Paul Eggert 28 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 875 tillägg och 108 borttagningar
  1. 875 108

+ 875 - 108

@@ -1,134 +1,901 @@
-/* Look up user and/or group names.
-   Copyright (C) 1988, 1992 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of GNU Tar.
-GNU Tar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GNU Tar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GNU Tar; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
- * Look up user and/or group names.
- *
- * This file should be modified for non-unix systems to do something
- * reasonable.
- */ 
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "tar.h"
-#include "port.h"
-#ifndef NONAMES
-/* Whole module goes away if NONAMES defined.  Otherwise... */
-#include <stdio.h>
+/* Various processing of names.
+   Copyright (C) 1988, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+   Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+   version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+   59 Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+#include "system.h"
 #include <pwd.h>
 #include <grp.h>
-static int	saveuid = -993;
-static char	saveuname[TUNMLEN];
-static int	my_uid = -993;
-static int	savegid = -993;
-static char	savegname[TGNMLEN];
-static int	my_gid = -993;
-#define myuid	( my_uid < 0? (my_uid = getuid()): my_uid )
-#define	mygid	( my_gid < 0? (my_gid = getgid()): my_gid )
- * Look up a user or group name from a uid/gid, maintaining a cache.
- * FIXME, for now it's a one-entry cache.
- * FIXME2, the "-993" is to reduce the chance of a hit on the first lookup.
- *
- * This is ifdef'd because on Suns, it drags in about 38K of "yellow
- * pages" code, roughly doubling the program size.  Thanks guys.
- */
+# include <fnmatch.h>
+#include "common.h"
+/* User and group names.  */
+extern struct group *getgrnam ();
+extern struct passwd *getpwnam ();
+extern struct passwd *getpwuid ();
+extern struct group *getgrgid ();
+/* Make sure you link with the proper libraries if you are running the
+   Yellow Peril (thanks for the good laugh, Ian J.!), or, euh... NIS.
+   This code should also be modified for non-UNIX systems to do something
+   reasonable.  */
+static char cached_uname[UNAME_FIELD_SIZE] = "";
+static char cached_gname[GNAME_FIELD_SIZE] = "";
+static uid_t cached_uid;	/* valid only if cached_uname is not empty */
+static gid_t cached_gid;	/* valid only if cached_gname is not empty */
+| Given UID, find the corresponding UNAME.  |
-finduname(uname, uid)
-	char	uname[TUNMLEN];
-	int	uid;
+uid_to_uname (uid_t uid, char uname[UNAME_FIELD_SIZE])
-	struct passwd	*pw;
-	extern struct passwd *getpwuid ();
+  struct passwd *passwd;
-	if (uid != saveuid) {
-		saveuid = uid;
-		saveuname[0] = '\0';
-		pw = getpwuid(uid); 
-		if (pw) 
-			strncpy(saveuname, pw->pw_name, TUNMLEN);
+  if (!cached_uname[0] || uid != cached_uid)
+    {
+      passwd = getpwuid (uid);
+      if (passwd)
+	{
+	  cached_uid = uid;
+	  strncpy (cached_uname, passwd->pw_name, UNAME_FIELD_SIZE);
-	strncpy(uname, saveuname, TUNMLEN);
+      else
+	*uname = '\0';
+    }
+  strncpy (uname, cached_uname, UNAME_FIELD_SIZE);
+| Given GID, find the corresponding GNAME.  |
+gid_to_gname (gid_t gid, char gname[GNAME_FIELD_SIZE])
+  struct group *group;
+  if (!cached_gname[0] || gid != cached_gid)
+    {
+      setgrent ();		/* FIXME: why?! */
+      group = getgrgid (gid);
+      if (group)
+	{
+	  cached_gid = gid;
+	  strncpy (cached_gname, group->gr_name, GNAME_FIELD_SIZE);
+	}
+      else
+	*gname = '\0';
+    }
+  strncpy (gname, cached_gname, GNAME_FIELD_SIZE);
+| Given UNAME, set the corresponding UID and return 1, or else, return 0.  |
-	char	uname[TUNMLEN];
-	struct passwd	*pw;
-	extern struct passwd *getpwnam();
-	if (uname[0] != saveuname[0]	/* Quick test w/o proc call */
-	    || 0!=strncmp(uname, saveuname, TUNMLEN)) {
-		strncpy(saveuname, uname, TUNMLEN);
-		pw = getpwnam(uname); 
-		if (pw) {
