@@ -0,0 +1,1112 @@
+use alloc::collections::BTreeMap;
+use alloc::vec::Vec;
+use riscv::register::*;
+use rustsbi::{Pmu, SbiRet};
+use sbi_spec::binary::SharedPtr;
+use sbi_spec::pmu::shmem_size::SIZE;
+use sbi_spec::pmu::*;
+use crate::riscv::csr::*;
+use crate::{riscv::current_hartid, sbi::features::hart_mhpm_mask};
+use super::features::{PrivilegedVersion, hart_privileged_version};
+use super::trap_stack::{hart_context, hart_context_mut};
+/// Maximum number of hardware performance counters supported.
+const PMU_HARDWARE_COUNTER_MAX: usize = 32;
+/// Maximum number of firmware-managed counters supported.
+const PMU_FIRMWARE_COUNTER_MAX: usize = 16;
+/// Marker value for inactive/invalid event indices.
+const PMU_EVENT_IDX_INVALID: usize = usize::MAX;
+/// PMU state tracking hardware and firmware performance counters
+pub struct PmuState {
+ /// Bitmap of active firmware counters (1 bit per counter)
+ fw_counter_state: usize,
+ /// Values for firmware-managed counters
+ fw_counter: [u64; PMU_FIRMWARE_COUNTER_MAX],
+ hw_counters_num: usize,
+ total_counters_num: usize,
+impl PmuState {
+ /// Creates a new PMU state with default configuration.
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ let mhpm_mask = hart_mhpm_mask(current_hartid());
+ let hw_counters_num = mhpm_mask.count_ones() as usize;
+ let total_counters_num = hw_counters_num + PMU_FIRMWARE_COUNTER_MAX;
+ let mut active_event =
+ // Standard mappings for fixed counters
+ active_event[1] = 0x0; // time (memory-mapped)
+ Self {
+ active_event,
+ fw_counter_state: 0,
+ fw_counter: [0; PMU_FIRMWARE_COUNTER_MAX],
+ hw_counters_num,
+ total_counters_num,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of hardware counters available.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ pub fn get_hw_counter_num(&self) -> usize {
+ self.hw_counters_num
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of counters (hardware + firmware).
+ #[inline(always)]
+ pub fn get_total_counters_num(&self) -> usize {
+ self.total_counters_num
+ }
+ /// Gets the event index associated with a counter.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn get_event_idx(&self, counter_idx: usize, firmware_event: bool) -> Option<EventIdx> {
+ if counter_idx >= self.total_counters_num {
+ return None;
+ }
+ if firmware_event && counter_idx < self.hw_counters_num {
+ return None;
+ }
+ Some(EventIdx::new(self.active_event[counter_idx]))
+ }
+ /// Gets the value of a firmware counter.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn get_fw_counter(&self, counter_idx: usize) -> Option<u64> {
+ if counter_idx < self.hw_counters_num || counter_idx >= self.total_counters_num {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let fw_idx = counter_idx - self.hw_counters_num;
+ // Safety: fw_idx is guaranteed to be within bounds (0..FIRMWARE_COUNTER_MAX)
+ unsafe { Some(*self.fw_counter.get_unchecked(fw_idx)) }
+ }
+ /// start a firmware counter with a optional new value.
