@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-use core::alloc::Layout;
-use core::panic::PanicInfo;
-use k210_hal::{clock::Clocks, fpioa, pac, prelude::*};
-use linked_list_allocator::LockedHeap;
-use rustsbi::{enter_privileged, print, println};
-use riscv::register::{
- mcause::{self, Exception, Interrupt, Trap},
- medeleg, mepc, mhartid, mideleg, mie, mip, misa::{self, MXL},
- mstatus::{self, MPP, SPP},
- mtval,
- mtvec::{self, TrapMode},
- satp, stvec, scause, stval, sepc,
-static ALLOCATOR: LockedHeap = LockedHeap::empty();
-static mut DEVINTRENTRY: usize = 0;
-static DEVICE_TREE_BINARY: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../kendryte-k210.dtb");
-fn panic(info: &PanicInfo) -> ! {
- println!("[rustsbi] {}", info);
- loop {}
-fn oom(layout: Layout) -> ! {
- println!("[rustsbi] out of memory for layout {:?}", layout);
- loop {}
-fn mp_hook() -> bool {
- use riscv::asm::wfi;
- use k210_hal::clint::msip;
- let hartid = mhartid::read();
- if hartid == 0 {
- true
- } else {
- unsafe {
- // Clear IPI
- msip::clear_ipi(hartid);
- // Start listening for software interrupts
- mie::set_msoft();
- loop {
- wfi();
- if mip::read().msoft() {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Stop listening for software interrupts
- mie::clear_msoft();
- // Clear IPI
- msip::clear_ipi(hartid);
- }
- false
- }
-#[export_name = "_start"]
-#[link_section = ".text.entry"] // this is stable
-fn main() -> ! {
- unsafe {
- llvm_asm!(
- "
- csrr a2, mhartid
- lui t0, %hi(_max_hart_id)
- add t0, t0, %lo(_max_hart_id)
- bgtu a2, t0, _start_abort
- la sp, _stack_start
- lui t0, %hi(_hart_stack_size)
- add t0, t0, %lo(_hart_stack_size)
- .ifdef __riscv_mul
- mul t0, a2, t0
- .else
- beqz a2, 2f // Jump if single-hart
- mv t1, a2
- mv t2, t0
- 1:
- add t0, t0, t2
- addi t1, t1, -1
- bnez t1, 1b
- 2:
- .endif
- sub sp, sp, t0
- csrw mscratch, zero
- j _start_success
- _start_abort:
- wfi
- j _start_abort
- _start_success:
- "
- )
- };
- if mp_hook() {
- extern "C" {
- static mut _ebss: u32;
- static mut _sbss: u32;
- static mut _edata: u32;
- static mut _sdata: u32;
- static _sidata: u32;
- }
- unsafe {
- r0::zero_bss(&mut _sbss, &mut _ebss);
- r0::init_data(&mut _sdata, &mut _edata, &_sidata);
- }
- }
- extern "C" {
- fn _start_trap();
- }
- unsafe {
- mtvec::write(_start_trap as usize, TrapMode::Direct);
- }
- if mhartid::read() == 0 {
- extern "C" {
- fn _sheap();
- fn _heap_size();
- }
- let sheap = &mut _sheap as *mut _ as usize;
- let heap_size = &_heap_size as *const _ as usize;
- unsafe {
- ALLOCATOR.lock().init(sheap, heap_size);
- }
- let p = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
- let mut sysctl = p.SYSCTL.constrain();
- let fpioa = p.FPIOA.split(&mut sysctl.apb0);
- let clocks = Clocks::new();
- let _uarths_tx = fpioa.io5.into_function(fpioa::UARTHS_TX);
- let _uarths_rx = fpioa.io4.into_function(fpioa::UARTHS_RX);
- // Configure UART
- let serial = p.UARTHS.configure(115_200.bps(), &clocks);
- let (tx, rx) = serial.split();
- use rustsbi::legacy_stdio::init_legacy_stdio_embedded_hal_fuse;
- init_legacy_stdio_embedded_hal_fuse(tx, rx);
- struct Ipi;
- impl rustsbi::Ipi for Ipi {
- fn max_hart_id(&self) -> usize {
- 1
- }
- fn send_ipi_many(&mut self, hart_mask: rustsbi::HartMask) -> rustsbi::SbiRet {
- use k210_hal::clint::msip;
- for i in 0..=1 {
- if hart_mask.has_bit(i) {
- msip::set_ipi(i);
- msip::clear_ipi(i);
- }
- }
- rustsbi::SbiRet::ok(0)
- }
- }
- use rustsbi::init_ipi;
- init_ipi(Ipi);
- struct Timer;
- impl rustsbi::Timer for Timer {
- fn set_timer(&mut self, stime_value: u64) {
- // This function must clear the pending timer interrupt bit as well.
