Browse Source

GNU tar 1.12

Paul Eggert 28 years ago
1 changed files with 715 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 715 0

+ 715 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+/* GNU dump extensions to tar.
+   Copyright (C) 1988, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+   Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+   version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+   59 Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+#include "system.h"
+#include <time.h>
+time_t time ();
+#define ISDIGIT(Char) (ISASCII (Char) && isdigit (Char))
+#define ISSPACE(Char) (ISASCII (Char) && isspace (Char))
+#include "common.h"
+/* Variable sized generic character buffers.  */
+struct accumulator
+  int allocated;
+  int length;
+  char *pointer;
+/* Amount of space guaranteed just after a reallocation.  */
+| Return the accumulated data from an ACCUMULATOR buffer.  |
+static char *
+get_accumulator (struct accumulator *accumulator)
+  return accumulator->pointer;
+| Allocate and return a new accumulator buffer.	 |
+static struct accumulator *
+new_accumulator (void)
+  struct accumulator *accumulator
+    = (struct accumulator *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct accumulator));
+  accumulator->allocated = ACCUMULATOR_SLACK;
+  accumulator->pointer = (char *) xmalloc (ACCUMULATOR_SLACK);
+  accumulator->length = 0;
+  return accumulator;
+| Deallocate an ACCUMULATOR buffer.  |
+static void
+delete_accumulator (struct accumulator *accumulator)
+  free (accumulator->pointer);
+  free (accumulator);
+| At the end of an ACCUMULATOR buffer, add a DATA block of SIZE bytes.  |
+static void
+add_to_accumulator (struct accumulator *accumulator,
+		    const char *data, int size)
+  if (accumulator->length + size > accumulator->allocated)
+    {
+      accumulator->allocated = accumulator->length + size + ACCUMULATOR_SLACK;
+      accumulator->pointer = (char *)
+	xrealloc (accumulator->pointer, (size_t) accumulator->allocated);
+    }
+  memcpy (accumulator->pointer + accumulator->length, data, (size_t) size);
+  accumulator->length += size;
+/* Incremental dump specialities.  */
+/* Current time.  */
+static time_t time_now;
+/* List of directory names.  */
+struct directory
+  {
+    struct directory *next;	/* next entry in list */
+    const char *name;		/* path name of directory */
+    int device_number;		/* device number for directory */
+    int inode_number;		/* inode number for directory */
+    int allnew;
+    const char *dir_text;
+  };
+static struct directory *directory_list = NULL;
+| Create and link a new directory entry for directory NAME, having a |
+| DEVICE_NUMBER and a INODE_NUMBER, with some TEXT.		     |
+static void
+note_directory (char *name, dev_t device_number, ino_t inode_number,
+		const char *text)
+  struct directory *directory
+    = (struct directory *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct directory));
+  directory->next = directory_list;
+  directory_list = directory;
+  directory->device_number = device_number;
+  directory->inode_number = inode_number;
+  directory->name = xstrdup (name);
+  directory->dir_text = text;
+  directory->allnew = 0;
+| Return a directory entry for a given path NAME, or NULL if none found.  |
+static struct directory *
+find_directory (char *name)
+  struct directory *directory;
+  for (directory = directory_list;
+       directory;
+       directory = directory->next)
+    {
+      if (!strcmp (directory->name, name))
+	return directory;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+| ?  |