-			saveuid = pw->pw_uid;
-		} else {
-			saveuid = myuid;
-		}
+uname_to_uid (char uname[UNAME_FIELD_SIZE], uid_t *uidp)
+  struct passwd *passwd;
+  if (!cached_uname[0]
+      || uname[0] != cached_uname[0]
+      || strncmp (uname, cached_uname, UNAME_FIELD_SIZE) != 0)
+    {
+      passwd = getpwnam (uname);
+      if (passwd)
+	{
+	  cached_uid = passwd->pw_uid;
+	  strncpy (cached_uname, uname, UNAME_FIELD_SIZE);
+	}
+      else
+	return 0;
+    }
+  *uidp = cached_uid;
+  return 1;
+| Given GNAME, set the corresponding GID and return 1, or else, return 0.  |
+gname_to_gid (char gname[GNAME_FIELD_SIZE], gid_t *gidp)
+  struct group *group;
+  if (!cached_gname[0]
+      || gname[0] != cached_gname[0]
+      || strncmp (gname, cached_gname, GNAME_FIELD_SIZE) != 0)
+    {
+      group = getgrnam (gname);
+      if (group)
+	{
+	  cached_gid = group->gr_gid;
+	  strncpy (cached_gname, gname, GNAME_FIELD_SIZE);
+	}
+      else
+	return 0;
+    }
+  *gidp = cached_gid;
+  return 1;
+/* Names from the command call.  */
+static const char **name_array;	/* store an array of names */
+static int allocated_names;	/* how big is the array? */
+static int names;		/* how many entries does it have? */
+static int name_index = 0;	/* how many of the entries have we scanned? */
+| Initialize structures.  |
+init_names (void)
+  allocated_names = 10;
+  name_array = (const char **)
+    xmalloc (sizeof (const char *) * allocated_names);
+  names = 0;
+| Add NAME at end of name_array, reallocating it as necessary.  |
+name_add (const char *name)
+  if (names == allocated_names)
+    {
+      allocated_names *= 2;
+      name_array = (const char **)
+	xrealloc (name_array, sizeof (const char *) * allocated_names);
+    }
+  name_array[names++] = name;
+/* Names from external name file.  */
+static FILE *name_file;		/* file to read names from */
+static char *name_buffer;	/* buffer to hold the current file name */
+static size_t name_buffer_length; /* allocated length of name_buffer */
+| ?  |
+/* FIXME: I should better check more closely.  It seems at first glance that
+   is_pattern is only used when reading a file, and ignored for all
+   command line arguments.  */
+static inline int
+is_pattern (const char *string)
+  return strchr (string, '*') || strchr (string, '[') || strchr (string, '?');
+| Set up to gather file names for tar.  They can either come from a file |
+| or were saved from decoding arguments.				 |
+name_init (int argc, char *const *argv)
+  name_buffer = xmalloc (NAME_FIELD_SIZE + 2);
+  name_buffer_length = NAME_FIELD_SIZE;
+  if (files_from_option)
+    {
+      if (!strcmp (files_from_option, "-"))
+	{
+	  request_stdin ("-T");
+	  name_file = stdin;
+	}
+      else if (name_file = fopen (files_from_option, "r"), !name_file)
+	FATAL_ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot open file %s"), name_file));
+    }
+| ?  |
+name_term (void)
+  free (name_buffer);
+  free (name_array);
+| Read the next filename from name_file and null-terminate it.  Put it |
+| into name_buffer, reallocating and adjusting name_buffer_length if   |
+| necessary.  Return 0 at end of file, 1 otherwise.		       |
+static int
+read_name_from_file (void)
+  int character;
+  int counter = 0;
+  /* FIXME: getc may be called even if character was EOF the last time here.  */
+  /* FIXME: This + 2 allocation might serve no purpose.  */
+  while (character = getc (name_file),
+	 character != EOF && character != filename_terminator)
+    {
+      if (counter == name_buffer_length)
+	{
+	  name_buffer_length += NAME_FIELD_SIZE;
+	  name_buffer = xrealloc (name_buffer, name_buffer_length + 2);
+	}
+      name_buffer[counter++] = character;
+    }
+  if (counter == 0 && character == EOF)
+    return 0;
+  if (counter == name_buffer_length)
+    {
+      name_buffer_length += NAME_FIELD_SIZE;
+      name_buffer = xrealloc (name_buffer, name_buffer_length + 2);
+    }
+  name_buffer[counter] = '\0';
