@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
//! It also provides the _middleware interfaces_ [Tracer](struct.Tracer.html) and
//! [FaultInjector](struct.FaultInjector.html), to facilitate debugging.
-//! # Examples
+// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/38740
+//! <h1 id="examples" class="section-header"><a href="#examples">Examples</a></h1>
//! An implementation of the [Device](trait.Device.html) trait for a simple hardware
//! Ethernet controller could look as follows:
@@ -19,7 +20,6 @@ use std::slice;
use smoltcp::Error;
use smoltcp::phy::Device;
-const MTU: usize = 1536;
const TX_BUFFERS: [*mut u8; 2] = [0x10000000 as *mut u8, 0x10001000 as *mut u8];
const RX_BUFFERS: [*mut u8; 2] = [0x10002000 as *mut u8, 0x10003000 as *mut u8];
@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ fn rx_full() -> bool {
+fn rx_length() -> usize {
+ /* platform-specific code to determine the length of an incoming packet */
+ 0
fn rx_setup(buf: *mut u8) {
/* platform-specific code to receive a packet into a buffer */
@@ -42,22 +47,23 @@ fn tx_setup(buf: *const u8) {
struct EthernetDevice {
- tx_next: usize,
- rx_next: usize
+ tx_next: usize,
+ rx_next: usize
impl Device for EthernetDevice {
type RxBuffer = &'static [u8];
type TxBuffer = EthernetTxBuffer;
- fn mtu(&self) -> usize { MTU }
+ fn mtu(&self) -> usize { 1536 }
fn receive(&mut self) -> Result<Self::RxBuffer, Error> {
if rx_full() {
- let index = self.rx_next;
+ let length = rx_length();
+ let index = self.rx_next;
self.rx_next = (self.rx_next + 1) % RX_BUFFERS.len();
- Ok(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(RX_BUFFERS[index], MTU) })
+ Ok(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(RX_BUFFERS[index], length) })
} else {
@@ -67,33 +73,25 @@ impl Device for EthernetDevice {
if tx_empty() {
let index = self.tx_next;
self.tx_next = (self.tx_next + 1) % TX_BUFFERS.len();
- Ok(EthernetTxBuffer {
- buffer: unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(TX_BUFFERS[index], length) },
- length: length,
- })
+ Ok(EthernetTxBuffer(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(TX_BUFFERS[index], length) }))
} else {
-struct EthernetTxBuffer {
- buffer: &'static mut [u8],
- length: usize
+struct EthernetTxBuffer(&'static mut [u8]);
impl AsRef<[u8]> for EthernetTxBuffer {
- fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.buffer[..self.length] }
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { self.0 }
impl AsMut<[u8]> for EthernetTxBuffer {
- fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { &mut self.buffer[..self.length] }
+ fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { self.0 }
impl Drop for EthernetTxBuffer {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- tx_setup(self.buffer.as_ptr())
- }
+ fn drop(&mut self) { tx_setup(self.0.as_ptr()) }