@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-use fast_trap::{FastContext, FastResult};
-use riscv::register::{mepc, mie, mstatus, satp, sstatus};
+use fast_trap::{EntireContext, EntireContextSeparated, EntireResult, FastContext, FastResult};
+use riscv::register::{mepc, mie, mstatus, mtval, satp, sstatus};
+use riscv_decode::{Instruction, decode};
use rustsbi::RustSBI;
use crate::platform::PLATFORM;
@@ -10,6 +11,8 @@ use crate::sbi::hsm::local_hsm;
use crate::sbi::ipi;
use crate::sbi::rfence;
+use super::helper::*;
pub fn switch(mut ctx: FastContext, start_addr: usize, opaque: usize) -> FastResult {
unsafe {
@@ -123,14 +126,15 @@ pub fn sbi_call_handler(
ctx.regs().a = [ret.error, ret.value, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7];
- mepc::write(mepc::read() + 4);
+ let epc = mepc::read();
+ mepc::write(epc + get_inst(epc).1);
/// Delegate trap handling to supervisor mode.
-pub fn delegate(ctx: &mut FastContext) {
- use riscv::register::{mcause, mepc, mtval, scause, sepc, sstatus, stval, stvec};
+pub fn delegate(ctx: &mut EntireContextSeparated) {
+ use riscv::register::{mcause, scause, sepc, sstatus, stval, stvec};
unsafe {
@@ -148,35 +152,153 @@ pub fn delegate(ctx: &mut FastContext) {
/// Handle illegal instructions, particularly CSR access.
-pub fn illegal_instruction_handler(ctx: &mut FastContext) -> bool {
- use riscv::register::{mepc, mtval};
- use riscv_decode::{Instruction, decode};
+pub extern "C" fn illegal_instruction_handler(raw_ctx: EntireContext) -> EntireResult {
+ let mut ctx = raw_ctx.split().0;
let inst = decode(mtval::read() as u32);
match inst {
Ok(Instruction::Csrrs(csr)) => match csr.csr() {
- assert!(
- 10 <= csr.rd() && csr.rd() <= 17,
- "Unsupported CSR rd: {}",
- csr.rd()
+ save_reg_x(
+ &mut ctx,
+ csr.rd() as usize,
+ unsafe { PLATFORM.sbi.ipi.as_ref() }.unwrap().get_time(),
- ctx.regs().a[(csr.rd() - 10) as usize] =
- unsafe { PLATFORM.sbi.ipi.as_ref() }.unwrap().get_time();
- assert!(
- 10 <= csr.rd() && csr.rd() <= 17,
- "Unsupported CSR rd: {}",
- csr.rd()
+ save_reg_x(
+ &mut ctx,
+ csr.rd() as usize,
+ unsafe { PLATFORM.sbi.ipi.as_ref() }.unwrap().get_timeh(),
- ctx.regs().a[(csr.rd() - 10) as usize] =
- unsafe { PLATFORM.sbi.ipi.as_ref() }.unwrap().get_timeh();
- _ => return false,
+ _ => {
+ delegate(&mut ctx);
+ return ctx.restore();
+ }
+ },
+ _ => {
+ delegate(&mut ctx);
+ return ctx.restore();
+ }
+ }
+ let epc = mepc::read();
+ mepc::write(epc + get_inst(epc).1);
+ ctx.restore()
+pub extern "C" fn load_misaligned_handler(ctx: EntireContext) -> EntireResult {
+ let mut ctx = ctx.split().0;
+ let current_pc = mepc::read();
+ let current_addr = mtval::read();
+ let (current_inst, inst_len) = get_inst(current_pc);
+ debug!(
+ "Misaligned load: inst/{:x?}, load {:x?} in {:x?}",
+ current_inst, current_addr, current_pc
+ );
+ let decode_result = decode(current_inst as u32);
+ // TODO: INST FLD c.*sp
+ // TODO: maybe can we reduce the time to update csr for read virtual-address.
