123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408 |
- #ifndef _I386_ASM_H_
- #define _I386_ASM_H_
- #ifdef _KERNEL
- #include <gprof.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef MACH_KERNEL
- #include <mach_kdb.h>
- #else
- #define MACH_KDB 0
- #endif
- #if defined(MACH_KERNEL) || defined(_KERNEL)
- #include <gprof.h>
- #endif
- #if defined(__i386__)
- #define S_PC (%esp)
- #define S_ARG0 4(%esp)
- #define S_ARG1 8(%esp)
- #define S_ARG2 12(%esp)
- #define S_ARG3 16(%esp)
- #define S_ARG4 20(%esp)
- #define FRAME pushl %ebp; movl %esp, %ebp
- #define EMARF leave
- #define B_LINK (%ebp)
- #define B_PC 4(%ebp)
- #define B_ARG0 8(%ebp)
- #define B_ARG1 12(%ebp)
- #define B_ARG2 16(%ebp)
- #define B_ARG3 20(%ebp)
- #elif defined(__x86_64__)
- #define S_PC (%rsp)
- #define FRAME pushq %rbp; movq %rsp, %rbp
- #define EMARF leave
- #define B_LINK (%rbp)
- #define B_PC 8(%rbp)
- #else
- #error unsupported architecture
- #endif
- #ifdef ASSEMBLER
- #define ALIGN 4,0x90
- #endif
- #ifndef FALIGN
- #define FALIGN ALIGN
- #endif
- #define LB(x,n) n
- #if __STDC__
- #ifndef __NO_UNDERSCORES__
- #define LCL(x) L ## x
- #define EXT(x) _ ## x
- #define LEXT(x) _ ## x ## :
- #else
- #define LCL(x) .L ## x
- #define EXT(x) x
- #define LEXT(x) x ## :
- #endif
- #define LBc(x,n) n ## :
- #define LBb(x,n) n ## b
- #define LBf(x,n) n ## f
- #else
- #ifndef __NO_UNDERSCORES__
- #define LCL(x) Lx
- #define EXT(x) _x
- #define LEXT(x) _x:
- #else
- #define LCL(x) .Lx
- #define EXT(x) x
- #define LEXT(x) x:
- #endif
- #define LBc(x,n) n:
- #define LBb(x,n) nb
- #define LBf(x,n) nf
- #endif
- #define SVC .byte 0x9a; .long 0; .word 0x7
- #define RPC_SVC .byte 0x9a; .long 0; .word 0xf
- #define String .asciz
- #define Value .word
- #define Times(a,b) (a*b)
- #define Divide(a,b) (a/b)
- #define INB inb %dx, %al
- #define OUTB outb %al, %dx
- #define INL inl %dx, %eax
- #define OUTL outl %eax, %dx
- #define data16 .byte 0x66
- #define addr16 .byte 0x67
- #if !GPROF
- #define MCOUNT
- #elif defined(__SHARED__)
- #define MCOUNT ; .data;\
- .align ALIGN
- LBc(x, 8) .long 0
- .text
- Gpush
- Gload
- leal Gotoff(LBb(x,8)),%edx
- Egaddr(%eax,_mcount_ptr)
- Gpop
- call *(%eax)
- #else
- #define MCOUNT ; call mcount;
- #endif
- #ifdef __ELF__
- #define ELF_FUNC(x) .type x,@function
- #define ELF_DATA(x) .type x,@object
- #define ELF_SIZE(x,s) .size x,s
- #else
- #define ELF_FUNC(x)
- #define ELF_DATA(x)
- #define ELF_SIZE(x,s)
- #endif
- #define Entry(x) .globl EXT(x); ELF_FUNC(EXT(x)); .align FALIGN; LEXT(x)
- #define ENTRY(x) Entry(x) MCOUNT
- #define ENTRY2(x,y) .globl EXT(x); .globl EXT(y); \
- .align FALIGN
- #if __STDC__
- #define ASENTRY(x) .globl x; .align FALIGN; x ## : ELF_FUNC(x) MCOUNT
- #else
- #define ASENTRY(x) .globl x; .align FALIGN; x: ELF_FUNC(x) MCOUNT
- #endif
- #define DATA(x) .globl EXT(x); ELF_DATA(EXT(x)); .align ALIGN; LEXT(x)
- #define End(x) ELF_SIZE(x,.-x)
- #define END(x) End(EXT(x))
- #define ENDDATA(x) END(x)
- #define Enddata(x) End(x)
- #ifndef __SHARED__
- #define Gpush
- #define Gpop
- #define Gload
- #define Gcall(func) call func
- #define Gotoff(lab) lab
- #define Gotoff2(l,r) l(r)
- #define Gotoff3(l,r,s) l(,r,s)
- #define Gaddr(to,lab) movl $lab,to
- #define Gcmp(lab,reg) cmpl $lab,reg
- #define Gmemload(lab,reg) movl lab,reg
- #define Gmemstore(reg,lab,tmp) movl reg,lab
- #define Gstack 0
- #else
- #ifdef __ELF__
- #define Gpush pushl %ebx