+  return 1;
+| Get the next name from ARGV or the file of names.  Result is in static  |
+| storage and can't be relied upon across two calls.			  |
+| 									  |
+| If CHANGE_DIRS is true, treat a filename of the form "-C" as meaning	  |
+| that the next filename is the name of a directory to change to.  If	  |
+| `filename_terminator' is NUL, CHANGE_DIRS is effectively always false.  |
+char *
+name_next (int change_dirs)
+  const char *source;
+  char *cursor;
+  int chdir_flag = 0;
+  if (filename_terminator == '\0')
+    change_dirs = 0;
+  while (1)
+    {
+      /* Get a name, either from file or from saved arguments.  */
+      if (name_file)
+	{
+	  if (!read_name_from_file ())
+	    break;
-	return saveuid;
+      else
+	{
+	  if (name_index == names)
+	    break;
+	  source = name_array[name_index++];
+	  if (strlen (source) > name_buffer_length)
+	    {
+	      free (name_buffer);
+	      name_buffer_length = strlen (source);
+	      name_buffer = xmalloc (name_buffer_length + 2);
+	    }
+	  strcpy (name_buffer, source);
+	}
+      /* Zap trailing slashes.  */
+      cursor = name_buffer + strlen (name_buffer) - 1;
+      while (cursor > name_buffer && *cursor == '/')
+	*cursor-- = '\0';
+      if (chdir_flag)
+	{
+	  if (chdir (name_buffer) < 0)
+	    FATAL_ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot change to directory %s"),
+			  name_buffer));
+	  chdir_flag = 0;
+	}
+      else if (change_dirs && strcmp (name_buffer, "-C") == 0)
+	chdir_flag = 1;
+      else
+#if 0
+	if (!exclude_option || !check_exclude (name_buffer))
+	  {
+	    unquote_string (name_buffer);
+	    return name_buffer;
+	  }
+    }
+  /* No more names in file.  */
+  if (name_file && chdir_flag)
+    FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Missing file name after -C")));
+  return NULL;
+| Close the name file, if any.  |
+name_close (void)
+  if (name_file != NULL && name_file != stdin)
+    if (fclose (name_file) == EOF)
+      ERROR ((0, errno, "%s", name_buffer));
+| Gather names in a list for scanning.  Could hash them later if we really |
+| care.									   |
+| 									   |
+| If the names are already sorted to match the archive, we just read them  |
+| one by one.  name_gather reads the first one, and it is called by	   |
+| name_match as appropriate to read the next ones.  At EOF, the last name  |
+| read is just left in the buffer.  This option lets users of small	   |
+| machines extract an arbitrary number of files by doing "tar t" and	   |
+| editing down the list of files.					   |
+name_gather (void)
+  /* Buffer able to hold a single name.  */
+  static struct name *buffer;
+  static int allocated_length = 0;
+  char *name;
+  if (same_order_option)
+    {
+      if (allocated_length == 0)
+	{
+	  allocated_length = sizeof (struct name) + NAME_FIELD_SIZE;
+	  buffer = (struct name *) xmalloc (allocated_length);
+	  /* FIXME: This memset is overkill, and ugly...  */
+	  memset (buffer, 0, allocated_length);
+	}
+      name = name_next (0);
+      if (name)
+	{
+	  if (strcmp (name, "-C") == 0)
+	    {
+	      char *copy = xstrdup (name_next (0));
+	      name = name_next (0);
+	      if (!name)
+		FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Missing file name after -C")));
+	      buffer->change_dir = copy;
+	    }
+	  buffer->length = strlen (name);
+	  if (sizeof (struct name) + buffer->length >= allocated_length)
+	    {
+	      allocated_length = sizeof (struct name) + buffer->length;
+	      buffer = (struct name *) xrealloc (buffer, allocated_length);
+	    }
+	  strncpy (buffer->name, name, (size_t) buffer->length);
+	  buffer->name[buffer->length] = 0;
+	  buffer->next = NULL;
+	  buffer->found = 0;
+	  /* FIXME: Poorly named globals, indeed...  */
+	  namelist = buffer;
+	  namelast = namelist;
+	}
+      return;
+    }
+  /* Non sorted names -- read them all in.  */
+  while (name = name_next (0), name)
+    addname (name);