+ #[inline]
+ fn start_fw_counter(
+ &mut self,
+ counter_idx: usize,
+ initial_value: u64,
+ is_update_value: bool,
+ ) -> Result<(), StartCounterErr> {
+ if counter_idx < self.hw_counters_num || counter_idx >= self.total_counters_num {
+ return Err(StartCounterErr::OffsetInvalid);
+ }
+ let fw_idx = counter_idx - self.hw_counters_num;
+ if self.fw_counter_state & (1 << fw_idx) != 0 {
+ return Err(StartCounterErr::AlreadyStart);
+ }
+ if is_update_value {
+ self.fw_counter[fw_idx] = initial_value;
+ }
+ self.fw_counter_state |= 1 << fw_idx; // Mark as active
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// stop a firmware counter
+ #[inline]
+ fn stop_fw_counter(
+ &mut self,
+ counter_idx: usize,
+ is_reset: bool,
+ ) -> Result<(), StopCounterErr> {
+ if counter_idx < self.hw_counters_num || counter_idx >= self.total_counters_num {
+ return Err(StopCounterErr::OffsetInvalid);
+ }
+ let fw_idx = counter_idx - self.hw_counters_num;
+ if self.fw_counter_state & (1 << fw_idx) == 0 {
+ return Err(StopCounterErr::AlreadyStop);
+ }
+ if is_reset {
+ self.active_event[counter_idx] = PMU_EVENT_IDX_INVALID;
+ }
+ self.fw_counter_state &= !(1 << fw_idx); // Mark as stop
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_firmware_event_start(&self, counter_idx: usize) -> bool {
+ if counter_idx < self.hw_counters_num || counter_idx >= self.total_counters_num {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let fw_idx = counter_idx - self.hw_counters_num;
+ self.fw_counter_state & (1 << fw_idx) != 0
+ }
+pub struct SbiPmu {
+ event_to_mhpmevent: Option<BTreeMap<u32, u64>>,
+ event_to_mhpmcounter: Option<Vec<EventToCounterMap>>,
+ raw_event_to_mhpmcounter: Option<Vec<RawEventToCounterMap>>,
+impl Pmu for SbiPmu {
+ /// Returns the total number of available performance counters
+ ///
+ /// Implements SBI PMU extension function (FID #0)
+ #[inline]
+ fn num_counters(&self) -> usize {
+ hart_context(current_hartid())
+ .pmu_state
+ .get_total_counters_num()
+ }
+ /// DONE:
+ /// Function: Get details of a counter (FID #1)
+ #[inline]
+ fn counter_get_info(&self, counter_idx: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ if counter_idx >= self.num_counters() {
+ return SbiRet::invalid_param();
+ }
+ let pmu_state = &hart_context(current_hartid()).pmu_state;
+ if counter_idx < pmu_state.get_hw_counter_num() {
+ let mask = hart_mhpm_mask(current_hartid());
+ // Find the corresponding hardware counter using bit manipulation
+ // This is more efficient than iterating through all possible offsets
+ let mut remaining_mask = mask;
+ let mut count = 0;
+ while remaining_mask != 0 {
+ if count == counter_idx {
+ // Found the counter - get its CSR offset
+ let offset = remaining_mask.trailing_zeros() as u16;
+ return SbiRet::success(
+ CounterInfo::with_hardware_info(CSR_CYCLE + offset, 63).inner(),
+ );
+ }
+ remaining_mask &= remaining_mask - 1;
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ return SbiRet::invalid_param();
+ }
+ SbiRet::success(CounterInfo::with_firmware_info().inner())
+ }
+ /// Find and configure a matching counter (FID #2)
+ #[inline]
+ fn counter_config_matching(
+ &self,
+ counter_idx_base: usize,
+ counter_idx_mask: usize,
+ config_flags: usize,
+ event_idx: usize,
+ event_data: u64,
+ ) -> SbiRet {
+ let flags = match flags::CounterCfgFlags::from_bits(config_flags) {
+ Some(flags) => flags,
+ None => return SbiRet::invalid_param(), // Reserved bits are set
+ };
+ let event = EventIdx::new(event_idx);
+ let pmu_state = &mut hart_context_mut(current_hartid()).pmu_state;
+ let is_firmware_event = event.is_firmware_event();
+ if counter_idx_base >= pmu_state.total_counters_num
+ || (counter_idx_mask & ((1 << pmu_state.total_counters_num) - 1)) == 0
+ || !event.check_event_type()
+ || (is_firmware_event && !event.firmware_event_valid())
+ {
+ return SbiRet::invalid_param();
+ }
+ let skip_match = flags.contains(flags::CounterCfgFlags::SKIP_MATCH);
+ let counter_idx;
+ if skip_match {
+ // If SKIP_MATCH is set, use the first counter in the mask without searching
+ if let Some(ctr_idx) = CounterMask::new(counter_idx_base, counter_idx_mask).next() {
+ if pmu_state.active_event[ctr_idx] == PMU_EVENT_IDX_INVALID {
+ return SbiRet::invalid_param();
+ }
+ counter_idx = ctr_idx;
+ } else {
+ return SbiRet::invalid_param();
+ }
+ } else {
+ let match_result: Result<usize, SbiRet>;
+ if event.is_firmware_event() {
+ match_result = self.find_firmware_counter(
+ counter_idx_base,
+ counter_idx_mask,
+ event_idx,
+ pmu_state,
+ );
+ } else {
+ match_result = self.find_hardware_counter(
+ counter_idx_base,
+ counter_idx_mask,
+ event_idx,
+ event_data,
+ pmu_state,
+ );
+ }
+ match match_result {
+ Ok(ctr_idx) => {
+ counter_idx = ctr_idx;
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ pmu_state.active_event[counter_idx] = event_idx;
+ }
+ if configure_counter(pmu_state, counter_idx, event, flags) {
+ return SbiRet::success(counter_idx);
+ }
+ return SbiRet::not_supported();
+ }
+ /// Start one or more counters (FID #3)
+ /// Note: The next two functions contain redundant logic and should be refactored.