- use k210_hal::clint::mtimecmp;
- mtimecmp::write(mhartid::read(), stime_value);
- unsafe { mip::clear_mtimer() };
- }
- }
- use rustsbi::init_timer;
- init_timer(Timer);
- struct Reset;
- impl rustsbi::Reset for Reset {
- fn system_reset(&self, reset_type: usize, reset_reason: usize) -> rustsbi::SbiRet {
- println!("[rustsbi] reset triggered! todo: shutdown all harts on k210; program halt. Type: {}, reason: {}", reset_type, reset_reason);
- loop {}
- }
- }
- use rustsbi::init_reset;
- init_reset(Reset);
- use k210_hal::plic::Priority;
- use k210_hal::pac::Interrupt;
- use k210_hal::gpiohs::Edge;
- unsafe {
- pac::PLIC::set_threshold(mhartid::read(), Priority::P0);
- }
- let gpiohs = p.GPIOHS.split();
- fpioa.io16.into_function(fpioa::GPIOHS0);
- let mut boot = gpiohs.gpiohs0.into_pull_up_input();
- boot.trigger_on_edge(Edge::RISING | Edge::FALLING);
- unsafe {
- pac::PLIC::set_priority(Interrupt::GPIOHS0, Priority::P1);
- pac::PLIC::unmask(mhartid::read(), Interrupt::GPIOHS0);
- }
- boot.clear_interrupt_pending_bits();
- }
- unsafe {
- //mideleg::set_sext();
- mideleg::set_stimer();
- mideleg::set_ssoft();
- medeleg::set_instruction_misaligned();
- medeleg::set_breakpoint();
- medeleg::set_user_env_call();
- /* MMU Exception Delegation
- /* Page Faults are *Reserved* in 1.9.1 version */
- - medeleg::set_instruction_page_fault();
- - medeleg::set_load_page_fault();
- - medeleg::set_store_page_fault();
- /* Actually, in 1.9.1 they are merged into more general exceptions */
- + medeleg::set_instruction_fault();
- + medeleg::set_load_fault();
- + medeleg::set_store_fault(); */
- medeleg::set_instruction_fault();
- medeleg::set_load_fault();
- medeleg::set_store_fault();
- // 默认不打开mie::set_mext
- // 不打开mie::set_mtimer
- mie::set_msoft();
- }
- if mhartid::read() == 0 {
- println!("[rustsbi] RustSBI version {}", rustsbi::VERSION);
- println!("{}", rustsbi::LOGO);
- println!("[rustsbi] Platform: K210 (Version {})", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
- let isa = misa::read();
- if let Some(isa) = isa {
- let mxl_str = match isa.mxl() {
- MXL::XLEN32 => "RV32",
- MXL::XLEN64 => "RV64",
- MXL::XLEN128 => "RV128",
- };
- print!("[rustsbi] misa: {}", mxl_str);
- for ext in 'A'..='Z' {
- if isa.has_extension(ext) {
- print!("{}", ext);
- }
- }
- println!("");
- }
- println!("[rustsbi] mideleg: {:#x}", mideleg::read().bits());
- println!("[rustsbi] medeleg: {:#x}", medeleg::read().bits());
- println!("[rustsbi] Kernel entry: 0x80020000");
- }
- extern "C" {
- fn _s_mode_start();
- }
- unsafe {
- mepc::write(_s_mode_start as usize);
- mstatus::set_mpp(MPP::Supervisor);
- enter_privileged(mhartid::read(), DEVICE_TREE_BINARY.as_ptr() as usize);
- }
- "
- .section .text
- .globl _s_mode_start
-1: auipc ra, %pcrel_hi(1f)
- ld ra, %pcrel_lo(1b)(ra)
- jr ra