+| Add a name to the namelist.  |
-findgname(gname, gid)
-	char	gname[TGNMLEN];
-	int	gid;
+addname (const char *string)
-	struct group	*gr;
-	extern struct group *getgrgid ();
+  /* FIXME: This is ugly.  How is memory managed?  */
+  static char *chdir_name = NULL;
+  struct name *name;
+  int length;
+  if (strcmp (string, "-C") == 0)
+    {
+      chdir_name = xstrdup (name_next (0));
+      string = name_next (0);
+      if (!chdir_name)
+	FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Missing file name after -C")));
+      if (chdir_name[0] != '/')
+	{
+	  char *path = xmalloc (PATH_MAX);
-	if (gid != savegid) {
-		savegid = gid;
-		savegname[0] = '\0';
-		(void)setgrent();
-		gr = getgrgid(gid); 
-		if (gr) 
-			strncpy(savegname, gr->gr_name, TGNMLEN);
+	  /* FIXME: Shouldn't we use xgetcwd?  */
+	  if (!getcwd (path, PATH_MAX))
+	    FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Could not get current directory")));
+	  char *getwd ();
+	  if (!getwd (path))
+	    FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Could not get current directory: %s"),
+			  path));
+	  chdir_name = new_name (path, chdir_name);
+	  free (path);
-	(void) strncpy(gname, savegname, TGNMLEN);
+    }
+  length = string ? strlen (string) : 0;
+  name = (struct name *) xmalloc ((size_t) (sizeof (struct name) + length));
+  memset (name, 0, sizeof (struct name) + length);
+  name->next = NULL;
+  if (string)
+    {
+      name->fake = 0;
+      name->length = length;
+      /* FIXME: Possibly truncating a string, here?  Tss, tss, tss!  */
+      strncpy (name->name, string, (size_t) length);
+      name->name[length] = '\0';
+    }
+  else
+    name->fake = 1;
+  name->found = 0;
+  name->regexp = 0;		/* assume not a regular expression */
+  name->firstch = 1;		/* assume first char is literal */
+  name->change_dir = chdir_name;
+  name->dir_contents = 0;
+  if (string && is_pattern (string))
+    {
+      name->regexp = 1;
+      if (string[0] == '*' || string[0] == '[' || string[0] == '?')
+	name->firstch = 0;
+    }
+  if (namelast)
+    namelast->next = name;
+  namelast = name;
+  if (!namelist)
+    namelist = name;
+| Return true if and only if name PATH (from an archive) matches any name |
+| from the namelist.							  |
-	char	gname[TUNMLEN];
-	struct group	*gr;
-	extern struct group *getgrnam();
-	if (gname[0] != savegname[0]	/* Quick test w/o proc call */
-	    || 0!=strncmp(gname, savegname, TUNMLEN)) {
-		strncpy(savegname, gname, TUNMLEN);
-		gr = getgrnam(gname); 
-		if (gr) {
-			savegid = gr->gr_gid;
-		} else {
-			savegid = mygid;
+name_match (const char *path)
+  int length = strlen (path);
+  while (1)
+    {
+      struct name *cursor = namelist;
+      if (!cursor)
+	return 1;		/* empty namelist is easy */
+      if (cursor->fake)
+	{
+	  if (cursor->change_dir && chdir (cursor->change_dir))
+	    FATAL_ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot change to directory %s"),
+			  cursor->change_dir));
+	  namelist = 0;
+	  return 1;
+	}
+      for (; cursor; cursor = cursor->next)
+	{
+	  /* If first chars don't match, quick skip.  */
+	  if (cursor->firstch && cursor->name[0] != path[0])
+	    continue;
+	  /* Regular expressions (shell globbing, actually).  */
+	  if (cursor->regexp)
+	    {
+	      if (fnmatch (cursor->name, path, FNM_LEADING_DIR) == 0)
+		{
+		  cursor->found = 1; /* remember it matched */
+		  if (starting_file_option)
+		    {
+		      free (namelist);
+		      namelist = NULL;
+		    }
+		  if (cursor->change_dir && chdir (cursor->change_dir))
+		    FATAL_ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot change to directory %s"),
+				  cursor->change_dir));
+		  /* We got a match.  */
+		  return 1;
+	      continue;
+	    }
+	  /* Plain Old Strings.  */
+	  if (cursor->length <= length
+				/* archive length >= specified */
+	      && (path[cursor->length] == '\0'
+		  || path[cursor->length] == '/')
+				/* full match on file/dirname */