+static int
+compare_dirents (const voidstar first, const voidstar second)
+  return strcmp ((*(char *const *) first) + 1,
+		 (*(char *const *) second) + 1);
+| ?  |
+char *
+get_directory_contents (char *path, int device)
+  struct accumulator *accumulator;
+  /* Recursively scan the given PATH.  */
+  {
+    DIR *dirp = opendir (path);	/* for scanning directory */
+    struct dirent *entry;	/* directory entry being scanned */
+    char *name_buffer;		/* directory, `/', and directory member */
+    int name_buffer_size;	/* allocated size of name_buffer, minus 2 */
+    int name_length;		/* used length in name_buffer */
+    struct directory *directory; /* for checking if already already seen */
+    int all_children;
+    if (dirp == NULL)
+      {
+	ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot open directory %s"), path));
+	return NULL;
+      }
+    errno = 0;			/* FIXME: errno should be read-only */
+    name_buffer_size = strlen (path) + NAME_FIELD_SIZE;
+    name_buffer = xmalloc ((size_t) (name_buffer_size + 2));
+    strcpy (name_buffer, path);
+    if (path[strlen (path) - 1] != '/')
+      strcat (name_buffer, "/");
+    name_length = strlen (name_buffer);
+    directory = find_directory (path);
+    all_children = directory ? directory->allnew : 0;
+    accumulator = new_accumulator ();
+    while (entry = readdir (dirp), entry)
+      {
+	struct stat stat_data;
+	/* Skip `.' and `..'.  */
+	if (is_dot_or_dotdot (entry->d_name))
+	  continue;
+	if ((int) NAMLEN (entry) + name_length >= name_buffer_size)
+	  {
+	    while ((int) NAMLEN (entry) + name_length >= name_buffer_size)
+	      name_buffer_size += NAME_FIELD_SIZE;
+	    name_buffer = (char *)
+	      xrealloc (name_buffer, (size_t) (name_buffer_size + 2));
+	  }
+	strcpy (name_buffer + name_length, entry->d_name);
+	if (dereference_option
+#ifdef AIX
+	    ? statx (name_buffer, &stat_data, STATSIZE, STX_HIDDEN)
+	    : statx (name_buffer, &stat_data, STATSIZE, STX_HIDDEN | STX_LINK)
+	    ? stat (name_buffer, &stat_data)
+	    : lstat (name_buffer, &stat_data)
+	    )
+	  {
+	    ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot stat %s"), name_buffer));
+	    continue;
+	  }
+	if ((one_file_system_option && device != stat_data.st_dev)
+	    || (exclude_option && check_exclude (name_buffer)))
+	  add_to_accumulator (accumulator, "N", 1);
+#ifdef AIX
+	else if (S_ISHIDDEN (stat_data.st_mode))
+	  {
+	    add_to_accumulator (accumulator, "D", 1);
+	    strcat (entry->d_name, "A");
+	    entry->d_namlen++;
+	  }
+	else if (S_ISDIR (stat_data.st_mode))
+	  {
+	    if (directory = find_directory (name_buffer), directory)
+	      {
+		/* Devices having the high bit set are NFS devices, which are
+		   attributed somewhat randomly in automounting situations.
+		   For avoiding spurious incremental redumping of directories,
+		   we have to plainly consider all NFS devices as equal,
+		   relying on the i-node only to establish differences.  */
+		/* FIXME: Göran Uddeborg <[email protected]> says, on
+		   1996-09-20, that SunOS 5/Solaris 2 uses unsigned long for
+		   the device number type.  */
+		if ((((short) directory->device_number >= 0
+		      || (short) stat_data.st_dev >= 0)
+		     && directory->device_number != stat_data.st_dev)
+		    || directory->inode_number != stat_data.st_ino)
+		  {
+		    if (verbose_option)
+		      WARN ((0, 0, _("Directory %s has been renamed"),
+			     name_buffer));
+		    directory->allnew = 1;
+		    directory->device_number = stat_data.st_dev;
+		    directory->inode_number = stat_data.st_ino;