+ #[inline]
+ fn counter_start(
+ &self,
+ counter_idx_base: usize,
+ counter_idx_mask: usize,
+ start_flags: usize,
+ initial_value: u64,
+ ) -> SbiRet {
+ let flags = match flags::CounterStartFlags::from_bits(start_flags) {
+ Some(flags) => flags,
+ None => return SbiRet::invalid_param(),
+ };
+ let pmu_state = &mut hart_context_mut(current_hartid()).pmu_state;
+ let is_update_value = flags.contains(flags::CounterStartFlags::INIT_VALUE);
+ if counter_idx_base >= pmu_state.total_counters_num
+ || (counter_idx_mask & ((1 << pmu_state.total_counters_num) - 1)) == 0
+ {
+ return SbiRet::invalid_param();
+ }
+ if flags.contains(flags::CounterStartFlags::INIT_SNAPSHOT) {
+ return SbiRet::no_shmem();
+ }
+ for counter_idx in CounterMask::new(counter_idx_base, counter_idx_mask) {
+ if counter_idx >= pmu_state.total_counters_num {
+ return SbiRet::invalid_param();
+ }
+ let start_result = if counter_idx >= pmu_state.get_hw_counter_num() {
+ pmu_state.start_fw_counter(counter_idx, initial_value, is_update_value)
+ } else {
+ let mhpm_offset = get_mhpm_csr_offset(counter_idx).unwrap();
+ start_hardware_counter(mhpm_offset, initial_value, is_update_value)
+ };
+ match start_result {
+ Ok(_) => {}
+ Err(StartCounterErr::AlreadyStart) => {
+ return SbiRet::already_started();
+ }
+ Err(StartCounterErr::OffsetInvalid) => {
+ return SbiRet::invalid_param();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SbiRet::success(0)
+ }
+ /// Stop one or more counters (FID #4)
+ #[inline]
+ fn counter_stop(
+ &self,
+ counter_idx_base: usize,
+ counter_idx_mask: usize,
+ stop_flags: usize,
+ ) -> SbiRet {
+ let flags = match flags::CounterStopFlags::from_bits(stop_flags) {
+ Some(flags) => flags,
+ None => return SbiRet::invalid_param(),
+ };
+ let pmu_state = &mut hart_context_mut(current_hartid()).pmu_state;
+ let is_reset = flags.contains(flags::CounterStopFlags::RESET);
+ if counter_idx_base >= pmu_state.total_counters_num
+ || (counter_idx_mask & ((1 << pmu_state.total_counters_num) - 1)) == 0
+ {
+ return SbiRet::invalid_param();
+ }
+ if flags.contains(flags::CounterStopFlags::TAKE_SNAPSHOT) {
+ return SbiRet::no_shmem();
+ }
+ for counter_idx in CounterMask::new(counter_idx_base, counter_idx_mask) {
+ if counter_idx >= pmu_state.total_counters_num {
+ return SbiRet::invalid_param();
+ }
+ let stop_result = if counter_idx >= pmu_state.get_hw_counter_num() {
+ pmu_state.stop_fw_counter(counter_idx, is_reset)
+ } else {
+ // If RESET flag is set, mark the counter as inactive
+ if is_reset {
+ pmu_state.active_event[counter_idx] = PMU_EVENT_IDX_INVALID;
+ }
+ let mhpm_offset = get_mhpm_csr_offset(counter_idx).unwrap();
+ stop_hardware_counter(mhpm_offset, is_reset)
+ };
+ match stop_result {
+ Ok(_) => {}
+ Err(StopCounterErr::OffsetInvalid) => return SbiRet::invalid_param(),
+ Err(StopCounterErr::AlreadyStop) => return SbiRet::already_stopped(),
+ }
+ }
+ SbiRet::success(0)
+ }
+ /// Reads a firmware counter value
+ /// Function: Read a firmware counter (FID #5).
