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RISC-V Supervisor Binary Interface implementation in Rust; runs on M-mode.
+## Features
+- Functional operating system runtime
+- Adapted to RISC-V SBI specification v0.2
+- Good support for unix-like operating systems
+- Written in Rust
+- Alternative to OpenSBI with most of its function
+- Supports QEMU emulator (priv. spec v1.11)
+- Backward compatible to privileged spec v1.9
+- Supports Kendryte K210 with MMU and S-Mode
+## Talks and documents
+This project is originally a part of rCore Summer of Code 2020 activities, now it is
+capable of running rCore-Tutorial and other OS kernels on wide supported RISC-V devices.
Blog article (Chinese): [Here](https://github.com/luojia65/rcore-os-blog/blob/master/source/_posts/os-report-final-luojia65.md)
Slides (Chinese): [Here](https://github.com/luojia65/DailySchedule/blob/master/Rust%E8%AF%AD%E8%A8%80%E4%B8%8ERISC-V%E6%93%8D%E4%BD%9C%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F.pdf)