@@ -1,4 +1,189 @@
-pub fn probe_rfence() -> bool {
- false
+use crate::hart_mask::HartMask;
+use crate::ecall::SbiRet;
+/// Remote fence support
+/// In RustSBI, RFENCE support requires an IPI support is implemented.
+/// If your platform does not provide IPI support, RustSBI will disable RFENCE
+/// interface access from supervisor level.
+/// The remote fence function acts as a full TLB flush if
+/// - `start_addr` and `size` are both 0
+/// - `size` is equal to `usize::max_value()`
+pub trait Rfence: Send {
+ /// Instructs remote harts to execute `FENCE.I` instruction.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `SBI_SUCCESS` when remote fence was sent to all the targeted harts successfully.
+ fn remote_fence_i(&mut self, hart_mask: HartMask) -> SbiRet;
+ /// Instructs the remote harts to execute one or more `SFENCE.VMA` instructions,
+ /// covering the range of virtual addresses between start and size.
+ ///
+ /// # Return value
+ ///
+ /// The possible return error codes returned in `SbiRet.error` are shown in the table below:
+ ///
+ /// | Return code | Description
+ /// |:--------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+ /// | SBI_SUCCESS | Remote fence was sent to all the targeted harts successfully.
+ /// | SBI_ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS | `start_addr` or `size` is not valid.
+ fn remote_sfence_vma(&mut self, hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize) -> SbiRet;
+ /// Instruct the remote harts to execute one or more `SFENCE.VMA` instructions,
+ /// covering the range of virtual addresses between start and size. This covers only the given `ASID`.
+ ///
+ /// # Return value
+ ///
+ /// The possible return error codes returned in `SbiRet.error` are shown in the table below:
+ ///
+ /// | Return code | Description
+ /// |:--------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+ /// | SBI_SUCCESS | Remote fence was sent to all the targeted harts successfully.
+ /// | SBI_ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS | `start_addr` or `size` is not valid.
+ fn remote_sfence_vma_asid(&mut self, hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize, asid: usize) -> SbiRet;
+ /// Instruct the remote harts to execute one or more `HFENCE.GVMA` instructions,
+ /// covering the range of guest physical addresses between start and size only for the given `VMID`.
+ ///
+ /// This function call is only valid for harts implementing hypervisor extension.
+ ///
+ /// # Return value
+ ///
+ /// The possible return error codes returned in `SbiRet.error` are shown in the table below:
+ ///
+ /// | Return code | Description
+ /// |:--------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+ /// | SBI_SUCCESS | Remote fence was sent to all the targeted harts successfully.
+ /// | SBI_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED | This function is not supported as it is not implemented or one of the target hart doesn’t support hypervisor extension.
+ /// | SBI_ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS | `start_addr` or `size` is not valid.
+ fn remote_hfence_gvma_vmid(&mut self, hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize, vmid: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ drop((hart_mask, start_addr, size, vmid));
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
+ /// Instruct the remote harts to execute one or more `HFENCE.GVMA` instructions,
+ /// covering the range of guest physical addresses between start and size for all the guests.
+ ///
+ /// This function call is only valid for harts implementing hypervisor extension.
+ ///
+ /// # Return value
+ ///
+ /// The possible return error codes returned in `SbiRet.error` are shown in the table below:
+ ///
+ /// | Return code | Description
+ /// |:--------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+ /// | SBI_SUCCESS | Remote fence was sent to all the targeted harts successfully.
+ /// | SBI_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED | This function is not supported as it is not implemented or one of the target hart doesn’t support hypervisor extension.
+ /// | SBI_ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS | `start_addr` or `size` is not valid.
+ fn remote_hfence_gvma(&mut self, hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ drop((hart_mask, start_addr, size));
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
+ /// Instruct the remote harts to execute one or more `HFENCE.VVMA` instructions,
+ /// covering the range of guest virtual addresses between start and size for the given `ASID` and current `VMID` (in `hgatp` CSR)
+ /// of calling hart.