+ #[inline]
+ fn counter_fw_read(&self, counter_idx: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ let pmu_state = &hart_context(current_hartid()).pmu_state;
+ match pmu_state.get_event_idx(counter_idx, true) {
+ Some(event_id) if event_id.firmware_event_valid() => {
+ if event_id.event_code() == firmware_event::PLATFORM {
+ // TODO: Handle platform-specific PMU events
+ return SbiRet::invalid_param();
+ }
+ match pmu_state.get_fw_counter(counter_idx) {
+ Some(value) => SbiRet::success(value as usize),
+ None => SbiRet::invalid_param(),
+ }
+ }
+ _ => SbiRet::invalid_param(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Function: Read a firmware counter high bits (FID #6).
+ #[inline]
+ fn counter_fw_read_hi(&self, _counter_idx: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ // The Specification states the this function always return zero in sbiret.value for RV64 (or higher) systems.
+ // Currently RustSBI Prototyper only supports RV64 systems
+ SbiRet::success(0)
+ }
+ /// Function: Set PMU snapshot shared memory (FID #7).
+ #[inline]
+ fn snapshot_set_shmem(&self, shmem: SharedPtr<[u8; SIZE]>, flags: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ // Optional function, `not_supported` is returned if not implemented.
+ let _ = (shmem, flags);
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
+impl Default for SbiPmu {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ event_to_mhpmevent: None,
+ event_to_mhpmcounter: None,
+ raw_event_to_mhpmcounter: None,
+ }
+ }
+impl SbiPmu {
+ fn find_firmware_counter(
+ &self,
+ counter_idx_base: usize,
+ counter_idx_mask: usize,
+ event_idx: usize,
+ pmu_state: &PmuState,
+ ) -> Result<usize, SbiRet> {
+ // TODO: support `PLATFORM` event
+ let event = EventIdx::new(event_idx);
+ if !event.firmware_event_valid() {
+ return Err(SbiRet::not_supported());
+ }
+ // TODO: If all firmware events are implemented,
+ // this condition should be removed.
+ if event.event_code() <= 21 {
+ if !PMU_FIRMWARE_EVENT_SUPPORTED[event.event_code()] {
+ return Err(SbiRet::not_supported());
+ }
+ }
+ for counter_idx in CounterMask::new(counter_idx_base, counter_idx_mask) {
+ // If counter idx is not a firmware counter index, skip this index
+ if counter_idx < pmu_state.get_hw_counter_num()
+ || counter_idx >= pmu_state.get_total_counters_num()
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the firmware counter at this index is already occupied, skip this index
+ if pmu_state.active_event[counter_idx] != PMU_EVENT_IDX_INVALID {
+ continue;
+ }
+ return Ok(counter_idx);
+ }
+ return Err(SbiRet::not_supported());
+ }
+ fn find_hardware_counter(
+ &self,
+ counter_idx_base: usize,
+ counter_idx_mask: usize,
+ event_idx: usize,
+ event_data: u64,
+ pmu_state: &PmuState,
+ ) -> Result<usize, SbiRet> {
+ let event = EventIdx::new(event_idx);
+ let mut hw_counters_mask = 0;
+ // Find the counters available for the event.
+ if event.is_raw_event() {
+ if let Some(ref raw_event_map_vec) = self.raw_event_to_mhpmcounter {
+ for raw_event_map in raw_event_map_vec {
+ if raw_event_map.have_event(event_data) {
+ hw_counters_mask = raw_event_map.get_counter_mask();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return Err(SbiRet::not_supported());
+ }
+ } else {
+ // event is general event or cache event
+ if let Some(ref sbi_hw_event_map_vec) = self.event_to_mhpmcounter {
+ for sbi_hw_event_map in sbi_hw_event_map_vec {
+ if sbi_hw_event_map.have_event(event_idx as u32) {
+ hw_counters_mask = sbi_hw_event_map.get_counter_mask();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return Err(SbiRet::not_supported());
+ }
+ }
+ // mcycle, time, minstret cannot be used for other events.
