@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/// This example demonstrates how to define custom error types and map SBI error codes.
+/// The code shows:
+/// - How to create a custom error enum that wraps standard SBI errors and adds custom error codes
+/// - Conversion logic between standard SBI errors and custom error types
+/// - Error handling patterns using Rust's Result type and error matching
+use sbi_spec::binary::{Error, SbiRet};
+/// Custom error type for SBI-related operations
+/// Contains three possible variants:
+/// - Standard: Wraps standard SBI errors from the sbi_spec crate
+/// - MyErrorCode1/MyErrorCode2: Custom error codes specific to this implementation
+pub enum MyError {
+ /// Wrapper for standard SBI errors defined in sbi_spec
+ Standard(sbi_spec::binary::Error),
+ /// First custom error code (maps to value 1001)
+ MyErrorCode1,
+ /// Second custom error code (maps to value 1002)
+ MyErrorCode2,
+/// Numeric value for first custom error code
+const MY_ERROR_CODE_1: usize = 1001;
+/// Numeric value for second custom error code
+const MY_ERROR_CODE_2: usize = 1002;
+/// Conversion implementation from standard SBI errors to our custom error type
+/// This allows automatic conversion when using the ? operator in functions returning MyError.
+/// The conversion logic:
+/// - Maps specific custom error codes to their corresponding MyError variants
+/// - Wraps all other standard errors in the Standard variant
+impl From<sbi_spec::binary::Error> for MyError {
+ fn from(value: Error) -> Self {
+ match value {
+ // Handle custom error code mappings
+ Error::Custom(MY_ERROR_CODE_1) => MyError::MyErrorCode1,
+ Error::Custom(MY_ERROR_CODE_2) => MyError::MyErrorCode2,
+ // Wrap all other standard errors
+ _ => MyError::Standard(value),
+ }
+ }
+/// Main function demonstrating error handling workflow
+/// The execution flow:
+/// 1. Creates an SbiRet structure with success status
+/// 2. Manually sets an error code for demonstration
+/// 3. Converts the SbiRet to Result type with custom error mapping
+/// 4. Pattern matches on the result to handle different error cases
+fn main() {
+ // Create a base SbiRet with success status (value = 0)
+ let mut ret = SbiRet::success(0);
+ // Override the error code for demonstration purposes
+ ret.error = 1001;
+ // Convert SbiRet to Result, mapping error codes to MyError variants
+ let ans = ret.map_err(MyError::from);
+ // Handle different error cases through pattern matching
+ match ans {
+ Ok(_) => println!("Okay"),
+ // Match specific custom error codes
+ Err(MyError::MyErrorCode1) => println!("Custom error code 1"),
+ Err(MyError::MyErrorCode2) => println!("Custom error code 2"),
+ // Handle wrapped standard SBI errors
+ Err(MyError::Standard(err)) => println!("Standard error: {:?}", err),
+ }