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RustSBI Prototyper

RustSBI Prototyper is a developing RISC-V Secure Bootloader solution. It can be integrated with the Rust or C language ecosystem to form a complete RISC-V bootloader ecosystem.

Setting Up the Development Environment

Packages to be installed

cargo install cargo-binutils
sudo apt install u-boot-tools

Optional Tools

The following tools are not mandatory but can be useful for enhancing your development experience.

Install pre-commit

pre-commit is a tool that runs code checks before you commit your code.

pipx install pre-commit

# After installation, run pre-commit install to set it up for your project.
pre-commit install

Install Cargo Deny

Cargo deny is a Cargo plugin used to check the security of your dependencies.

cargo install --locked cargo-deny

Install typos

typos is a spell-checking tool.

cargo install typos-cli

Install git cliff

git cliff is a tool for generating changelogs.

cargo install git-cliff


This project is dual-licensed under MIT or Mulan-PSL v2. See LICENSE-MIT and LICENSE-MULAN for details.