@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+//! Chapter 11. Performance Monitoring Unit Extension (EID #0x504D55 "PMU")
+use crate::binary::{sbi_call_0, sbi_call_1, sbi_call_3, SbiRet};
+use sbi_spec::pmu::{
+/// Returns the number of counters, both hardware and firmware.
+/// This call would always succeed without returning any error.
+/// This function is defined in RISC-V SBI Specification chapter 11.5.
+pub fn pmu_num_counters() -> usize {
+ sbi_call_0(EID_PMU, NUM_COUNTERS).value
+/// Get details about the specified counter.
+/// The value returned includes details such as underlying CSR number, width of the counter,
+/// type of counter hardware/firmware, etc.
+/// The `counter_info` returned by this SBI call is encoded as follows:
+/// ```text
+/// counter_info[11:0] = CSR; // (12bit CSR number)
+/// counter_info[17:12] = Width; // (One less than number of bits in CSR)
+/// counter_info[XLEN-2:18] = Reserved; // Reserved for future use
+/// counter_info[XLEN-1] = Type; // (0 = hardware and 1 = firmware)
+/// ```
+/// If `counter_info.type` == `1` then `counter_info.csr` and `counter_info.width` should be ignored.
+/// This function is defined in RISC-V SBI Specification chapter 11.6.
+/// # Return value
+/// Returns the `counter_info` described above in `SbiRet.value`.
+/// The possible return error codes returned in `SbiRet.error` are shown in the table below:
+/// | Return code | Description
+/// |:--------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+/// | `SbiRet::success()` | `counter_info` read successfully.
+/// | `SbiRet::invalid_param()` | `counter_idx` points to an invalid counter.
+/// This function is defined in RISC-V SBI Specification chapter 11.6.
+pub fn pmu_counter_get_info(counter_idx: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ sbi_call_1(EID_PMU, COUNTER_GET_INFO, counter_idx)
+/// Find and configure a counter from a set of counters.
+/// The counters to be found and configured should not be started (or enabled)
+/// and should be able to monitor the specified event.
+/// # Parameters
+/// The `counter_idx_base` and `counter_idx_mask` parameters represent the set of counters,
+/// whereas the `event_idx` represent the event to be monitored
+/// and `event_data` represents any additional event configuration.
+/// The `config_flags` parameter represent additional counter configuration and filter flags.
+/// The bit definitions of the `config_flags` parameter are shown in the table below:
+/// | Flag Name | Bits | Description
+/// |:-----------------------------|:-----------|:------------
+/// | SBI_PMU_CFG_FLAG_SKIP_MATCH | 0:0 | Skip the counter matching
+/// | SBI_PMU_CFG_FLAG_CLEAR_VALUE | 1:1 | Clear (or zero) the counter value in counter configuration
+/// | SBI_PMU_CFG_FLAG_AUTO_START | 2:2 | Start the counter after configuring a matching counter
+/// | SBI_PMU_CFG_FLAG_SET_VUINH | 3:3 | Event counting inhibited in VU-mode
+/// | SBI_PMU_CFG_FLAG_SET_VSINH | 4:4 | Event counting inhibited in VS-mode
+/// | SBI_PMU_CFG_FLAG_SET_UINH | 5:5 | Event counting inhibited in U-mode
+/// | SBI_PMU_CFG_FLAG_SET_SINH | 6:6 | Event counting inhibited in S-mode
+/// | SBI_PMU_CFG_FLAG_SET_MINH | 7:7 | Event counting inhibited in M-mode
+/// | _RESERVED_ | 8:(XLEN-1) | _All non-zero values are reserved for future use._
+/// *NOTE:* When *SBI_PMU_CFG_FLAG_SKIP_MATCH* is set in `config_flags`, the
+/// SBI implementation will unconditionally select the first counter from the
+/// set of counters specified by the `counter_idx_base` and `counter_idx_mask`.
+/// *NOTE:* The *SBI_PMU_CFG_FLAG_AUTO_START* flag in `config_flags` has no
+/// impact on the counter value.
+/// *NOTE:* The `config_flags[3:7]` bits are event filtering hints so these
+/// can be ignored or overridden by the SBI implementation for security concerns
+/// or due to lack of event filtering support in the underlying RISC-V platform.
+/// # Return value
+/// Returns the `counter_idx` in `sbiret.value` upon success.
+/// In case of failure, the possible error codes returned in `sbiret.error` are shown in the table below:
+/// | Return code | Description
+/// |:--------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+/// | `SbiRet::success()` | counter found and configured successfully.
+/// | `SbiRet::invalid_param()` | set of counters has an invalid counter.
+/// | `SbiRet::not_supported()` | none of the counters can monitor specified event.
+/// This function is defined in RISC-V SBI Specification chapter 11.7.
+pub fn pmu_counter_config_matching<T>(
+ counter_idx_base: usize,
+ counter_idx_mask: usize,
+ config_flags: T,
+ event_idx: usize,
+ event_data: u64,
+) -> SbiRet
+ T: ConfigFlags,
+ match () {
+ #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
+ () => crate::binary::sbi_call_6(
+ counter_idx_base,
+ counter_idx_mask,
+ config_flags.raw(),
+ event_idx,
+ event_data as _,
+ (event_data >> 32) as _,
+ ),
+ #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
+ () => crate::binary::sbi_call_5(
+ counter_idx_base,
+ counter_idx_mask,
+ config_flags.raw(),
+ event_idx,
+ event_data as _,
+ ),
+ }
+/// Start or enable a set of counters on the calling hart with the specified initial value.
+/// # Parameters
+/// The `counter_idx_base` and `counter_idx_mask` parameters represent the set of counters.
