@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+use core::convert::Infallible;
+use crate::HartMask;
+use riscv::register::{marchid, mimpid, mvendorid};
+use spec::binary::{Physical, SbiRet};
+/// RustSBI trait including standard extensions.
+pub trait RustSBI {
+ /// Handle supervisor environment call with given parameters and return the `SbiRet` result.
+ fn handle_ecall(&self, extension: usize, function: usize, param: [usize; 6]) -> SbiRet;
+/* macro internal structures and functions */
+pub struct _StandardExtensionProbe {
+ pub base: usize,
+ pub fence: usize,
+ pub timer: usize,
+ pub ipi: usize,
+ pub hsm: usize,
+ pub reset: usize,
+pub fn _rustsbi_base_machine(
+ param: [usize; 6],
+ function: usize,
+ probe: _StandardExtensionProbe,
+) -> SbiRet {
+ let [param0] = [param[0]];
+ let value = match function {
+ spec::base::GET_SBI_SPEC_VERSION => (crate::SBI_SPEC_MAJOR << 24) | (crate::SBI_SPEC_MINOR),
+ spec::base::GET_SBI_IMPL_ID => crate::IMPL_ID_RUSTSBI,
+ spec::base::PROBE_EXTENSION => {
+ // only provides probes to standard extensions. If you have customized extensions to be probed,
+ // run it even before this `handle_ecall` function.
+ probe_extension(param0, probe)
+ }
+ spec::base::GET_MVENDORID => mvendorid::read().map(|r| r.bits()).unwrap_or(0),
+ spec::base::GET_MARCHID => marchid::read().map(|r| r.bits()).unwrap_or(0),
+ spec::base::GET_MIMPID => mimpid::read().map(|r| r.bits()).unwrap_or(0),
+ _ => return SbiRet::not_supported(),
+ };
+ SbiRet::success(value)
+fn probe_extension(extension: usize, probe: _StandardExtensionProbe) -> usize {
+ match extension {
+ spec::base::EID_BASE => probe.base,
+ spec::time::EID_TIME => probe.timer,
+ spec::spi::EID_SPI => probe.ipi,
+ spec::rfnc::EID_RFNC => probe.fence,
+ spec::srst::EID_SRST => probe.reset,
+ spec::hsm::EID_HSM => probe.hsm,
+ // spec::pmu::EID_PMU => self.pmu.is_some(),
+ // spec::dbcn::EID_DBCN => self.dbcn.is_some(),
+ // spec::susp::EID_SUSP => self.susp.is_some(),
+ // spec::cppc::EID_CPPC => self.cppc.is_some(),
+ _ => spec::base::UNAVAILABLE_EXTENSION,
+ }
+pub fn _rustsbi_fence<T: crate::Fence>(fence: T, param: [usize; 6], function: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ let [param0, param1, param2, param3, param4] =
+ [param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4]];
+ let hart_mask = HartMask::from_mask_base(param0, param1);
+ match function {
+ spec::rfnc::REMOTE_FENCE_I => fence.remote_fence_i(hart_mask),
+ spec::rfnc::REMOTE_SFENCE_VMA => fence.remote_sfence_vma(hart_mask, param2, param3),
+ spec::rfnc::REMOTE_SFENCE_VMA_ASID => {
+ fence.remote_sfence_vma_asid(hart_mask, param2, param3, param4)
+ }
+ spec::rfnc::REMOTE_HFENCE_GVMA_VMID => {
+ fence.remote_hfence_gvma_vmid(hart_mask, param2, param3, param4)
+ }
+ spec::rfnc::REMOTE_HFENCE_GVMA => fence.remote_hfence_gvma(hart_mask, param2, param3),
+ spec::rfnc::REMOTE_HFENCE_VVMA_ASID => {
+ fence.remote_hfence_vvma_asid(hart_mask, param2, param3, param4)
+ }
+ spec::rfnc::REMOTE_HFENCE_VVMA => fence.remote_hfence_vvma(hart_mask, param2, param3),
+ _ => SbiRet::not_supported(),
+ }
+pub fn _rustsbi_timer<T: crate::Timer>(timer: T, param: [usize; 6], function: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ match () {
+ #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
+ () => {
+ let [param0] = [param[0]];
+ match function {
+ spec::time::SET_TIMER => {
+ timer.set_timer(param0 as _);
+ SbiRet::success(0)
+ }
+ _ => SbiRet::not_supported(),
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
+ () => {
+ let [param0, param1] = [param[0], param[1]];
+ match function {
+ spec::time::SET_TIMER => {
+ timer.set_timer(concat_u32(param1, param0));
+ SbiRet::success(0)
+ }
+ _ => SbiRet::not_supported(),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub fn _rustsbi_ipi<T: crate::Ipi>(ipi: T, param: [usize; 6], function: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ let [param0, param1] = [param[0], param[1]];
+ match function {
+ spec::spi::SEND_IPI => ipi.send_ipi(HartMask::from_mask_base(param0, param1)),
+ _ => SbiRet::not_supported(),
+ }
+pub fn _rustsbi_hsm<T: crate::Hsm>(hsm: T, param: [usize; 6], function: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ let [param0, param1, param2] = [param[0], param[1], param[2]];
