@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ list_archive (void)
if (multi_volume_option)
- assign_string (&save_name, NULL);
+ assign_string (&save_name, 0);
fputc ('\n', stdlis);
fflush (stdlis);
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ list_archive (void)
skip_file (current_stat.st_size);
if (multi_volume_option)
- assign_string (&save_name, NULL);
+ assign_string (&save_name, 0);
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ list_archive (void)
bytes in the header as type char. I think the type char was unsigned
on the PDP-11, but it's signed on the Next and Sun. It looks like the
sources to BSD tar were never changed to compute the checksum
- currectly, so both the Sun and Next add the bytes of the header as
+ correctly, so both the Sun and Next add the bytes of the header as
signed chars. This doesn't cause a problem until you get a file with
a name containing characters with the high bit set. So read_header
computes two checksums -- signed and unsigned. */
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ read_header (void)
unsigned_sum = 0;
signed_sum = 0;
p = header->buffer;
- for (i = sizeof (*header); i-- != 0;)
+ for (i = sizeof *header; i-- != 0;)
unsigned_sum += (unsigned char) *p;
signed_sum += signed_char (*p++);
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ read_header (void)
/* Adjust checksum to count the "chksum" field as blanks. */
- for (i = sizeof (header->header.chksum); i-- != 0;)
+ for (i = sizeof header->header.chksum; i-- != 0;)
unsigned_sum -= (unsigned char) header->header.chksum[i];
signed_sum -= signed_char (header->header.chksum[i]);
@@ -313,9 +313,8 @@ read_header (void)
signed_sum += ' ' * sizeof header->header.chksum;
parsed_sum = from_chars (header->header.chksum,
- sizeof header->header.chksum,
- (char *) 0, (uintmax_t) 0,
- (uintmax_t) TYPE_MAXIMUM (int));
+ sizeof header->header.chksum, 0,
+ (uintmax_t) 0, (uintmax_t) TYPE_MAXIMUM (int));
if (parsed_sum == (uintmax_t) -1)
@@ -344,12 +343,12 @@ read_header (void)
size = current_stat.st_size;
if (size != current_stat.st_size)
FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Memory exhausted")));
- bp = *longp = (char *) xmalloc (size);
+ bp = *longp = xmalloc (size);
for (; size > 0; size -= written)
data_block = find_next_block ();
- if (data_block == NULL)
+ if (! data_block)
ERROR ((0, 0, _("Unexpected EOF on archive file")));
@@ -540,7 +539,12 @@ from_chars (char const *where0, size_t digs, char const *type,
if (value << LG_8 >> LG_8 != value)
- goto out_of_range;
+ {
+ ERROR ((0, 0,
+ _("Archive octal string `%.*s' is out of %s range"),
+ (int) digs, where0, type));
+ return -1;
+ }
value = (value << LG_8) | (*where++ - '0');
while (where != lim && ISODIGIT (*where));
@@ -563,7 +567,12 @@ from_chars (char const *where0, size_t digs, char const *type,
&& (dig = base64_map[(unsigned char) *where]) < 64)
if (value << LG_64 >> LG_64 != value)
- goto out_of_range;
+ {
+ ERROR ((0, 0,
+ _("Archive signed base 64 string `%.*s' is out of %s range"),
+ (int) digs, where0, type));
+ return -1;
+ }
value = (value << LG_64) | dig;
@@ -578,7 +587,7 @@ from_chars (char const *where0, size_t digs, char const *type,
if (!o)
- o = clone_quoting_options ((struct quoting_options *) 0);
+ o = clone_quoting_options (0);
set_quoting_style (o, c_quoting_style);
