc__)
- if (sscanf ( (char const *) LinBuf, "%s %s %x %x %x %x %s %x %x\r",
- (char *) &op, (char *) &modes, (int *) &a1.i [0],
- (int *) &a1.i [1], (int *) &a2.i [0], (int *) &a2.i [1], (char *) &flags,
- (int *) &a3.i [0], (int *) &a3.i [1]) < 9)
- abort ();
-#elif defined (__i386__)
- if (sscanf ( (char const *) LinBuf, "%s %s %x %x %x %x %s %x %x\r",
- (char *) &op, (char *) &modes, (int *) &a1.i [1],
- (int *) &a1.i [0], (int *) &a2.i [1], (int *) &a2.i [0], (char *) &flags,
- (int *) &a3.i [1], (int *) &a3.i [0]) < 9)
- abort ();
-#error Unknown architecture
- if (strchr (modes, 's') != NULL && strchr (modes, 'e') == NULL && strchr (modes, 'd') == NULL)
- {
- fprintf ( OutFile,"Pure 's' test vector encountered >>>%s", (char const *) LinBuf);
- continue;
- }
- rnds = 0;
- if (strchr (modes, '<') != NULL) rnds += 1;
- if (strchr (modes, '=') != NULL) rnds += 2;
- if (strchr (modes, '>') != NULL) rnds += 4;
- if (strchr (modes, '0') != NULL) rnds += 8;
- r = a1.d;
- n = a2.d;
- rslt = a3.d;
-#ifndef notdef
- testfcn (op, r, n, flags, rslt, (char const *) LinBuf);
- }
- else if ((LinBuf [0] == '!') || (LinBuf [0] == ' ') ||
- (LinBuf [0] == '\x09') || (LinBuf [0] == '\r') ||
- (LinBuf [0] == '\n')) i = 1;
- else if (LinBuf [0] == 'E') break; // EOF on UDP
- else {
- fprintf ( OutFile,"Unknown test vector encountered >>>%s<<<\n", (char const *) LinBuf);
- for (i = 0; i < strlen ((char const *) LinBuf); i++) fprintf ( OutFile,"%3d\n", LinBuf [i]);
- exit (NOOP);
- }
- } while ( !feof (InFile)); // end of data file
- fclose (InFile);
-#ifdef noprint
-#else /* noprint */
- if (NOFLAGTESTS) fprintf ( OutFile,"NOFLAGTESTS\n");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"numtests, errorcount, numerrors, flagerrors, enverrors, rnderrors %s\n", TmpBuf);
- fprintf ( OutFile," %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d\n",
- numtests, errorcount, numerrors, flagerrors, enverrors, rnderrors);
- numtestsTotal += numtests;
- errorcountTotal += errorcount;
- flagerrorsTotal += flagerrors;
- numerrorsTotal += numerrors;
- enverrorsTotal += enverrors;
- rnderrorsTotal += rnderrors;
- numtests = 0;
- errorcount = 0;
- flagerrors = 0;
- numerrors = 0;
- enverrors = 0;
- rnderrors = 0;
-#endif /* noprint */
- }
- } while ( !feof (ListFile)); // end of data file listing file
- fprintf ( OutFile,"\n\nnumtests, errorcount, NUMerrors, FLAGerrors, ENVRMerrs, ROUNDerrs\n");
- fprintf ( OutFile,"%6d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d\n",
- numtestsTotal, errorcountTotal, numerrorsTotal, flagerrorsTotal, enverrorsTotal, rnderrorsTotal);
- tod = time( NULL );
- fprintf ( OutFile, "%s\n", ctime(&tod) );
-fclose ( OutFile );
-return 0;