+ let inst_type = match decode_result {
+ Ok(Instruction::Lb(data)) => (data.rd(), VarType::Signed, 1),
+ Ok(Instruction::Lbu(data)) => (data.rd(), VarType::UnSigned, 1),
+ Ok(Instruction::Lh(data)) => (data.rd(), VarType::Signed, 2),
+ Ok(Instruction::Lhu(data)) => (data.rd(), VarType::UnSigned, 2),
+ Ok(Instruction::Lw(data)) => (data.rd(), VarType::Signed, 4),
+ Ok(Instruction::Lwu(data)) => (data.rd(), VarType::UnSigned, 4),
+ Ok(Instruction::Ld(data)) => (data.rd(), VarType::Signed, 8),
+ Ok(Instruction::Flw(data)) => (data.rd(), VarType::Float, 4),
+ _ => panic!("Unsupported inst"),
+ };
+ let (target_reg, var_type, len) = inst_type;
+ let raw_data = get_data(current_addr, len);
+ let read_data = match var_type {
+ VarType::Signed => match len {
+ 1 => raw_data as i8 as usize,
+ 2 => raw_data as i16 as usize,
+ 4 => raw_data as i32 as usize,
+ 8 => raw_data as i64 as usize,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid len"),
+ },
+ VarType::UnSigned => match len {
+ 1 => raw_data as u8 as usize,
+ 2 => raw_data as u16 as usize,
+ 4 => raw_data as u32 as usize,
+ 8 => raw_data as u64 as usize,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid len"),
+ },
+ VarType::Float => match len {
+ // 4 => raw_data as f32 as usize,
+ // 8 => raw_data as f64 as usize,
+ _ => panic!("Misaligned float is unsupported"),
+ },
+ };
+ debug!(
+ "read 0x{:x} from 0x{:x} to x{}, len 0x{:x}",
+ read_data, current_addr, target_reg, len
+ );
+ save_reg_x(&mut ctx, target_reg as usize, read_data);
+ mepc::write(current_pc + inst_len);
+ ctx.restore()
+pub extern "C" fn store_misaligned_handler(ctx: EntireContext) -> EntireResult {
+ let mut ctx = ctx.split().0;
+ let current_pc = mepc::read();
+ let current_addr = mtval::read();
+ let (current_inst, inst_len) = get_inst(current_pc);
+ debug!(
+ "Misaligned store: inst/{:x?}, store {:x?} in {:x?}",
+ current_inst, current_addr, current_pc
+ );
+ let decode_result = decode(current_inst as u32);
+ // TODO: INST FSD c.*sp
+ // TODO: maybe can we reduce the time to update csr for read virtual-address.
+ let inst_type = match decode_result {
+ Ok(Instruction::Sb(data)) => (data.rs2(), VarType::UnSigned, 1),
+ Ok(Instruction::Sh(data)) => (data.rs2(), VarType::UnSigned, 2),
+ Ok(Instruction::Sw(data)) => (data.rs2(), VarType::UnSigned, 4),
+ Ok(Instruction::Sd(data)) => (data.rs2(), VarType::UnSigned, 8),
+ Ok(Instruction::Fsw(data)) => (data.rs2(), VarType::Float, 4),
+ _ => panic!("Unsupported inst"),
+ };
+ let (target_reg, var_type, len) = inst_type;
+ let raw_data = get_reg_x(&mut ctx, target_reg as usize);
+ // TODO: Float support
+ let read_data = match var_type {
+ VarType::Signed => match len {
+ _ => panic!("Can not store signed data"),
+ },
+ VarType::UnSigned => match len {
+ 1 => &(raw_data as u8).to_le_bytes()[..],
+ 2 => &(raw_data as u16).to_le_bytes()[..],
+ 4 => &(raw_data as u32).to_le_bytes()[..],
+ 8 => &(raw_data as u64).to_le_bytes()[..],
+ _ => panic!("Invalid len"),
+ },
+ VarType::Float => match len {
+ // 4 => (raw_data as f32).to_le_bytes().to_vec(),
+ // 8 => (raw_data as f64).to_le_bytes().to_vec(),
+ _ => panic!("Misaligned float is unsupported"),
- _ => return false,
+ };
+ debug!(
+ "save 0x{:x} to 0x{:x}, len 0x{:x}",
+ raw_data, current_addr, len
+ );
+ for i in 0..read_data.len() {
+ save_byte(current_addr + i, read_data[i] as usize);
- mepc::write(mepc::read() + 4);
- true
+ mepc::write(current_pc + inst_len);
+ ctx.restore()