-.align 3
-1: .dword 0x80020000
-// todo: configurable target address
- "
- .equ REGBYTES, 8
- .macro STORE reg, offset
- sd \\reg, \\offset*REGBYTES(sp)
- .endm
- .macro LOAD reg, offset
- ld \\reg, \\offset*REGBYTES(sp)
- .endm
- .section .text
- .global _start_trap
- .p2align 2
- csrrw sp, mscratch, sp
- bnez sp, 1f
- /* from M level, load sp */
- csrrw sp, mscratch, zero
- addi sp, sp, -16 * REGBYTES
- STORE ra, 0
- STORE t0, 1
- STORE t1, 2
- STORE t2, 3
- STORE t3, 4
- STORE t4, 5
- STORE t5, 6
- STORE t6, 7
- STORE a0, 8
- STORE a1, 9
- STORE a2, 10
- STORE a3, 11
- STORE a4, 12
- STORE a5, 13
- STORE a6, 14
- STORE a7, 15
- mv a0, sp
- call _start_trap_rust
- LOAD ra, 0
- LOAD t0, 1
- LOAD t1, 2
- LOAD t2, 3
- LOAD t3, 4
- LOAD t4, 5
- LOAD t5, 6
- LOAD t6, 7
- LOAD a0, 8
- LOAD a1, 9
- LOAD a2, 10
- LOAD a3, 11
- LOAD a4, 12
- LOAD a5, 13
- LOAD a6, 14
- LOAD a7, 15
- addi sp, sp, 16 * REGBYTES
- csrrw sp, mscratch, sp
- mret
-struct TrapFrame {
- ra: usize,
- t0: usize,
- t1: usize,
- t2: usize,
- t3: usize,
- t4: usize,
- t5: usize,
- t6: usize,
- a0: usize,
- a1: usize,
- a2: usize,
- a3: usize,
- a4: usize,
- a5: usize,
- a6: usize,
- a7: usize,
-impl core::fmt::Display for TrapFrame {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
- writeln!(f, "")?;
- writeln!(f, "ra: {:016x}, t0: {:016x}, t1: {:016x}, t2: {:016x}", self.ra, self.t0, self.t1, self.t2)?;
- writeln!(f, "t3: {:016x}, t4: {:016x}, t5: {:016x}, t6: {:016x}", self.t3, self.t4, self.t5, self.t6)?;
- writeln!(f, "a0: {:016x}, a1: {:016x}, a2: {:016x}, a3: {:016x}", self.a0, self.a1, self.a2, self.a3)?;
- writeln!(f, "a4: {:016x}, a5: {:016x}, a6: {:016x}, a7: {:016x}", self.a4, self.a5, self.a6, self.a7)
- }
-#[export_name = "_start_trap_rust"]
-extern "C" fn start_trap_rust(trap_frame: &mut TrapFrame) {
- let cause = mcause::read().cause();
- match cause {
- Trap::Exception(Exception::SupervisorEnvCall) => {
- if trap_frame.a7 == 0x0A000004 && trap_frame.a6 == 0x210 {
- // We use implementation specific sbi_rustsbi_k210_sext function (extension
- // id: 0x0A000004, function id: 0x210) to register S-level interrupt handler
- // for K210 chip only. This chip uses 1.9.1 version of privileged spec,
- // which did not declare any S-level external interrupts.
- unsafe { DEVINTRENTRY = trap_frame.a0; }
- // enable mext
- unsafe { mie::set_mext(); }
- // return values
- trap_frame.a0 = 0; // SbiRet::error = SBI_SUCCESS
- trap_frame.a1 = 0; // SbiRet::value = 0
- } else {
- // Due to legacy 1.9.1 version of privileged spec, if we are in S-level
- // timer handler (delegated from M mode), and we call SBI's `set_timer`,
- // a M-level external interrupt may be triggered. This may try to obtain
- // data structures locked previously by S-level interrupt handler, which
- // results in a deadlock.