+ let mhpm_mask = hart_mhpm_mask(current_hartid());
+ let can_use_counter_mask = hw_counters_mask & mhpm_mask;
+ // Find a counter that meets the conditions from a set of counters
+ for counter_idx in CounterMask::new(counter_idx_base, counter_idx_mask) {
+ if counter_idx >= pmu_state.hw_counters_num {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the counter idx corresponding to the hardware counter index cannot be used by the event,
+ // or has already been used, skip this counter idx
+ let mhpm_offset = get_mhpm_csr_offset(counter_idx).unwrap();
+ // Find a unused counter
+ if (can_use_counter_mask >> mhpm_offset) & 0x1 == 0
+ || pmu_state.active_event[counter_idx] != PMU_EVENT_IDX_INVALID
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If mcycle is selected but the event is not SBI_PMU_HW_CPU_CYCLES,
+ // or minstret is selected but the event is not SBI_PMU_HW_INSTRUCTIONS, skip
+ if (mhpm_offset == 0 && event_idx != 1) || (mhpm_offset == 2 && event_idx != 2) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the counter idx corresponding to the hardware counter index has already started counting, skip the counter
+ if hart_privileged_version(current_hartid()) >= PrivilegedVersion::Version1_11 {
+ let inhibit = riscv::register::mcountinhibit::read();
+ if (inhibit.bits() & (1 << mhpm_offset)) == 0 {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Found a counter that meets the conditions - write the event value to the corresponding mhpmevent
+ self.pmu_update_hardware_mhpmevent(mhpm_offset, event_idx, event_data)?;
+ return Ok(counter_idx);
+ }
+ Err(SbiRet::not_supported())
+ }
+ fn pmu_update_hardware_mhpmevent(
+ &self,
+ mhpm_offset: u16,
+ event_idx: usize,
+ event_data: u64,
+ ) -> Result<(), SbiRet> {
+ // If the event is SBI_PMU_HW_CPU_CYCLES and mcycle is selected,
+ // or the event is SBI_PMU_HW_INSTRUCTIONS and minstret is selected, return directly
+ if (mhpm_offset == 0 && event_idx == 1) || (mhpm_offset == 2 && event_idx == 2) {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ // Validate counter offset range (only mhpmcounter3-31 are configurable)
+ if mhpm_offset == 1 || mhpm_offset > 31 {
+ return Err(SbiRet::not_supported());
+ }
+ let event = EventIdx::new(event_idx);
+ // Determine the value to write to mhpmevent CSR
+ let mhpmevent_val = if event.is_raw_event() {
+ // For raw events, use the provided event_data directly
+ event_data
+ } else if let Some(ref event_to_mhpmevent) = self.event_to_mhpmevent {
+ // For standard events, look up the corresponding mhpmevent value
+ *event_to_mhpmevent
+ .get(&(event_idx as u32))
+ .ok_or(SbiRet::not_supported())?
+ } else if self.event_to_mhpmcounter.is_some() {
+ // Handle QEMU compatibility case:
+ // When only event_to_mhpmcounter is available (like in QEMU),
+ // use the event index directly as the raw event value
+ event_idx as u64
+ } else {
+ // No mapping available for this event
+ return Err(SbiRet::not_supported());
+ };
+ write_mhpmevent(mhpm_offset, mhpmevent_val);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn insert_event_to_mhpmevent(&mut self, event: u32, mhpmevent: u64) {
+ let event_to_mhpmevent_map = self.event_to_mhpmevent.get_or_insert_default();
+ //TODO: When https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/82766 is stable, change this to `try_insert`
+ if let Some(mhpmevent_mapped) = event_to_mhpmevent_map.get(&event) {
+ error!(
+ "Try to map event:0x{:08x} to mhpmevent:0x{:016x}, but the event has been mapped to mhpmevent:{}, please check the device tree file",
+ event, mhpmevent, mhpmevent_mapped
+ );
+ } else {
+ event_to_mhpmevent_map.insert(event, mhpmevent);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn insert_event_to_mhpmcounter(&mut self, event_to_counter: EventToCounterMap) {
+ let event_to_mhpmcounter_map = self.event_to_mhpmcounter.get_or_insert_default();
+ for event_to_mhpmcounter in event_to_mhpmcounter_map.iter() {
+ if event_to_mhpmcounter.is_overlop(&event_to_counter) {
+ error!(
+ "The mapping of event_to_mhpmcounter {:?} and {:?} overlap, please check the device tree file",
+ event_to_mhpmcounter, event_to_counter
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ event_to_mhpmcounter_map.push(event_to_counter);
+ }
+ pub fn insert_raw_event_to_mhpmcounter(&mut self, raw_event_to_counter: RawEventToCounterMap) {
+ let raw_event_to_mhpmcounter_map = self.raw_event_to_mhpmcounter.get_or_insert_default();
+ for raw_event_to_mhpmcounter in raw_event_to_mhpmcounter_map.iter() {
+ if raw_event_to_mhpmcounter.is_overlop(&raw_event_to_counter) {
+ error!(
+ "The mapping of raw_event_to_mhpmcounter {:?} and {:?} overlap, please check the device tree file",
+ raw_event_to_mhpmcounter, raw_event_to_counter
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ raw_event_to_mhpmcounter_map.push(raw_event_to_counter);
+ }
+/// Configures a counter to monitor an event based on the given flags.
