# 使用RustSBI & U-Boot在QEMU中启动 PolyOS 尽管 Openharmony 在 4.1 引入了 `device_qemu-riscv64-linux`,但是目前仍无法按照[文档](https://gitee.com/openharmony/device_qemu/tree/HEAD/riscv64_virt#)正常编译。 本文于此介绍基于 OpenHarmony 的系统 -- PolyOS 使用 RustSBI 和 U-Boot 在 QEMU 中启动的方法。 下令 `$workdir` 表示工作目录。 ### Clone & Compile RustSBI Prototyper ``` shell $ cd $workdir $ git clone https://github.com/rustsbi/prototyper.git && cd prototyper && git checkout main && cd .. ``` ``` shell $ cd prototyper ``` 编译RustSBI Prototyper ``` shell $ cargo prototyper ``` ### Clone & Compile U-Boot ``` shell $ cd $workdir $ git clone https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot.git && cd u-boot && git checkout v2024.04 && cd .. ``` 进入U-Boot目录 ``` shell $ cd u-boot ``` 导出环境变量 ``` shell $ export ARCH=riscv $ export CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- $ export OPENSBI=../prototyper/target/riscv64imac-unknown-none-elf/release/rustsbi-prototyper.bin ``` 生成`.config`文件,编译U-Boot ``` shell # To generate .config file out of board configuration file $ make qemu-riscv64_spl_defconfig $ make -j$(nproc) ``` ### Download & Configure PolyOS 下载 PolyOS Mobile 镜像:。 ```shell $ cd $workdir $ wget https://polyos.iscas.ac.cn/downloads/polyos-mobile-latest.img.tar.xz $ tar xvf polyos-mobile-latest.img.tar.xz ``` 创建一个带分区表的镜像,并创建一个分区。 ```shell $ cd ./image $ qemu-img create boot.img 1g $ fdisk boot.img # 创建 GPT 分区表 > g # 新建一个分区 > n # 保存 > w ``` ( fdisk 的提示全选是和默认项即可。) 挂载本地回环设备: ```shell $ sudo losetup --find --show -P ./boot.img ``` 以下假设挂载的本地回环设备为 `/dev/loop1`。 将给定的 boot.ext4 写入该分区: ```shell $ dd if=./boot.ext4 of=/dev/loop1p1 ``` 挂载该分区: ```shell $ mkdir boot $ mount /dev/loop1p1 ./boot ``` 创建 `./boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf`,并写入以下内容: ```shell default polyOS-RISC-V label polyOS-RISC-V kernel /Image initrd /ramdisk.img append 'loglevel=1 ip= sn=0023456789 console=tty0,115200 console=ttyS0,115200 init=/bin/init ohos.boot.hardware=virt root=/dev/ram0 rw ohos.required_mount.system=/dev/block/vdb@/usr@ext4@ro,barrier=1@wait,required ohos.required_mount.vendor=/dev/block/vdc@/vendor@ext4@ro,barrier=1@wait,required ohos.required_mount.sys_prod=/dev/block/vde@/sys_prod@ext4@ro,barrier=1@wait,required ohos.required_mount.chip_prod=/dev/block/vdf@/chip_prod@ext4@ro,barrier=1@wait,required ohos.required_mount.data=/dev/block/vdd@/data@ext4@nosuid,nodev,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc@wait,reservedsize=1073741824 ohos.required_mount.misc=/dev/block/vda@/misc@none@none=@wait,required' ``` 卸载相关分区和本地回环设备: ```shell $ umount ./boot $ losetup -d /dev/loop1 ``` ### USE Qemu to bootup 使用 qemu 启动: ```shell $ cd $workdir/image image_path=`pwd` qemu-system-riscv64 \ -name PolyOS-Mobile \ -machine virt \ -m 4096\ -smp 4 \ -no-reboot \ -bios ../u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl \ -device loader,file=../u-boot/u-boot.itb,addr=0x80200000 \ -drive if=none,file=${image_path}/boot.img,format=raw,id=boot,index=6 \ -device ahci,id=ahci -device ide-hd,bus=ahci.0,drive=boot \ -drive if=none,file=${image_path}/updater.img,format=raw,id=updater,index=5 \ -device virtio-blk-device,drive=updater \ -drive if=none,file=${image_path}/system.img,format=raw,id=system,index=4 \ -device virtio-blk-device,drive=system \ -drive if=none,file=${image_path}/vendor.img,format=raw,id=vendor,index=3 \ -device virtio-blk-device,drive=vendor \ -drive if=none,file=${image_path}/userdata.img,format=raw,id=userdata,index=2 \ -device virtio-blk-device,drive=userdata \ -drive if=none,file=${image_path}/sys_prod.img,format=raw,id=sys-prod,index=1 \ -device virtio-blk-device,drive=sys-prod \ -drive if=none,file=${image_path}/chip_prod.img,format=raw,id=chip-prod,index=0 \ -device virtio-blk-device,drive=chip-prod \ -nographic \ -device virtio-gpu-pci,xres=486,yres=864,max_outputs=1,addr=08.0 \ -monitor telnet:,server,nowait \ -device virtio-mouse-pci \ -device virtio-keyboard-pci \ -device es1370 \ -k en-us \ -display sdl,gl=off ```