+		  }
+		directory->dir_text = "";
+	      }
+	    else
+	      {
+		if (verbose_option)
+		  WARN ((0, 0, _("Directory %s is new"), name_buffer));
+		note_directory (name_buffer, stat_data.st_dev, stat_data.st_ino,
+				"");
+		directory = find_directory (name_buffer);
+		directory->allnew = 1;
+	      }
+	    if (all_children && directory)
+	      directory->allnew = 1;
+	    add_to_accumulator (accumulator, "D", 1);
+	  }
+	else
+	  if (!all_children
+	      && stat_data.st_mtime < newer_mtime_option
+	      && (!after_date_option
+		  || stat_data.st_ctime < newer_ctime_option))
+	    add_to_accumulator (accumulator, "N", 1);
+	  else
+	    add_to_accumulator (accumulator, "Y", 1);
+	add_to_accumulator (accumulator,
+			    entry->d_name, (int) (NAMLEN (entry) + 1));
+      }
+    add_to_accumulator (accumulator, "\000\000", 2);
+    free (name_buffer);
+    closedir (dirp);
+  }
+  /* Sort the contents of the directory, now that we have it all.  */
+  {
+    char *pointer = get_accumulator (accumulator);
+    size_t counter;
+    char *cursor;
+    char *buffer;
+    char **array;
+    char **array_cursor;
+    counter = 0;
+    for (cursor = pointer; *cursor; cursor += strlen (cursor) + 1)
+      counter++;
+    if (counter == 0)
+      {
+	delete_accumulator (accumulator);
+	return NULL;
+      }
+    array = (char **) xmalloc (sizeof (char *) * (counter + 1));
+    array_cursor = array;
+    for (cursor = pointer; *cursor; cursor += strlen (cursor) + 1)
+      *array_cursor++ = cursor;
+    *array_cursor = NULL;
+    qsort ((voidstar) array, counter, sizeof (char *), compare_dirents);
+    buffer = (char *) xmalloc ((size_t) (cursor - pointer + 2));
+    cursor = buffer;
+    for (array_cursor = array; *array_cursor; array_cursor++)
+      {
+	char *string = *array_cursor;
+	while ((*cursor++ = *string++))
+	  continue;
+      }
+    *cursor = '\0';
+    delete_accumulator (accumulator);
+    free (array);
+    return buffer;
+  }
+| Add all the files in PATH, which is a directory, to the namelist.  If |
+| any of the files is a directory, recurse on the subdirectory.	        |
+static void
+add_hierarchy_to_namelist (char *path, int device)
+  char *buffer = get_directory_contents (path, device);
+  {
+    struct name *name;
+    for (name = namelist; name; name = name->next)
+      if (strcmp (name->name, path) == 0)
+	  break;
+    if (name)
+      name->dir_contents = buffer ? buffer : "\0\0\0\0";
+  }
+  if (buffer)
+    {
+      int name_length = strlen (path);
+      int allocated_length = (name_length >= NAME_FIELD_SIZE
+			      ? name_length + NAME_FIELD_SIZE
+			      : NAME_FIELD_SIZE);
+      char *name_buffer = xmalloc ((size_t) (allocated_length + 1));
+				/* FIXME: + 2 above?  */
+      char *string;
+      int string_length;
+      strcpy (name_buffer, path);
+      if (name_buffer[name_length - 1] != '/')
+	{
+	  name_buffer[name_length++] = '/';
+	  name_buffer[name_length] = '\0';
+	}
+      for (string = buffer; *string; string += string_length + 1)
+	{
+	  string_length = strlen (string);
+	  if (*string == 'D')
+	    {
+	      if (name_length + string_length >= allocated_length)
+		{
+		  while (name_length + string_length >= allocated_length)
+		    allocated_length += NAME_FIELD_SIZE;
+		  name_buffer = (char *)
+		    xrealloc (name_buffer, (size_t) (allocated_length + 1));
+		}
+	      strcpy (name_buffer + name_length, string + 1);
+	      addname (name_buffer);
+	      add_hierarchy_to_namelist (name_buffer, device);
+	    }
+	}
+      free (name_buffer);
+    }
+| ?  |
+static void
