5.8 KB

  1. //! 6lowpan exmaple
  2. //!
  3. //! This example is designed to run using the Linux ieee802154/6lowpan support,
  4. //! using mac802154_hwsim.
  5. //!
  6. //! mac802154_hwsim allows you to create multiple "virtual" radios and specify
  7. //! which is in range with which. This is very useful for testing without
  8. //! needing real hardware. By default it creates two interfaces `wpan0` and
  9. //! `wpan1` that are in range with each other. You can customize this with
  10. //! the `wpan-hwsim` tool.
  11. //!
  12. //! We'll configure Linux to speak 6lowpan on `wpan0`, and leave `wpan1`
  13. //! unconfigured so smoltcp can use it with a raw socket.
  14. //!
  15. //! # Setup
  16. //!
  17. //! modprobe mac802154_hwsim
  18. //!
  19. //! ip link set wpan0 down
  20. //! ip link set wpan1 down
  21. //! iwpan dev wpan0 set pan_id 0xbeef
  22. //! iwpan dev wpan1 set pan_id 0xbeef
  23. //! ip link add link wpan0 name lowpan0 type lowpan
  24. //! ip link set wpan0 up
  25. //! ip link set wpan1 up
  26. //! ip link set lowpan0 up
  27. //!
  28. //! # Running
  29. //!
  30. //! Run it with `sudo ./target/debug/examples/sixlowpan`.
  31. //!
  32. //! You can set wireshark to sniff on interface `wpan0` to see the packets.
  33. //!
  34. //! Ping it with `ping fe80::180b:4242:4242:4242%lowpan0`.
  35. //!
  36. //! Speak UDP with `nc -uv fe80::180b:4242:4242:4242%lowpan0 6969`.
  37. //!
  38. //! # Teardown
  39. //!
  40. //! rmmod mac802154_hwsim
  41. //!
  42. mod utils;
  43. use log::debug;
  44. use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
  45. use std::str;
  46. use smoltcp::iface::{InterfaceBuilder, NeighborCache, SocketSet};
  47. use smoltcp::phy::{wait as phy_wait, Medium, RawSocket};
  48. use smoltcp::socket::tcp;
  49. use smoltcp::socket::udp;
  50. use smoltcp::time::Instant;
  51. use smoltcp::wire::{Ieee802154Pan, IpAddress, IpCidr};
  52. fn main() {
  53. utils::setup_logging("");
  54. let (mut opts, mut free) = utils::create_options();
  55. utils::add_middleware_options(&mut opts, &mut free);
  56. let mut matches = utils::parse_options(&opts, free);
  57. let device = RawSocket::new("wpan1", Medium::Ieee802154).unwrap();
  58. let fd = device.as_raw_fd();
  59. let mut device =
  60. utils::parse_middleware_options(&mut matches, device, /*loopback=*/ false);
  61. let neighbor_cache = NeighborCache::new();
  62. let udp_rx_buffer = udp::PacketBuffer::new(vec![udp::PacketMetadata::EMPTY], vec![0; 1280]);
  63. let udp_tx_buffer = udp::PacketBuffer::new(vec![udp::PacketMetadata::EMPTY], vec![0; 1280]);
  64. let udp_socket = udp::Socket::new(udp_rx_buffer, udp_tx_buffer);
  65. let tcp_rx_buffer = tcp::SocketBuffer::new(vec![0; 4096]);
  66. let tcp_tx_buffer = tcp::SocketBuffer::new(vec![0; 4096]);
  67. let tcp_socket = tcp::Socket::new(tcp_rx_buffer, tcp_tx_buffer);
  68. let ieee802154_addr = smoltcp::wire::Ieee802154Address::Extended([
  69. 0x1a, 0x0b, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42,
  70. ]);
  71. let mut ip_addrs = heapless::Vec::<IpCidr, 5>::new();
  72. ip_addrs
  73. .push(IpCidr::new(
  74. IpAddress::v6(0xfe80, 0, 0, 0, 0x180b, 0x4242, 0x4242, 0x4242),
  75. 64,
  76. ))
  77. .unwrap();
  78. let mut builder = InterfaceBuilder::new()
  79. .ip_addrs(ip_addrs)
  80. .pan_id(Ieee802154Pan(0xbeef));
  81. builder = builder
  82. .hardware_addr(ieee802154_addr.into())
  83. .neighbor_cache(neighbor_cache);
  84. #[cfg(feature = "proto-sixlowpan-fragmentation")]
  85. let mut out_packet_buffer = [0u8; 1280];
  86. #[cfg(feature = "proto-sixlowpan-fragmentation")]
  87. {
  88. builder = builder.sixlowpan_fragmentation_buffer(&mut out_packet_buffer[..]);
  89. }
  90. let mut iface = builder.finalize(&mut device);
  91. let mut sockets = SocketSet::new(vec![]);
  92. let udp_handle = sockets.add(udp_socket);
  93. let tcp_handle = sockets.add(tcp_socket);
  94. let socket = sockets.get_mut::<tcp::Socket>(tcp_handle);
  95. socket.listen(50000).unwrap();
  96. let mut tcp_active = false;
  97. loop {
  98. let timestamp = Instant::now();
  99. iface.poll(timestamp, &mut device, &mut sockets);
  100. // udp:6969: respond "hello"
  101. let socket = sockets.get_mut::<udp::Socket>(udp_handle);
  102. if !socket.is_open() {
  103. socket.bind(6969).unwrap()
  104. }
  105. let mut buffer = vec![0; 1500];
  106. let client = match socket.recv() {
  107. Ok((data, endpoint)) => {
  108. debug!(
  109. "udp:6969 recv data: {:?} from {}",
  110. str::from_utf8(data).unwrap(),
  111. endpoint
  112. );
  113. buffer[].copy_from_slice(data);
  114. Some((data.len(), endpoint))
  115. }
  116. Err(_) => None,
  117. };
  118. if let Some((len, endpoint)) = client {
  119. debug!(
  120. "udp:6969 send data: {:?}",
  121. str::from_utf8(&buffer[..len]).unwrap()
  122. );
  123. socket.send_slice(&buffer[..len], endpoint).unwrap();
  124. }
  125. let socket = sockets.get_mut::<tcp::Socket>(tcp_handle);
  126. if socket.is_active() && !tcp_active {
  127. debug!("connected");
  128. } else if !socket.is_active() && tcp_active {
  129. debug!("disconnected");
  130. }
  131. tcp_active = socket.is_active();
  132. if socket.may_recv() {
  133. let data = socket
  134. .recv(|data| {
  135. let data = data.to_owned();
  136. if !data.is_empty() {
  137. debug!(
  138. "recv data: {:?}",
  139. str::from_utf8(data.as_ref()).unwrap_or("(invalid utf8)")
  140. );
  141. }
  142. (data.len(), data)
  143. })
  144. .unwrap();
  145. if socket.can_send() && !data.is_empty() {
  146. debug!(
  147. "send data: {:?}",
  148. str::from_utf8(data.as_ref()).unwrap_or("(invalid utf8)")
  149. );
  150. socket.send_slice(&data[..]).unwrap();
  151. }
  152. } else if socket.may_send() {
  153. debug!("close");
  154. socket.close();
  155. }
  156. phy_wait(fd, iface.poll_delay(timestamp, &sockets)).expect("wait error");
  157. }
  158. }