+ match function {
+ spec::hsm::HART_START => hsm.hart_start(param0, param1, param2),
+ spec::hsm::HART_STOP => hsm.hart_stop(),
+ spec::hsm::HART_GET_STATUS => hsm.hart_get_status(param0),
+ spec::hsm::HART_SUSPEND => {
+ if let Ok(suspend_type) = u32::try_from(param0) {
+ hsm.hart_suspend(suspend_type, param1, param2)
+ } else {
+ SbiRet::invalid_param()
+ }
+ }
+ _ => SbiRet::not_supported(),
+ }
+pub fn _rustsbi_srst<T: crate::Reset>(reset: T, param: [usize; 6], function: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ let [param0, param1] = [param[0], param[1]];
+ match function {
+ spec::srst::SYSTEM_RESET => match (u32::try_from(param0), u32::try_from(param1)) {
+ (Ok(reset_type), Ok(reset_reason)) => reset.system_reset(reset_type, reset_reason),
+ (_, _) => SbiRet::invalid_param(),
+ },
+ _ => SbiRet::not_supported(),
+ }
+// Placeholder for a structure that implements all RustSBI traits but is never accessed
+// fixme: Should be replaced to never type `!` once it's stablized
+// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/35121
+// fixme: should be replaced to impl SomeTrait for ! once never type is stablized
+impl crate::Timer for Infallible {
+ fn set_timer(&self, _: u64) {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+impl crate::Ipi for Infallible {
+ fn send_ipi(&self, _: HartMask) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+impl crate::Fence for Infallible {
+ #[inline]
+ fn remote_fence_i(&self, _: HartMask) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn remote_sfence_vma(&self, _: HartMask, _: usize, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn remote_sfence_vma_asid(&self, _: HartMask, _: usize, _: usize, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn remote_hfence_gvma_vmid(&self, _: HartMask, _: usize, _: usize, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn remote_hfence_gvma(&self, _: HartMask, _: usize, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn remote_hfence_vvma_asid(&self, _: HartMask, _: usize, _: usize, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn remote_hfence_vvma(&self, _: HartMask, _: usize, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+impl crate::Hsm for Infallible {
+ fn hart_start(&self, _: usize, _: usize, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn hart_stop(&self) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn hart_get_status(&self, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn hart_suspend(&self, _: u32, _: usize, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+impl crate::Reset for Infallible {
+ fn system_reset(&self, _: u32, _: u32) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+impl crate::Pmu for Infallible {
+ fn num_counters(&self) -> usize {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn counter_get_info(&self, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn counter_config_matching(&self, _: usize, _: usize, _: usize, _: usize, _: u64) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn counter_start(&self, _: usize, _: usize, _: usize, _: u64) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn counter_stop(&self, _: usize, _: usize, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn counter_fw_read(&self, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn counter_fw_read_hi(&self, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+impl crate::Console for Infallible {
+ fn write(&self, _: Physical<&[u8]>) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn read(&self, _: Physical<&mut [u8]>) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn write_byte(&self, _: u8) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+impl crate::Susp for Infallible {
+ fn system_suspend(&self, _: u32, _: usize, _: usize) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+impl crate::Cppc for Infallible {
+ fn probe(&self, _: u32) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn read(&self, _: u32) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn read_hi(&self, _: u32) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ fn write(&self, _: u32, _: u64) -> SbiRet {
+ unreachable!()
+ }