@@ -46,6 +46,12 @@ fn oom(_layout: Layout) -> ! {
loop {}
+lazy_static::lazy_static! {
+ // 最大的硬件线程编号;只在启动时写入,跨核软中断发生时读取
+ pub static ref MAX_HART_ID: spin::Mutex<usize> =
+ spin::Mutex::new(compiled_max_hartid());
// #[export_name = "_mp_hook"]
pub extern "C" fn mp_hook() -> bool {
let hartid = mhartid::read();
@@ -208,6 +214,9 @@ fn main() -> ! {
println!("[rustsbi] mideleg: {:#x}", mideleg::read().bits());
println!("[rustsbi] medeleg: {:#x}", medeleg::read().bits());
+ let mut guard = MAX_HART_ID.lock();
+ *guard = unsafe { count_harts(dtb_pa) };
+ drop(guard);
println!("[rustsbi] Kernel entry: 0x80200000");
@@ -230,6 +239,55 @@ unsafe extern "C" fn s_mode_start() -> ! {
", options(noreturn))
+unsafe fn count_harts(dtb_pa: usize) -> usize {
+ use device_tree::{DeviceTree, Node};
+ const DEVICE_TREE_MAGIC: u32 = 0xD00DFEED;
+ // 遍历“cpu_map”结构
+ // 这个结构的子结构是“处理核簇”(cluster)
+ // 每个“处理核簇”的子结构分别表示一个处理器核
+ fn enumerate_cpu_map(cpu_map_node: &Node) -> usize {
+ let mut tot = 0;
+ for cluster_node in cpu_map_node.children.iter() {
+ let name = &cluster_node.name;
+ let count = cluster_node.children.iter().count();
+ // 会输出:Hart count: cluster0 with 2 cores
+ // 在justfile的“threads := "2"”处更改
+ println!("[rustsbi] Hart count: {} with {} cores", name, count);
+ tot += count;
+ }
+ tot
+ }
+ #[repr(C)]
+ struct DtbHeader { magic: u32, size: u32 }
+ let header = &*(dtb_pa as *const DtbHeader);
+ // from_be 是大小端序的转换(from big endian)
+ let magic = u32::from_be(header.magic);
+ if magic == DEVICE_TREE_MAGIC {
+ let size = u32::from_be(header.size);
+ // 拷贝数据,加载并遍历
+ let data = core::slice::from_raw_parts(dtb_pa as *const u8, size as usize);
+ if let Ok(dt) = DeviceTree::load(data) {
+ if let Some(cpu_map) = dt.find("/cpus/cpu-map") {
+ return enumerate_cpu_map(cpu_map)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 如果DTB的结构不对(读不到/cpus/cpu-map),返回默认的8个核
+ let ans = compiled_max_hartid();
+ println!("[rustsbi] Could not read '/cpus/cpu-map' from 'dtb_pa' device tree root; assuming {} cores", ans);
+ ans
+fn compiled_max_hartid() -> usize {
+ let ans;
+ unsafe { asm!("
+ lui {ans}, %hi(_max_hart_id)
+ add {ans}, {ans}, %lo(_max_hart_id)
+ ", ans = out(reg) ans) };
+ ans
.equ REGBYTES, 8