+/// whereas the `initial_value` parameter specifies the initial value of the counter.
+/// The bit definitions of the `start_flags` parameter are shown in the table below:
+/// | Flag Name | Bits | Description
+/// |:-----------------------------|:-----------|:------------
+/// | SBI_PMU_START_SET_INIT_VALUE | 0:0 | Set the value of counters based on the `initial_value` parameter.
+/// | _RESERVED_ | 1:(XLEN-1) | _All non-zero values are reserved for future use._
+/// *NOTE*: When `SBI_PMU_START_SET_INIT_VALUE` is not set in `start_flags`, the counter value will
+/// not be modified and event counting will start from current counter value.
+/// # Return value
+/// The possible return error codes returned in `SbiRet.error` are shown in the table below:
+/// | Return code | Description
+/// |:----------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+/// | `SbiRet::success()` | counter started successfully.
+/// | `SbiRet::invalid_param()` | some of the counters specified in parameters are invalid.
+/// | `SbiRet::already_started()` | some of the counters specified in parameters are already started.
+/// This function is defined in RISC-V SBI Specification chapter 11.8.
+pub fn pmu_counter_start<T>(
+ counter_idx_base: usize,
+ counter_idx_mask: usize,
+ start_flags: T,
+ initial_value: u64,
+) -> SbiRet
+ T: StartFlags,
+ match () {
+ #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
+ () => crate::binary::sbi_call_5(
+ counter_idx_base,
+ counter_idx_mask,
+ start_flags.raw(),
+ initial_value as _,
+ (initial_value >> 32) as _,
+ ),
+ #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
+ () => crate::binary::sbi_call_4(
+ counter_idx_base,
+ counter_idx_mask,
+ start_flags.raw(),
+ initial_value as _,
+ ),
+ }
+/// Stop or disable a set of counters on the calling hart.
+/// # Parameters
+/// The `counter_idx_base` and `counter_idx_mask` parameters represent the set of counters.
+/// The bit definitions of the `stop_flags` parameter are shown in the table below:
+/// | Flag Name | Bits | Description
+/// |:------------------------|:-----------|:------------
+/// | SBI_PMU_STOP_FLAG_RESET | 0:0 | Reset the counter to event mapping.
+/// | _RESERVED_ | 1:(XLEN-1) | *All non-zero values are reserved for future use.*
+/// # Return value
+/// The possible return error codes returned in `SbiRet.error` are shown in the table below:
+/// | Return code | Description
+/// |:----------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+/// | `SbiRet::success()` | counter stopped successfully.
+/// | `SbiRet::invalid_param()` | some of the counters specified in parameters are invalid.
+/// | `SbiRet::already_stopped()` | some of the counters specified in parameters are already stopped.
+/// This function is defined in RISC-V SBI Specification chapter 11.9.
+pub fn pmu_counter_stop<T>(
+ counter_idx_base: usize,
+ counter_idx_mask: usize,
+ stop_flags: T,
+) -> SbiRet
+ T: StopFlags,
+ sbi_call_3(
+ counter_idx_base,
+ counter_idx_mask,
+ stop_flags.raw(),
+ )
+/// Provide the current value of a firmware counter.
+/// On RV32 systems, the `SbiRet.value` will only contain the lower 32 bits of the current
+/// firmware counter value.
+/// # Parameters
+/// This function should be only used to read a firmware counter. It will return an error
+/// when user provides a hardware counter in `counter_idx` parameter.
+/// # Return value
+/// The possible return error codes returned in `SbiRet.error` are shown in the table below:
+/// | Return code | Description
+/// |:--------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+/// | `SbiRet::success()` | firmware counter read successfully.
+/// | `SbiRet::invalid_param()` | `counter_idx` points to a hardware counter or an invalid counter.
+/// This function is defined in RISC-V SBI Specification chapter 11.10.
+pub fn pmu_counter_fw_read(counter_idx: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ sbi_call_1(EID_PMU, COUNTER_FW_READ, counter_idx)
+/// Provide the upper 32 bits of the current firmware counter value.
+/// This function always returns zero in `SbiRet.value` for RV64 (or higher) systems.
+/// # Return value
+/// The possible return error codes returned in `SbiRet.error` are shown in the table below:
+/// | Return code | Description
+/// |:--------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+/// | `SbiRet::success()` | firmware counter read successfully.
+/// | `SbiRet::invalid_param()` | `counter_idx` points to a hardware counter or an invalid counter.
+/// This function is defined in RISC-V SBI Specification chapter 11.11.
+pub fn pmu_counter_fw_read_hi(counter_idx: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ sbi_call_1(EID_PMU, COUNTER_FW_READ_HI, counter_idx)
+/// Flags to configure performance counter.
+pub trait ConfigFlags {
+ /// Get a raw value to pass to SBI environment.
+ fn raw(&self) -> usize;
+#[cfg(feature = "integer-impls")]
+impl ConfigFlags for usize {
+ #[inline]
+ fn raw(&self) -> usize {
+ *self
+ }
+/// Flags to start performance counter.
+pub trait StartFlags {
+ /// Get a raw value to pass to SBI environment.
+ fn raw(&self) -> usize;
+#[cfg(feature = "integer-impls")]
+impl StartFlags for usize {
+ #[inline]
+ fn raw(&self) -> usize {
+ *self
+ }
+/// Flags to stop performance counter.
+pub trait StopFlags {
+ /// Get a raw value to pass to SBI environment.
+ fn raw(&self) -> usize;
+#[cfg(feature = "integer-impls")]
+impl StopFlags for usize {
+ #[inline]
+ fn raw(&self) -> usize {
+ *self
+ }