123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232 |
- #![allow(dead_code)]
- #[cfg(feature = "log")]
- use env_logger::Builder;
- use getopts::{Matches, Options};
- #[cfg(feature = "log")]
- use log::{trace, Level, LevelFilter};
- use std::cell::RefCell;
- use std::env;
- use std::fs::File;
- use std::io::{self, Write};
- use std::process;
- use std::rc::Rc;
- use std::str::{self, FromStr};
- use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
- use smoltcp::phy::RawSocket;
- #[cfg(feature = "phy-tuntap_interface")]
- use smoltcp::phy::TunTapInterface;
- use smoltcp::phy::{Device, FaultInjector, Medium, Tracer};
- use smoltcp::phy::{PcapMode, PcapSink, PcapWriter};
- use smoltcp::time::{Duration, Instant};
- #[cfg(feature = "log")]
- pub fn setup_logging_with_clock<F>(filter: &str, since_startup: F)
- where
- F: Fn() -> Instant + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- Builder::new()
- .format(move |buf, record| {
- let elapsed = since_startup();
- let timestamp = format!("[{}]", elapsed);
- if record.target().starts_with("smoltcp::") {
- writeln!(
- buf,
- "\x1b[0m{} ({}): {}\x1b[0m",
- timestamp,
- record.target().replace("smoltcp::", ""),
- record.args()
- )
- } else if record.level() == Level::Trace {
- let message = format!("{}", record.args());
- writeln!(
- buf,
- "\x1b[37m{} {}\x1b[0m",
- timestamp,
- message.replace("\n", "\n ")
- )
- } else {
- writeln!(
- buf,
- "\x1b[32m{} ({}): {}\x1b[0m",
- timestamp,
- record.target(),
- record.args()
- )
- }
- })
- .filter(None, LevelFilter::Trace)
- .parse(filter)
- .parse(&env::var("RUST_LOG").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_owned()))
- .init();
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "log")]
- pub fn setup_logging(filter: &str) {
- setup_logging_with_clock(filter, Instant::now)
- }
- pub fn create_options() -> (Options, Vec<&'static str>) {
- let mut opts = Options::new();
- opts.optflag("h", "help", "print this help menu");
- (opts, Vec::new())
- }
- pub fn parse_options(options: &Options, free: Vec<&str>) -> Matches {
- match options.parse(env::args().skip(1)) {
- Err(err) => {
- println!("{}", err);
- process::exit(1)
- }
- Ok(matches) => {
- if matches.opt_present("h") || matches.free.len() != free.len() {
- let brief = format!(
- "Usage: {} [OPTION]... {}",
- env::args().next().unwrap(),
- free.join(" ")
- );
- print!("{}", options.usage(&brief));
- process::exit(if matches.free.len() != free.len() {
- 1
- } else {
- 0
- })
- }
- matches
- }
- }
- }
- pub fn add_tuntap_options(opts: &mut Options, _free: &mut Vec<&str>) {
- opts.optopt("", "tun", "TUN interface to use", "tun0");
- opts.optopt("", "tap", "TAP interface to use", "tap0");
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "phy-tuntap_interface")]
- pub fn parse_tuntap_options(matches: &mut Matches) -> TunTapInterface {
- let tun = matches.opt_str("tun");
- let tap = matches.opt_str("tap");
- match (tun, tap) {
- (Some(tun), None) => TunTapInterface::new(&tun, Medium::Ip).unwrap(),
- (None, Some(tap)) => TunTapInterface::new(&tap, Medium::Ethernet).unwrap(),
- _ => panic!("You must specify exactly one of --tun or --tap"),
- }
- }
- pub fn parse_raw_socket_options(matches: &mut Matches) -> RawSocket {
- let interface = matches.free.remove(0);
- RawSocket::new(&interface).unwrap()
- }
- pub fn add_middleware_options(opts: &mut Options, _free: &mut Vec<&str>) {
- opts.optopt("", "pcap", "Write a packet capture file", "FILE");
- opts.optopt(
- "",
- "drop-chance",
- "Chance of dropping a packet (%)",
- );
- opts.optopt(
- "",
- "corrupt-chance",
- "Chance of corrupting a packet (%)",
- );
- opts.optopt(
- "",
- "size-limit",
- "Drop packets larger than given size (octets)",
- "SIZE",
- );
- opts.optopt(
- "",
- "tx-rate-limit",
- "Drop packets after transmit rate exceeds given limit \
- (packets per interval)",
- "RATE",
- );
- opts.optopt(
- "",
- "rx-rate-limit",
- "Drop packets after transmit rate exceeds given limit \
- (packets per interval)",
- "RATE",
- );
- opts.optopt(
- "",
- "shaping-interval",
- "Sets the interval for rate limiting (ms)",
- "RATE",
- );
- }
- pub fn parse_middleware_options<D>(
- matches: &mut Matches,
- device: D,
- loopback: bool,
- ) -> FaultInjector<Tracer<PcapWriter<D, Rc<dyn PcapSink>>>>
- where
- D: for<'a> Device<'a>,
- {
- let drop_chance = matches
- .opt_str("drop-chance")
- .map(|s| u8::from_str(&s).unwrap())
- .unwrap_or(0);
- let corrupt_chance = matches
- .opt_str("corrupt-chance")
- .map(|s| u8::from_str(&s).unwrap())
- .unwrap_or(0);
- let size_limit = matches
- .opt_str("size-limit")
- .map(|s| usize::from_str(&s).unwrap())
- .unwrap_or(0);
- let tx_rate_limit = matches
- .opt_str("tx-rate-limit")
- .map(|s| u64::from_str(&s).unwrap())
- .unwrap_or(0);
- let rx_rate_limit = matches
- .opt_str("rx-rate-limit")
- .map(|s| u64::from_str(&s).unwrap())
- .unwrap_or(0);
- let shaping_interval = matches
- .opt_str("shaping-interval")
- .map(|s| u64::from_str(&s).unwrap())
- .unwrap_or(0);
- let pcap_writer: Box<dyn io::Write>;
- if let Some(pcap_filename) = matches.opt_str("pcap") {
- pcap_writer = Box::new(File::create(pcap_filename).expect("cannot open file"))
- } else {
- pcap_writer = Box::new(io::sink())
- }
- let seed = SystemTime::now()
- .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH)
- .unwrap()
- .subsec_nanos();
- let device = PcapWriter::new(
- device,
- Rc::new(RefCell::new(pcap_writer)) as Rc<dyn PcapSink>,
- if loopback {
- PcapMode::TxOnly
- } else {
- PcapMode::Both
- },
- );
- let device = Tracer::new(device, |_timestamp, _printer| {
- #[cfg(feature = "log")]
- trace!("{}", _printer);
- });
- let mut device = FaultInjector::new(device, seed);
- device.set_drop_chance(drop_chance);
- device.set_corrupt_chance(corrupt_chance);
- device.set_max_packet_size(size_limit);
- device.set_max_tx_rate(tx_rate_limit);
- device.set_max_rx_rate(rx_rate_limit);
- device.set_bucket_interval(Duration::from_millis(shaping_interval));
- device
- }