- #define Gpop popl %ebx
- #define Gload call 9f; 9: popl %ebx; addl $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+[.-9b],%ebx
- #define Gcall(func) call EXT(func)@PLT
- #define Gotoff(lab) lab@GOTOFF(%ebx)
- #define Gotoff2(l,r) l@GOTOFF(%ebx,r)
- #define Gotoff3(l,r,s) l@GOTOFF(%ebx,r,s)
- #define Gaddr(to,lab) movl lab@GOT(%ebx),to
- #define Gcmp(lab,reg) cmpl reg,lab@GOT(%ebx)
- #define Gmemload(lab,reg) movl lab@GOT(%ebx),reg; movl (reg),reg
- #define Gmemstore(reg,lab,tmp) movl lab@GOT(%ebx),tmp; movl reg,(tmp)
- #define Gstack 4
- #else
- #define Gpush
- #define Gpop
- #define Gload
- #define Gcall(func) call *9f; .data; .align ALIGN; 9: .long func; .text
- #define Gotoff(lab) lab
- #define Gotoff2(l,r) l(r)
- #define Gotoff3(l,r,s) l(,r,s)
- #define Gaddr(to,lab) movl 9f,to; .data; .align ALIGN; 9: .long lab; .text
- #define Gcmp(lab,reg) cmpl reg,9f; .data; .align ALIGN; 9: .long lab; .text
- #define Gmemload(lab,reg) movl 9f,reg; movl (reg),reg; .data; .align ALIGN; 9: .long lab; .text
- #define Gmemstore(reg,lab,tmp) movl 9f,tmp; movl reg,(tmp); .data; .align ALIGN; 9: .long lab; .text
- #define Gstack 0
- #endif
- #endif
- #define Egcall(func) Gcall(EXT(func))
- #define Egaddr(to,lab) Gaddr(to,EXT(lab))
- #define Egcmp(lab,reg) Gcmp(EXT(lab),reg)
- #define Egmemload(lab,reg) Gmemload(EXT(lab),reg)
- #define Egmemstore(reg,lab,tmp) Gmemstore(reg,EXT(lab),tmp)
- #define Lgotoff(lab) Gotoff(LCL(lab))
- #define Lgotoff2(l,r) Gotoff2(LCL(l),r)
- #define Lgotoff3(l,r,s) Gotoff3(LCL(l),r,s)
- #define Lgcmp(lab,reg) Gcmp(LCL(lab),reg)
- #define Lgmemload(lab,reg) movl Lgotoff(lab),reg
- #define Lgmemstore(reg,lab,tmp) movl reg,Lgotoff(lab)
- #ifdef ASSEMBLER
- #if MACH_KDB
- #include <ddb/stab.h>
- #endif
- #else
- #ifndef __NO_UNDERSCORES__
- #define CC_SYM_PREFIX "_"
- #else
- #define CC_SYM_PREFIX ""
- #endif
- #endif
- #if defined(__i386__)
- #define CCALL(fn) \
- movl %esp, %esi
- andl $0xFFFFFFF0, %esp
- call EXT(fn)
- movl %esi, %esp
- #define CCALL1(fn, arg1) \
- movl %esp, %esi
- subl $4, %esp
- andl $0xFFFFFFF0, %esp
- movl arg1, (%esp)
- call EXT(fn)
- movl %esi, %esp
- #define CCALL2(fn, arg1, arg2) \
- movl %esp, %esi
- subl $8, %esp
- andl $0xFFFFFFF0, %esp
- movl arg2, 4(%esp)
- movl arg1, (%esp)
- call EXT(fn)
- movl %esi, %esp
- #define CCALL1WITHSP(fn, arg1) \
- movl %esp, %esi
- subl $12, %esp
- andl $0xFFFFFFF0, %esp
- movl %esi, 8(%esp)
- leal 8(%esp), %esi
- movl %esi, 4(%esp)
- movl arg1, (%esp)
- call EXT(fn)
- movl 8(%esp), %esp
- #define CCALL5(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) \
- movl %esp, %esi
- subl $20, %esp
- andl $0xFFFFFFF0, %esp
- movl a5, 16(%esp)
- movl a4, 12(%esp)
- movl a3, 8(%esp)
- movl a2, 4(%esp)
- movl a1, (%esp)
- call EXT(fn)
- movl %esi, %esp
- #elif defined(__x86_64__)
- #define CCALLWITHSP(fn) \
- mov %rsp, %r12
- sub $8, %rsp
- and $0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0, %rsp
- mov %r12, (%rsp)
- leaq (%rsp), %rsi
- call EXT(fn)
- mov (%rsp), %rsp
- #define CCALL(fn) \
- mov %rsp, %r12
- and $0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0, %rsp
- call EXT(fn)
- mov %r12, %rsp
- #define CCALL1(fn, arg1) \
- mov arg1, %rdi
- CCALL(fn)
- #define CCALL2(fn, arg1, arg2) \
- mov arg1, %rdi
- CCALL(fn)
- #define CCALL3(fn, arg1, arg2, arg3) \
- mov arg1, %rdi
- mov arg2, %rsi
- mov arg3, %rdx
- CCALL(fn)
- #else
- #error unsupported architecture
- #endif
- #endif