+	      && strncmp (path, cursor->name, (size_t) cursor->length) == 0)
+				/* name compare */
+	    {
+	      cursor->found = 1;	/* remember it matched */
+	      if (starting_file_option)
+		{
+		  free ((void *) namelist);
+		  namelist = 0;
+		}
+	      if (cursor->change_dir && chdir (cursor->change_dir))
+		FATAL_ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot change to directory %s"),
+			      cursor->change_dir));
+	      /* We got a match.  */
+	      return 1;
+	    }
+	}
+      /* Filename from archive not found in namelist.  If we have the whole
+	 namelist here, just return 0.  Otherwise, read the next name in and
+	 compare it.  If this was the last name, namelist->found will remain
+	 on.  If not, we loop to compare the newly read name.  */
+      if (same_order_option && namelist->found)
+	{
+	  name_gather ();	/* read one more */
+	  if (namelist->found)
+	    return 0;
-	return savegid;
+      else
+	return 0;
+    }
+| Print the names of things in the namelist that were not matched.  |
+names_notfound (void)
+  struct name *cursor;
+  struct name *next;
+  for (cursor = namelist; cursor; cursor = next)
+    {
+      next = cursor->next;
+      if (!cursor->found && !cursor->fake)
+	ERROR ((0, 0, _("%s: Not found in archive"), cursor->name));
+      /* We could free the list, but the process is about to die anyway, so
+	 save some CPU time.  Amigas and other similarly broken software
+	 will need to waste the time, though.  */
+#ifdef amiga
+      if (!same_order_option)
+	free (cursor);
+    }
+  namelist = (struct name *) NULL;
+  namelast = (struct name *) NULL;
+  if (same_order_option)
+    {
+      char *name;
+      while (name = name_next (1), name)
+	ERROR ((0, 0, _("%s: Not found in archive"), name));
+    }
+| ?  |
+name_expand (void)
+| This is like name_match, except that it returns a pointer to the name it |
+| matched, and doesn't set FOUND in structure.  The caller will have to do |
+| that if it wants to.  Oh, and if the namelist is empty, it returns NULL, |
+| unlike name_match, which returns TRUE.                                   |
+struct name *
+name_scan (const char *path)
+  int length = strlen (path);
+  while (1)
+    {
+      struct name *cursor = namelist;
+      if (!cursor)
+	return NULL;		/* empty namelist is easy */
+      for (; cursor; cursor = cursor->next)
+	{
+	  /* If first chars don't match, quick skip.  */
+	  if (cursor->firstch && cursor->name[0] != path[0])
+	    continue;
+	  /* Regular expressions.  */
+	  if (cursor->regexp)
+	    {
+	      if (fnmatch (cursor->name, path, FNM_LEADING_DIR) == 0)
+		return cursor;	/* we got a match */
+	      continue;
+	    }
+	  /* Plain Old Strings.  */
+	  if (cursor->length <= length
+				/* archive length >= specified */
+	      && (path[cursor->length] == '\0'
+		  || path[cursor->length] == '/')
+				/* full match on file/dirname */
+	      && strncmp (path, cursor->name, (size_t) cursor->length) == 0)
+				/* name compare */
+	    return cursor;	/* we got a match */
+	}
+      /* Filename from archive not found in namelist.  If we have the whole
+	 namelist here, just return 0.  Otherwise, read the next name in and
+	 compare it.  If this was the last name, namelist->found will remain
+	 on.  If not, we loop to compare the newly read name.  */
+      if (same_order_option && namelist->found)
+	{
+	  name_gather ();	/* read one more */
+	  if (namelist->found)
+	    return NULL;
+	}
+      else
+	return NULL;
+    }
+| This returns a name from the namelist which doesn't have ->found set.	 |
+| It sets ->found before returning, so successive calls will find and	 |
+| return all the non-found names in the namelist			 |
+struct name *gnu_list_name = NULL;
+char *
+name_from_list (void)
+  if (!gnu_list_name)
+    gnu_list_name = namelist;
+  while (gnu_list_name && gnu_list_name->found)
+    gnu_list_name = gnu_list_name->next;
+  if (gnu_list_name)
+    {