+/// Returns `true` if configuration succeeds, `false` otherwise.
+fn configure_counter(
+ pmu_state: &mut PmuState,
+ counter_idx: usize,
+ event: EventIdx,
+ flags: flags::CounterCfgFlags,
+) -> bool {
+ let auto_start = flags.contains(flags::CounterCfgFlags::AUTO_START);
+ let clear_value = flags.contains(flags::CounterCfgFlags::CLEAR_VALUE);
+ if event.is_firmware_event() {
+ let firmware_event_idx = counter_idx - pmu_state.hw_counters_num;
+ if clear_value {
+ pmu_state.fw_counter[firmware_event_idx] = 0;
+ }
+ if auto_start {
+ pmu_state.fw_counter_state |= 1 << firmware_event_idx;
+ }
+ } else {
+ let mhpm_offset = get_mhpm_csr_offset(counter_idx).unwrap();
+ if clear_value {
+ write_mhpmcounter(mhpm_offset, 0);
+ }
+ if auto_start {
+ return start_hardware_counter(mhpm_offset, 0, false).is_ok();
+ }
+ }
+ true
+/// Get the offset of the mhpmcounter CSR corresponding to counter_idx relative to mcycle
+fn get_mhpm_csr_offset(counter_idx: usize) -> Option<u16> {
+ let mhpm_mask = hart_mhpm_mask(current_hartid());
+ let mut count = 0;
+ for offset in 0..32 {
+ if (mhpm_mask >> offset) & 1 == 1 {
+ if count == counter_idx {
+ return Some(offset as u16);
+ }
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ None
+/// Start Hardware Counter
+enum StartCounterErr {
+ OffsetInvalid,
+ AlreadyStart,
+/// Starts a hardware performance counter specified by the offset.
+fn start_hardware_counter(
+ mhpm_offset: u16,
+ new_value: u64,
+ is_update_value: bool,
+) -> Result<(), StartCounterErr> {
+ if mhpm_offset == 1 || mhpm_offset > 31 {
+ return Err(StartCounterErr::OffsetInvalid);
+ }
+ if hart_privileged_version(current_hartid()) < PrivilegedVersion::Version1_11 {
+ if is_update_value {
+ write_mhpmcounter(mhpm_offset, new_value);
+ }
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ // Check if counter is already running by testing the inhibit bit
+ // A zero bit in mcountinhibit means the counter is running
+ if mcountinhibit::read().bits() & (1 << mhpm_offset) == 0 {
+ return Err(StartCounterErr::AlreadyStart);
+ }
+ if is_update_value {
+ write_mhpmcounter(mhpm_offset, new_value);
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ match mhpm_offset {
+ 0 => mcountinhibit::clear_cy(),
+ 2 => mcountinhibit::clear_ir(),
+ _ => mcountinhibit::clear_hpm(mhpm_offset as usize),
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+/// Stop Hardware Counter
+enum StopCounterErr {
+ OffsetInvalid,
+ AlreadyStop,
+/// Stops a hardware performance counter specified by the offset.
+fn stop_hardware_counter(mhpm_offset: u16, is_reset: bool) -> Result<(), StopCounterErr> {
+ if mhpm_offset == 1 || mhpm_offset > 31 {
+ return Err(StopCounterErr::OffsetInvalid);
+ }
+ if is_reset && mhpm_offset >= 3 && mhpm_offset <= 31 {
+ write_mhpmevent(mhpm_offset, 0);
+ }
+ if hart_privileged_version(current_hartid()) < PrivilegedVersion::Version1_11 {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ if mcountinhibit::read().bits() & (1 << mhpm_offset) != 0 {
+ return Err(StopCounterErr::AlreadyStop);
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ match mhpm_offset {
+ 0 => mcountinhibit::set_cy(),
+ 2 => mcountinhibit::set_ir(),
+ _ => mcountinhibit::set_hpm(mhpm_offset as usize),
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+fn write_mhpmevent(mhpm_offset: u16, mhpmevent_val: u64) {
+ let csr = CSR_MHPMEVENT3 + mhpm_offset - 3;
+ // Handle MHPMEVENT3-31
+ if csr >= CSR_MHPMEVENT3 && csr <= CSR_MHPMEVENT31 {
+ // Convert CSR value to register index (3-31)
+ let idx = csr - CSR_MHPMEVENT3 + 3;
+ // Use seq_macro to generate all valid indices from 3 to 31
+ seq_macro::seq!(N in 3..=31 {
+ match idx {
+ #(
+ N => pastey::paste!{ [<mhpmevent ~N>]::write(mhpmevent_val as usize) },
+ )*
+ _ =>{}
+ }
+ });
+ }
+fn write_mhpmcounter(mhpm_offset: u16, mhpmcounter_val: u64) {
+ let counter_idx = mhpm_offset;
+ let csr = CSR_MHPMCOUNTER3 + mhpm_offset - 3;
+ // Special cases for cycle and instret
+ if csr == CSR_MCYCLE {
+ crate::riscv::csr::mcycle::write(mhpmcounter_val);
+ return;
+ } else if csr == CSR_MINSTRET {
+ crate::riscv::csr::minstret::write(mhpmcounter_val);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Only handle valid counter indices (3-31)
