@@ -1,78 +1,60 @@
-* Ports of GNU tar and other tars -*- outline -*-
+Ports of GNU tar and other tars
+See the end of file for copying conditions.
- Many entries in this file are out of date, unfortunately.
+* Introduction
+ Most entries in this file are out of date, unfortunately. Such
+ entries are marked with an `X'. Run grep '^\*\*[^X]' PORTS to
+ extract valid entries.
Please write [email protected] if you are aware of various ports of GNU tar
to non-GNU and non-Unix systems not listed here, or for corrections.
Please provide the goal system, a complete and stable URL, the maintainer
name and address, the tar version used as a base, and your comments.
-.* Copyright notice
- Copyright (C) 1999, 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU tar.
- GNU tar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- GNU tar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNU tar; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-.* GNU/Linux and Unix
+* GNU/Linux and Unix
-. + Star is a tape archiver similar to tar.
+** Star is a tape archiver similar to tar.
-.* Amiga
+* Amiga
-. + ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/systems/amiga/aminet/util/arc/GNUtar-1.11.8.lha
+**X ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/systems/amiga/aminet/util/arc/GNUtar-1.11.8.lha
maintained by Enrico Forestieri <[email protected]>
Based on tar 1.11.8.
-. + [This link seems to be dead:]
- ftp://ftp.ninemoons.com/pub/ade/current/amiga-bin/tar-1.11.8-bin.lha
+**X ftp://ftp.ninemoons.com/pub/ade/current/amiga-bin/tar-1.11.8-bin.lha
maintained by the ADE group <[email protected]>
Based on tar 1.11.8, needs ixemul.library.
-. + ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/systems/amiga/aminet/util/arc/gnutar.lha
+**X ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/systems/amiga/aminet/util/arc/gnutar.lha
maintained by <[email protected]>
-.* DEC alpha (NT)
+* DEC alpha (NT)
-. + [This link seems to be dead:]
- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/.20/windows/archiver/tar.zip
+**X ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/.20/windows/archiver/tar.zip
maintained by Drew Bliss & Geoff Voelker
-. + [This link seems to be dead:]
- http://www.lp.se/free/vmstar/
+**X http://www.lp.se/free/vmstar/
maintained by Richard Levitte <[email protected]>
This is not GNU tar, but a separate implementation.
-. + maintained by William Bader <[email protected]>
+** maintained by William Bader <[email protected]>
For V4.7. Based on an old PDtar. Requires compatible shared libraries
to run V5 or V6 executables.
-.* IBM/PC (DV/X)
+* IBM/PC (DV/X)
-. + ftp://qdeck.com/ (?)
+**X ftp://qdeck.com/ (?)
maintained by David Ronis <[email protected]>
For Desqview/X. Everything works besides compression. Copy of hacked
sources available, some of DV/X's programmer's library also needed.
-. + http://www.simtel.net/simtel.net/
+**X http://www.simtel.net/simtel.net/
http://www.leo.org/pub/comp/platforms/pc/gnuish (Germany)
@@ -80,86 +62,112 @@
You get many GNU tools, not only `tar'. The GNUish project is described
in `gnuish_t.htm'.
-. + The DJGPP development tools also include some `tar' utilities.
+** The DJGPP development tools also include some `tar' utilities.
-. + ftp://ftp.mcs.com/mcsnet.users/les/dos-gnutar/
+**X ftp://ftp.mcs.com/mcsnet.users/les/dos-gnutar/
maintained by Leslie Mikesell <[email protected]>
Based on tar 1.11.2. Support for SCSI (via ASPI) and network (rsh over
packet driver). No support for win95 long file names.
-. + ftp://ftp.wu-wien.ac.at:pub/src/PCmisc/aspi-tar/*
+**X ftp://ftp.wu-wien.ac.at/pub/src/PCmisc/aspi-tar/*
maintained by Christoph Splittgerber <[email protected]>
Based on tar 1.10. Support for SCSI (via ASPI).
-. + ftp://wuarchive (?)
+**X ftp://wuarchive (?)
Several DOS version based on PDtar. John Gilmore <[email protected]> says
he has copies of several vintages saved.
-. + ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/.14/languages/ada/toolkit/msdos/gtar/gtar.exe
+**X ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/.14/languages/ada/toolkit/msdos/gtar/gtar.exe
-. + ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/.4/os2/archiver/tar.zip
+**X ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/.4/os2/archiver/tar.zip
Based on PDtar.
-. + ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/.20/windows/archiver/tar.zip
+**X ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/.20/windows/archiver/tar.zip
maintained by Drew Bliss & Geoff Voelker
GNU tar for NT (intel and Alpha platforms).
-. + ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/unix/untgz095.zip
+** ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/unix/untgz095.zip
maintained by Tillmann Steinbrecher <[email protected]>
The `untgz' program is a fast .tar or .tar.gz (.tgz) extractor.
-. + http://people.darmstadt.netsurf.de/tst/tar.htm
+**X http://people.darmstadt.netsurf.de/tst/tar.htm
maintained by Tillmann Steinbrecher <[email protected]>
This is not a `tar' port, but an index of them.
-.* IBM/PC (OS/2)
+* IBM/PC (OS/2)
-. + http://www.leo.org/pub/comp/os/os2/leo/gnu/archiver/gtar254.zip
+**X http://www.leo.org/pub/comp/os/os2/leo/gnu/archiver/gtar254.zip
maintained by Andreas Kaiser <[email protected]>
Version 2.54. Based on tar 1.10. The second archive contains SCSI
drivers (DAT streamers notably) and rmt-type programs.
-. + ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/unix/untgz095.zip
- maintained by Tillmann Steinbrecher <[email protected]>
- The `untgz' program is a fast .tar or .tar.gz (.tgz) extractor.
+* IBM/PC (Win32: Windows 95, NT 3.5 or NT 4.0)
-.* IBM/PC (Win32: Windows 95, NT 3.5 or NT 4.0)
-. + ftp://ftp.cygnus.com:~ftp/pub/sac/win32/usersrc/*
+**X ftp://ftp.cygnus.com:~ftp/pub/sac/win32/usersrc/*
maintained by Cygnus
GNU-Win32 B17.1 distribution. Download all files, `cat' them together,
and `untar' the result. You get many GNU tools, not only `tar'.
Based on tar 1.11.2.
-. + ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/.20/windows/archiver/tar.zip
+**X ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/.20/windows/archiver/tar.zip
maintained by Drew Bliss & Geoff Voelker
GNU tar for NT (intel and Alpha platforms).
-. + ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/unix/untgz095.zip
+** ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/unix/untgz095.zip
maintained by Tillmann Steinbrecher <[email protected]>
The `untgz' program is a fast .tar or .tar.gz (.tgz) extractor.
-.* IBM/PC (Windows 3.1)
+* IBM/PC (Windows 3.1)
-. + ftp://ftp.mcs.com/mcsnet.users/les/win-gnutar/
+**X ftp://ftp.mcs.com/mcsnet.users/les/win-gnutar/
maintained by Leslie Mikesell <[email protected]>
Support for network (rsh over winsock). No support for win95 long
file names.
-. + ftp://ftp.gamesdomain.ru/.1/os/windows/programr/tar.zip
+**X ftp://ftp.gamesdomain.ru/.1/os/windows/programr/tar.zip
Based on GNU tar 1.11.2.
-.* Macintosh
+* Macintosh
+** Paulo Abreu (paulotex at yahoo dot com) did a
+ limited port of GNU tar to Darwin, with support for resource forks
+ and finder info, but this no longer seems to be available.
+** There is a tar in Stuffit Expander which is available many places and
+ comes with MacOS. It creates some spurious files but works on average.
-. + Paulo Abreu (paulotex at yahoo dot com) did a
- limited port of GNU tar to Darwin, with support for resource forks
- and finder info, but this no longer seems to be available.
+** There is an excellent GNU tar bundled in Tenon MachTen, but it does not
+ seem to be available separately.
-. + There is a tar in Stuffit Expander which is available many places and
- comes with MacOS. It creates some spurious files but works on average.
+* Copyright notice
+ Copyright (C) 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU tar.
+ GNU tar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ GNU tar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNU tar; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-. + There is an excellent GNU tar bundled in Tenon MachTen, but it does not
- seem to be available separately.
+Local Variables:
+mode: outline
+paragraph-separate: "[ ]*$"
+version-control: never