- // Ref: https://github.com/luojia65/rustsbi/pull/5
- if trap_frame.a7 == 0x0 {
- unsafe {
- let mtip = mip::read().mtimer();
- if mtip {
- if DEVINTRENTRY != 0 {
- mie::set_mext();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Actual ecall handler which is common for all RustSBI platforms
- let params = [trap_frame.a0, trap_frame.a1, trap_frame.a2, trap_frame.a3, trap_frame.a4];
- let ans = rustsbi::ecall(trap_frame.a7, trap_frame.a6, params);
- trap_frame.a0 = ans.error;
- trap_frame.a1 = ans.value;
- }
- mepc::write(mepc::read().wrapping_add(4));
- }
- Trap::Interrupt(Interrupt::MachineSoft) => {
- // Forward to S-level software interrupt
- unsafe {
- mip::set_ssoft(); // set S-soft interrupt flag
- mie::clear_msoft(); // mask M-soft interrupt
- }
- }
- Trap::Interrupt(Interrupt::MachineTimer) => {
- // Forward to S-level timer interrupt
- unsafe {
- mip::set_stimer(); // set S-timer interrupt flag
- mie::clear_mext(); // Ref: Pull request #5
- mie::clear_mtimer(); // mask M-timer interrupt
- }
- }
- Trap::Interrupt(Interrupt::MachineExternal) => {
- /* legacy software delegation
- // to make UARTHS interrupt soft delegation work; ref: pull request #1
- // PLIC target0(Always Hart0-M-Interrupt) acquire
- let irq_id = unsafe { (0x0c20_0004 as *const u32).read_volatile() };
- // read from UARTHS RXFIFO
- let ch: u8 = unsafe { (0x3800_0004 as *const u32).read_volatile() & 0xFF } as u8;
- // black magic @_@, soft delegation won't success without it!
- print!("{}", 0 as char);
- // PLIC complete
- unsafe { (0x0c20_0004 as *mut u32).write_volatile(irq_id); }
- // communicate with delegated interrupt with stval CSR
- unsafe { llvm_asm!("csrw stval, $0" :: "r"(ch as usize) :: "volatile"); }
- // soft delegate to S Mode soft interrupt
- unsafe { mip::set_ssoft(); }
- */
- unsafe {
- let mut mstatus: usize;
- llvm_asm!("csrr $0, mstatus" : "=r"(mstatus) ::: "volatile");
- // set mstatus.mprv
- mstatus |= 1 << 17;
- // it may trap from U/S Mode
- // save mpp and set mstatus.mpp to S Mode
- let mpp = (mstatus >> 11) & 3;
- mstatus = mstatus & !(3 << 11);
- mstatus |= 1 << 11;
- // drop mstatus.mprv protection
- llvm_asm!("csrw mstatus, $0" :: "r"(mstatus) :: "volatile");
- fn devintr() {
- unsafe {
- // call devintr defined in application
- // we have to ask compiler save ra explicitly
- llvm_asm!("jalr 0($0)" :: "r"(DEVINTRENTRY) : "ra" : "volatile");
- }
- }
- // compiler helps us save/restore caller-saved registers
- devintr();
- // restore mstatus
- mstatus = mstatus &!(3 << 11);
- mstatus |= mpp << 11;
- mstatus -= 1 << 17;
- llvm_asm!("csrw mstatus, $0" :: "r"(mstatus) :: "volatile");
- }
- }
- Trap::Exception(Exception::IllegalInstruction) => {
- let vaddr = mepc::read();
- let ins = unsafe { get_vaddr_u32(vaddr) };
- if ins & 0xFFFFF07F == 0xC0102073 { // rdtime instruction
- // rdtime is actually a csrrw instruction
- let rd = ((ins >> 7) & 0b1_1111) as u8;
- let mtime = k210_hal::clint::mtime::read();
- let time_usize = mtime as usize;
- set_rd(trap_frame, rd, time_usize);
- mepc::write(mepc::read().wrapping_add(4)); // skip current instruction
- } else if ins & 0xFE007FFF == 0x12000073 { // sfence.vma instruction
- // There is no `sfence.vma` in 1.9.1 privileged spec; however there is a `sfence.vm`.
- // For backward compability, here we emulate the first instruction using the second one.