+ if counter_idx >= 3 && counter_idx <= 31 {
+ // Call the macro with all valid indices
+ seq_macro::seq!(N in 3..=31 {
+ match counter_idx {
+ #(
+ N => pastey::paste!{ [<mhpmcounter ~N>]::write(mhpmcounter_val as usize) },
+ )*
+ _ =>{}
+ }
+ });
+ }
+/// Wrap for counter info
+struct CounterInfo {
+ /// Packed representation of counter information:
+ /// - Bits [11:0]: CSR number for hardware counters
+ /// - Bits [17:12]: Counter width (typically 63 for RV64)
+ /// - MSB: Set for firmware counters, clear for hardware counters
+ inner: usize,
+impl CounterInfo {
+ const CSR_MASK: usize = 0xFFF; // Bits [11:0]
+ const WIDTH_MASK: usize = 0x3F << 12; // Bits [17:12]
+ const FIRMWARE_FLAG: usize = 1 << (size_of::<usize>() * 8 - 1); // MSB
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn new() -> Self {
+ Self { inner: 0 }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn set_csr(&mut self, csr_num: u16) {
+ self.inner = (self.inner & !Self::CSR_MASK) | ((csr_num as usize) & Self::CSR_MASK);
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn set_width(&mut self, width: u8) {
+ self.inner = (self.inner & !Self::WIDTH_MASK) | (((width as usize) & 0x3F) << 12);
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn with_hardware_info(csr_num: u16, width: u8) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ inner: ((csr_num as usize) & Self::CSR_MASK) | (((width as usize) & 0x3F) << 12),
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn with_firmware_info() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ inner: Self::FIRMWARE_FLAG,
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn inner(self) -> usize {
+ self.inner
+ }
+impl Default for CounterInfo {
+ #[inline]
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::new()
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct EventIdx {
+ /// Packed representation of event information:
+ /// - Bits [15:0]: Event code
+ /// - Bits [19:16]: Event type
+ inner: usize,
+impl EventIdx {
+ #[inline]
+ const fn new(event_idx: usize) -> Self {
+ Self { inner: event_idx }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_firmwarw_event(firmware_event: usize) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ inner: 0xf << 16 | firmware_event,
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn raw(&self) -> usize {
+ self.inner
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ const fn event_type(&self) -> usize {
+ (self.inner >> 16) & 0xF
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ const fn event_code(&self) -> usize {
+ self.inner & 0xFFFF
+ }
+ /// Extracts the cache ID for HARDWARE_CACHE events (13 bits, [15:3])
+ #[inline]
+ const fn cache_id(&self) -> usize {
+ (self.inner >> 3) & 0x1FFF
+ }
+ /// Extracts the cache operation ID (2 bits, [2:1])
+ #[inline]
+ const fn cache_op_id(&self) -> usize {
+ (self.inner >> 1) & 0x3
+ }
+ /// Extracts the cache result ID (1 bit, [0])
+ #[inline]
+ const fn cache_result_id(&self) -> usize {
+ self.inner & 0x1
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ const fn is_general_event(&self) -> bool {
+ self.event_type() == event_type::HARDWARE_GENERAL
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ const fn is_cache_event(&self) -> bool {
+ self.event_type() == event_type::HARDWARE_CACHE
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ const fn is_raw_event_v1(&self) -> bool {
+ self.event_type() == event_type::HARDWARE_RAW
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ const fn is_raw_event_v2(&self) -> bool {
+ self.event_type() == event_type::HARDWARE_RAW_V2
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ const fn is_raw_event(&self) -> bool {
+ self.is_raw_event_v1() || self.is_raw_event_v2()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ const fn is_firmware_event(&self) -> bool {
+ self.event_type() == event_type::FIRMWARE
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn check_event_type(self) -> bool {
+ let event_type = self.event_type();
+ let event_code = self.event_code();
+ match event_type {
+ event_type::HARDWARE_GENERAL => event_code <= hardware_event::REF_CPU_CYCLES,