+ ///
+ /// This function call is only valid for harts implementing hypervisor extension.
+ ///
+ /// # Return value
+ ///
+ /// The possible return error codes returned in `SbiRet.error` are shown in the table below:
+ ///
+ /// | Return code | Description
+ /// |:--------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+ /// | SBI_SUCCESS | Remote fence was sent to all the targeted harts successfully.
+ /// | SBI_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED | This function is not supported as it is not implemented or one of the target hart doesn’t support hypervisor extension.
+ /// | SBI_ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS | `start_addr` or `size` is not valid.
+ fn remote_hfence_vvma_asid(&mut self, hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize, asid: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ drop((hart_mask, start_addr, size, asid));
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
+ /// Instruct the remote harts to execute one or more `HFENCE.VVMA` instructions,
+ /// covering the range of guest virtual addresses between start and size for current `VMID` (in `hgatp` CSR)
+ /// of calling hart.
+ ///
+ /// This function call is only valid for harts implementing hypervisor extension.
+ ///
+ /// # Return value
+ ///
+ /// The possible return error codes returned in `SbiRet.error` are shown in the table below:
+ ///
+ /// | Return code | Description
+ /// |:--------------------------|:----------------------------------------------
+ /// | SBI_SUCCESS | Remote fence was sent to all the targeted harts successfully.
+ /// | SBI_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED | This function is not supported as it is not implemented or one of the target hart doesn’t support hypervisor extension.
+ /// | SBI_ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS | `start_addr` or `size` is not valid.
+ fn remote_hfence_vvma(&mut self, hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ drop((hart_mask, start_addr, size, size));
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
+use alloc::boxed::Box;
+use spin::Mutex;
+lazy_static::lazy_static! {
+ static ref RFENCE: Mutex<Option<Box<dyn Rfence>>> = Mutex::new(None);
+#[doc(hidden)] // use through a macro
+pub fn init_rfence<T: Rfence + Send + 'static>(rfence: T) {
+ *RFENCE.lock() = Some(Box::new(rfence));
+pub(crate) fn probe_rfence() -> bool {
+ RFENCE.lock().as_ref().is_some()
+pub(crate) fn remote_fence_i(hart_mask: HartMask) -> SbiRet {
+ if let Some(rfence) = RFENCE.lock().as_mut() {
+ rfence.remote_fence_i(hart_mask)
+ } else {
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
+pub(crate) fn remote_sfence_vma(hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ if let Some(rfence) = RFENCE.lock().as_mut() {
+ rfence.remote_sfence_vma(hart_mask, start_addr, size)
+ } else {
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
+pub(crate) fn remote_sfence_vma_asid(hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize, asid: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ if let Some(rfence) = RFENCE.lock().as_mut() {
+ rfence.remote_sfence_vma_asid(hart_mask, start_addr, size, asid)
+ } else {
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
+pub(crate) fn remote_hfence_gvma_vmid(hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize, vmid: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ if let Some(rfence) = RFENCE.lock().as_mut() {
+ rfence.remote_hfence_gvma_vmid(hart_mask, start_addr, size, vmid)
+ } else {
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
+pub(crate) fn remote_hfence_gvma(hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ if let Some(rfence) = RFENCE.lock().as_mut() {
+ rfence.remote_hfence_gvma(hart_mask, start_addr, size)
+ } else {
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
+pub(crate) fn remote_hfence_vvma_asid(hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize, asid: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ if let Some(rfence) = RFENCE.lock().as_mut() {
+ rfence.remote_hfence_vvma_asid(hart_mask, start_addr, size, asid)
+ } else {
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
+pub(crate) fn remote_hfence_vvma(hart_mask: HartMask, start_addr: usize, size: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ if let Some(rfence) = RFENCE.lock().as_mut() {
+ rfence.remote_hfence_vvma(hart_mask, start_addr, size)
+ } else {
+ SbiRet::not_supported()
+ }
-// todo