- // sfence.vma: | 31..25 funct7=SFENCE.VMA(0001001) | 24..20 rs2/asid | 19..15 rs1/vaddr |
- // 14..12 funct3=PRIV(000) | 11..7 rd, =0 | 6..0 opcode=SYSTEM(1110011) |
- // sfence.vm(1.9): | 31..=20 SFENCE.VM(000100000100) | 19..15 rs1/vaddr |
- // 14..12 funct3=PRIV(000) | 11..7 rd, =0 | 6..0 opcode=SYSTEM(1110011) |
- // discard rs2 // let _rs2_asid = ((ins >> 20) & 0b1_1111) as u8;
- // let rs1_vaddr = ((ins >> 15) & 0b1_1111) as u8;
- // read paging mode from satp (sptbr)
- let satp_bits = satp::read().bits();
- // bit 63..20 is not readable and writeable on K210, so we cannot
- // decide paging type from the 'satp' register.
- // that also means that the asid function is not usable on this chip.
- // we have to fix it to be Sv39.
- let ppn = satp_bits & 0xFFF_FFFF_FFFF; // 43..0 PPN WARL
- // write to sptbr
- let sptbr_bits = ppn & 0x3F_FFFF_FFFF;
- unsafe { llvm_asm!("csrw 0x180, $0"::"r"(sptbr_bits)) }; // write to sptbr
- // enable paging (in v1.9.1, mstatus: | 28..24 VM[4:0] WARL | ... )
- let mut mstatus_bits: usize;
- unsafe { llvm_asm!("csrr $0, mstatus":"=r"(mstatus_bits)) };
- mstatus_bits &= !0x1F00_0000;
- mstatus_bits |= 9 << 24;
- unsafe { llvm_asm!("csrw mstatus, $0"::"r"(mstatus_bits)) };
- // emulate with sfence.vm (declared in privileged spec v1.9)
- unsafe { llvm_asm!(".word 0x10400073") }; // sfence.vm x0
- // ::"r"(rs1_vaddr)
- mepc::write(mepc::read().wrapping_add(4)); // skip current instruction
- } else if mstatus::read().mpp() != MPP::Machine { // invalid instruction, can't emulate, raise to supervisor
- // 出现非法指令异常,转发到S特权层
- unsafe {
- scause::set(scause::Trap::Exception(scause::Exception::IllegalInstruction));
- stval::write(mtval::read());
- sepc::write(mepc::read());
- mstatus::set_mpp(MPP::Supervisor);
- mstatus::set_spp(SPP::Supervisor);
- if mstatus::read().sie() {
- mstatus::set_spie()
- }
- mstatus::clear_sie();
- mepc::write(stvec::read().address());
- };
- } else { // 真正来自M特权层的异常
- panic!(
- "invalid instruction from machine level, mepc: {:016x?}, instruction: {:08x?}, trap frame: {}",
- mepc::read(), ins, trap_frame
- );
- }
- }
- cause => panic!(
- "unhandled trap, mcause: {:?}, mepc: {:016x?}, mtval: {:016x?}, trap frame: {}",
- cause,
- mepc::read(),
- mtval::read(),
- trap_frame
- ),
- }
-unsafe fn get_vaddr_u32(vaddr: usize) -> u32 {
- // todo: comment
- get_vaddr_u16(vaddr) as u32 |
- ((get_vaddr_u16(vaddr.wrapping_add(2)) as u32) << 16)
-unsafe fn get_vaddr_u16(vaddr: usize) -> u16 {
- let mut ans: u16;
- llvm_asm!("
- li t0, (1 << 17)
- csrrs t0, mstatus, t0
- lhu $0, 0($1)
- csrw mstatus, t0
- "
- :"=r"(ans)
- :"r"(vaddr)
- :"t0", "t1");
- ans
-fn set_rd(trap_frame: &mut TrapFrame, rd: u8, value: usize) {
- match rd {
- 10 => trap_frame.a0 = value,
- 11 => trap_frame.a1 = value,
- 12 => trap_frame.a2 = value,
- 13 => trap_frame.a3 = value,
- 14 => trap_frame.a4 = value,
- 15 => trap_frame.a5 = value,
- 16 => trap_frame.a6 = value,
- 17 => trap_frame.a7 = value,
- 5 => trap_frame.t0 = value,
- 6 => trap_frame.t1 = value,
- 7 => trap_frame.t2 = value,
- 28 => trap_frame.t3 = value,
- 29 => trap_frame.t4 = value,
- 30 => trap_frame.t5 = value,
- 31 => trap_frame.t6 = value,
- _ => panic!("invalid target `rd`"),
- }