+ event_type::HARDWARE_CACHE => {
+ self.cache_id() <= cache_event::NODE
+ && self.cache_op_id() <= cache_operation::PREFETCH
+ && self.cache_result_id() <= cache_result::MISS
+ }
+ event_type::HARDWARE_RAW | event_type::HARDWARE_RAW_V2 => event_code == 0,
+ event_type::FIRMWARE => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn firmware_event_valid(self) -> bool {
+ let event_type = self.event_type();
+ let event_code = self.event_code();
+ if event_type != event_type::FIRMWARE {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (event_code > firmware_event::HFENCE_VVMA_ASID_RECEIVED
+ && event_code < firmware_event::PLATFORM)
+ || event_code >= firmware_event::PLATFORM
+ {
+ // TODO:Currently RustSBI Prototyper does not support PLATFORM practice
+ return false;
+ }
+ true
+ }
+/// event to mhpmcounter map
+pub struct EventToCounterMap {
+ counters_mask: u32, // Bitmask of supported counters
+ event_start_idx: u32, // Start of event code range
+ event_end_idx: u32, // End of event code range
+impl EventToCounterMap {
+ pub fn new(counters_mask: u32, event_start_idx: u32, event_end_idx: u32) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ counters_mask,
+ event_start_idx,
+ event_end_idx,
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn have_event(&self, event_idx: u32) -> bool {
+ event_idx >= self.event_start_idx && event_idx <= self.event_end_idx
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn get_counter_mask(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.counters_mask
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_overlop(&self, other_map: &EventToCounterMap) -> bool {
+ if (self.event_end_idx < other_map.event_start_idx
+ && self.event_end_idx < other_map.event_end_idx)
+ || (self.event_start_idx > other_map.event_start_idx
+ && self.event_start_idx > other_map.event_end_idx)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ true
+ }
+pub struct RawEventToCounterMap {
+ counters_mask: u32, // Bitmask of supported counters
+ raw_event_select: u64, // Value to program into mhpmeventX
+ select_mask: u64, // Mask for selecting bits (optional use)
+impl RawEventToCounterMap {
+ pub fn new(counters_mask: u32, raw_event_select: u64, select_mask: u64) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ counters_mask,
+ raw_event_select,
+ select_mask,
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn have_event(&self, event_idx: u64) -> bool {
+ self.raw_event_select == (event_idx & self.select_mask)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn get_counter_mask(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.counters_mask
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn is_overlop(&self, other_map: &RawEventToCounterMap) -> bool {
+ self.select_mask == other_map.select_mask
+ && self.raw_event_select == other_map.raw_event_select
+ }
+struct CounterMask {
+ counter_idx_base: usize,
+ counter_idx_mask: usize,
+impl CounterMask {
+ pub fn new(counter_idx_base: usize, counter_idx_mask: usize) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ counter_idx_base,
+ counter_idx_mask,
+ }
+ }
+impl Iterator for CounterMask {
+ type Item = usize;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ if self.counter_idx_mask == 0 {
+ return None;
+ } else {
+ let low_bit = self.counter_idx_mask.trailing_zeros();
+ let hart_id = usize::try_from(low_bit).unwrap() + self.counter_idx_base;
+ self.counter_idx_mask &= !(1usize << low_bit);
+ Some(hart_id)
+ }
+ }
+// TODO: If all firmware events are implemented,
+// `PMU_FIRMWARE_EVENT_SUPPORTED` should be removed.
+const PMU_FIRMWARE_EVENT_SUPPORTED: [bool; 22] = [
+ true, // SBI_PMU_FW_IPI_SENT
+pub fn pmu_firmware_counter_increment(firmware_event: usize) {
+ let pmu_state = &mut hart_context_mut(current_hartid()).pmu_state;
+ let counter_idx_start = pmu_state.hw_counters_num;
+ for counter_idx in counter_idx_start..counter_idx_start + PMU_FIRMWARE_COUNTER_MAX {
+ let fw_idx = counter_idx - counter_idx_start;
+ if pmu_state.active_event[counter_idx]
+ == EventIdx::from_firmwarw_event(firmware_event).raw()
+ && pmu_state.is_firmware_event_start(counter_idx)
+ {
+ pmu_state.fw_counter[fw_idx] += 1;
+ }
+ }