+read_directory_file (void)
+  dev_t device_number;
+  ino_t inode_number;
+  char *strp;
+  FILE *fp;
+  char buf[512];
+  static char *path = NULL;
+  if (path == NULL)
+    path = xmalloc (PATH_MAX);
+  time (&time_now);
+  if (listed_incremental_option[0] != '/')
+    {
+      if (!getcwd (path, PATH_MAX))
+	FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Could not get current directory")));
+      char *getwd ();
+      if (!getwd (path))
+	FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Could not get current directory: %s"), path));
+      if (strlen (path) + 1 + strlen (listed_incremental_option) + 1 > PATH_MAX)
+	ERROR ((TAREXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("File name %s/%s too long"),
+		path, listed_incremental_option));
+      strcat (path, "/");
+      strcat (path, listed_incremental_option);
+      listed_incremental_option = path;
+    }
+  fp = fopen (listed_incremental_option, "r");
+  if (fp == 0 && errno != ENOENT)
+    {
+      ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot open %s"), listed_incremental_option));
+      return;
+    }
+  if (!fp)
+    return;
+  fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fp);
+  /* FIXME: Using after_date_option as a first time flag looks fairly
+     dubious to me!  So, using -N with incremental might be buggy just
+     because of the next few lines.  I saw a few unexplained, almost harsh
+     advices, from other GNU people, about *not* using -N with incremental
+     dumps, and here might lie (part of) the reason.  */
+  if (!after_date_option)
+    {
+      newer_mtime_option = atol (buf);
+      after_date_option = 1;
+    }
+  while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fp))
+    {
+      strp = &buf[strlen (buf)];
+      if (strp[-1] == '\n')
+	strp[-1] = '\0';
+      /* FIXME: For files ending with an incomplete line, maybe a NUL might
+	 be missing, here...  */
+      strp = buf;
+      device_number = atol (strp);
+      while (ISDIGIT (*strp))
+	strp++;
+      inode_number = atol (strp);
+      while (ISSPACE (*strp))
+	strp++;
+      while (ISDIGIT (*strp))
+	strp++;
+      strp++;
+      unquote_string (strp);
+      note_directory (strp, device_number, inode_number, NULL);
+    }
+  if (fclose (fp) == EOF)
+    ERROR ((0, errno, "%s", listed_incremental_option));
+| ?  |
+write_dir_file (void)
+  FILE *fp;
+  struct directory *directory;
+  char *str;
+  fp = fopen (listed_incremental_option, "w");
+  if (fp == 0)
+    {
+      ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot write to %s"), listed_incremental_option));
+      return;
+    }
+  fprintf (fp, "%lu\n", time_now);
+  for (directory = directory_list; directory; directory = directory->next)
+    {
+      if (!directory->dir_text)
+	continue;
+      str = quote_copy_string (directory->name);
+      if (str)
+	{
+	  fprintf (fp, "%u %u %s\n", directory->device_number,
+		   directory->inode_number, str);
+	  free (str);
+	}
+      else
+	fprintf (fp, "%u %u %s\n", directory->device_number,
+		 directory->inode_number, directory->name);
+    }
+  if (fclose (fp) == EOF)
+    ERROR ((0, errno, "%s", listed_incremental_option));
+| ?  |
+static int
+compare_names (char *param1, char *param2)
+  struct name *n1 = (struct name *) param1;
+  struct name *n2 = (struct name *) param2;
+  if (n1->found)
+    return n2->found ? strcmp (n1->name, n2->name) : -1;
+  if (n2->found)
+    return 1;
+  return strcmp (n1->name, n2->name);
+| Collect all the names from argv[] (or whatever), then expand them into a |