+      gnu_list_name->found = 1;
+      if (gnu_list_name->change_dir)
+	if (chdir (gnu_list_name->change_dir) < 0)
+	  FATAL_ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot change to directory %s"),
+			gnu_list_name->change_dir));
+      return gnu_list_name->name;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+| ?  |
+blank_name_list (void)
+  struct name *name;
+  gnu_list_name = 0;
+  for (name = namelist; name; name = name->next)
+    name->found = 0;
+| ?  |
+char *
+new_name (const char *path, const char *name)
+  char *buffer = (char *) xmalloc (strlen (path) + strlen (name) + 2);
+  sprintf (buffer, "%s/%s", path, name);
+  return buffer;
+/* Excludes names.  */
+static char *exclude_pool = NULL;
+static int exclude_pool_size = 0;
+static int allocated_exclude_pool_size = 0;
+static char **simple_exclude_array = NULL;
+static int simple_excludes = 0;
+static int allocated_simple_excludes = 0;
+static char **pattern_exclude_array = NULL;
+static int pattern_excludes = 0;
+static int allocated_pattern_excludes = 0;
+| ?  |
+add_exclude (char *name)
+  int name_size;
+  unquote_string (name);	/* FIXME: unquote in all cases?  If ever? */
+  name_size = strlen (name) + 1;
+  if (exclude_pool_size + name_size > allocated_exclude_pool_size)
+    {
+      char *previous_exclude_pool = exclude_pool;
+      char **cursor;
+      allocated_exclude_pool_size = exclude_pool_size + name_size + 1024;
+      exclude_pool = (char *)
+	xrealloc (exclude_pool, (size_t) allocated_exclude_pool_size);
+      for (cursor = simple_exclude_array;
+	   cursor < simple_exclude_array + simple_excludes;
+	   cursor++)
+	*cursor = exclude_pool + (*cursor - previous_exclude_pool);
+      for (cursor = pattern_exclude_array;
+	   cursor < pattern_exclude_array + pattern_excludes;
+	   cursor++)
+	*cursor = exclude_pool + (*cursor - previous_exclude_pool);
+    }
+  if (is_pattern (name))
+    {
+      if (pattern_excludes == allocated_pattern_excludes)
+	{
+	  allocated_pattern_excludes += 32;
+	  pattern_exclude_array = (char **)
+	    xrealloc (pattern_exclude_array,
+		      allocated_pattern_excludes * sizeof (char *));
+	}
+      pattern_exclude_array[pattern_excludes++]
+	= exclude_pool + exclude_pool_size;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if (simple_excludes == allocated_simple_excludes)
+	{
+	  allocated_simple_excludes += 32;
+	  simple_exclude_array = (char **)
+	    xrealloc (simple_exclude_array,
+		      allocated_simple_excludes * sizeof (char *));
+	}
+      simple_exclude_array[simple_excludes++]
+	= exclude_pool + exclude_pool_size;
+    }
+  strcpy (exclude_pool + exclude_pool_size, name);
+  exclude_pool_size += name_size;
+| ?  |
+add_exclude_file (const char *name)
+  FILE *file;
+  char buffer[1024];
+  if (strcmp (name, "-"))
+    file = fopen (name, "r");
+  else
+    {
+      request_stdin ("-X");
+      file = stdin;
+    }
+  if (!file)
+    FATAL_ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot open %s"), name));
+  while (fgets (buffer, 1024, file))
+    {
+      char *end_of_line = strrchr (buffer, '\n');
+      if (end_of_line)
+	*end_of_line = '\0';
+      add_exclude (buffer);
+    }
+  if (fclose (file) == EOF)
+    ERROR ((0, errno, "%s", name));
+| Returns true if the file NAME should not be added nor extracted.  |
+check_exclude (const char *name)
+  int counter;
+  for (counter = 0; counter < pattern_excludes; counter++)
+    if (fnmatch (pattern_exclude_array[counter], name, FNM_LEADING_DIR) == 0)
+      return 1;
+  for (counter = 0; counter < simple_excludes; counter++)
+    {
+      /* Accept the output from strstr only if it is the last part of the
+	 string.  FIXME: Find a faster way to do this.  */
+      char *string = strstr (name, simple_exclude_array[counter]);
+      if (string
+	  && (string == name || string[-1] == '/')
+	  && string[strlen (simple_exclude_array[counter])] == '\0')
+	return 1;
+    }
+  return 0;