+| directory tree, and put all the directories at the beginning.		   |
+collect_and_sort_names (void)
+  struct name *name;
+  struct name *next_name;
+  int num_names;
+  struct stat statbuf;
+  name_gather ();
+  if (listed_incremental_option)
+    read_directory_file ();
+  if (!namelist)
+    addname (".");
+  for (name = namelist; name; name = next_name)
+    {
+      next_name = name->next;
+      if (name->found || name->dir_contents)
+	continue;
+      if (name->regexp)		/* FIXME: just skip regexps for now */
+	continue;
+      if (name->change_dir)
+	if (chdir (name->change_dir) < 0)
+	  {
+	    ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot chdir to %s"), name->change_dir));
+	    continue;
+	  }
+      if (
+#ifdef AIX
+	  statx (name->name, &statbuf, STATSIZE, STX_HIDDEN | STX_LINK)
+	  lstat (name->name, &statbuf) < 0
+	  )
+	{
+	  ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot stat %s"), name->name));
+	  continue;
+	}
+      if (S_ISDIR (statbuf.st_mode))
+	{
+	  name->found = 1;
+	  add_hierarchy_to_namelist (name->name, statbuf.st_dev);
+	}
+    }
+  num_names = 0;
+  for (name = namelist; name; name = name->next)
+    num_names++;
+  namelist = (struct name *)
+    merge_sort ((voidstar) namelist, num_names,
+		(char *) (&(namelist->next)) - (char *) namelist,
+		compare_names);
+  for (name = namelist; name; name = name->next)
+    name->found = 0;
+  if (listed_incremental_option)
+    write_dir_file ();
+/* Restoration of incremental dumps.  */
+| ?  |
+gnu_restore (int skipcrud)
+  char *current_dir;
+  char *archive_dir;
+  struct accumulator *accumulator;
+  char *p;
+  DIR *dirp;
+  struct dirent *d;
+  char *cur, *arc;
+  long size, copied;
+  union block *data_block;
+  char *to;
+#define CURRENT_FILE_NAME (skipcrud + current_file_name)
+  dirp = opendir (CURRENT_FILE_NAME);
+  if (!dirp)
+    {
+      /* The directory doesn't exist now.  It'll be created.  In any
+	 case, we don't have to delete any files out of it.  */
+      skip_file ((long) current_stat.st_size);
+      return;
+    }
+  accumulator = new_accumulator ();
+  while (d = readdir (dirp), d)
+    {
+      if (is_dot_or_dotdot (d->d_name))
+	continue;
+      add_to_accumulator (accumulator, d->d_name, (int) (NAMLEN (d) + 1));
+    }
+  closedir (dirp);
+  add_to_accumulator (accumulator, "", 1);
+  current_dir = get_accumulator (accumulator);
+  archive_dir = (char *) xmalloc ((size_t) current_stat.st_size);
+  to = archive_dir;
+  for (size = current_stat.st_size; size > 0; size -= copied)
+    {
+      data_block = find_next_block ();
+      if (!data_block)
+	{
+	  ERROR ((0, 0, _("Unexpected EOF in archive")));
+	  break;		/* FIXME: What happens then?  */
+	}
+      copied = available_space_after (data_block);
+      if (copied > size)
+	copied = size;
+      memcpy (to, data_block->buffer, (size_t) copied);
+      to += copied;
+      set_next_block_after ((union block *)
+			    (data_block->buffer + copied - 1));
+    }
+  for (cur = current_dir; *cur; cur += strlen (cur) + 1)
+    {
+      for (arc = archive_dir; *arc; arc += strlen (arc) + 1)
+	{
+	  arc++;
+	  if (!strcmp (arc, cur))
+	    break;
+	}
+      if (*arc == '\0')
+	{
+	  p = new_name (CURRENT_FILE_NAME, cur);
+	  if (interactive_option && !confirm ("delete", p))
+	    {
+	      free (p);
+	      continue;
+	    }
+	  if (verbose_option)
+	    fprintf (stdlis, _("%s: Deleting %s\n"), program_name, p);
+	  if (!remove_any_file (p, 1))
+	    ERROR ((0, errno, _("Error while deleting %s"), p));
+	  free (p);
+	}
+    }
+  delete_accumulator (accumulator);
+  free (archive_dir);