@@ -586,7 +595,7 @@ from_chars (char const *where0, size_t digs, char const *type,
quotearg_buffer (buf, sizeof buf, where0, lim - where, o);
ERROR ((0, 0,
- _("Header contains `%.*s' where numeric %s value expected"),
+ _("Archive contains `%.*s' where numeric %s value expected"),
(int) sizeof buf, buf, type));
@@ -596,10 +605,22 @@ from_chars (char const *where0, size_t digs, char const *type,
if (value <= (negative ? minus_minval : maxval))
return negative ? -value : value;
- out_of_range:
if (type)
- ERROR ((0, 0, _("Numeric value `%.*s' is out of range for %s"),
- (int) digs, where0, type));
+ {
+ char minval_buf[UINTMAX_STRSIZE_BOUND + 1];
+ char maxval_buf[UINTMAX_STRSIZE_BOUND];
+ char value_buf[UINTMAX_STRSIZE_BOUND + 1];
+ char *minval_string = STRINGIFY_BIGINT (minus_minval, minval_buf + 1);
+ char *value_string = STRINGIFY_BIGINT (value, value_buf + 1);
+ if (negative)
+ *--value_string = '-';
+ if (minus_minval)
+ *--minval_string = '-';
+ ERROR ((0, 0, _("Archive value %s is out of %s range %s..%s"),
+ value_string, type,
+ minval_string, STRINGIFY_BIGINT (maxval, maxval_buf)));
+ }
return -1;
@@ -651,8 +672,9 @@ mode_from_chars (const char *p, size_t s)
off_from_chars (const char *p, size_t s)
- return from_chars (p, s, "off_t",
- - (uintmax_t) TYPE_MINIMUM (off_t),
+ /* Negative offsets are not allowed in tar files, so invoke
+ from_chars with minimum value 0, not TYPE_MINIMUM (off_t). */
+ return from_chars (p, s, "off_t", (uintmax_t) 0,
(uintmax_t) TYPE_MAXIMUM (off_t));
@@ -674,7 +696,8 @@ time_from_chars (const char *p, size_t s)
uid_from_chars (const char *p, size_t s)
- return from_chars (p, s, "uid_t", (uintmax_t) 0,
+ return from_chars (p, s, "uid_t",
+ - (uintmax_t) TYPE_MINIMUM (uid_t),
(uintmax_t) TYPE_MAXIMUM (uid_t));
@@ -723,8 +746,8 @@ isotime (time_t time)
- /* The timestamp cannot be broken down, most likely because it
- is a huge timestamp. Convert it as an integer,
+ /* The time stamp cannot be broken down, most likely because it
+ is out of range. Convert it as an integer,
right-adjusted in a field with the same width as the usual
19-byte 4-year ISO time format. */
uintmax_t abstime = time < 0 ? - (uintmax_t) time : time;
@@ -796,7 +819,7 @@ void
print_header (void)
char modes[11];
- char const *timestamp;
+ char const *time_stamp;
/* These hold formatted ints. */
char *user, *group;
@@ -885,7 +908,7 @@ print_header (void)
decode_mode (current_stat.st_mode, modes + 1);
- /* Timestamp. */
+ /* Time stamp. */
longie = current_stat.st_mtime;
@@ -893,16 +916,16 @@ print_header (void)
char *ct = ctime (&longie);
if (ct)
- timestamp = ct + 4;
+ time_stamp = ct + 4;
for (ct += 16; ct[4] != '\n'; ct++)
ct[0] = ct[4];
ct[0] = '\0';
- timestamp = "??? ?? ??:?? ????";
+ time_stamp = "??? ?? ??:?? ????";
- timestamp = isotime (longie);
+ time_stamp = isotime (longie);
/* User and group names. */
@@ -953,7 +976,7 @@ print_header (void)
ugswidth = pad;
fprintf (stdlis, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s",
- modes, user, group, ugswidth - pad, "", size, timestamp);
+ modes, user, group, ugswidth - pad, "", size, time_stamp);
name = quote_copy_string (current_file_name);
if (name)
@@ -1079,7 +1102,7 @@ skip_file (off_t size)
while (size > 0)
x = find_next_block ();
- if (x == NULL)
+ if (! x)
FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Unexpected EOF on archive file")));
set_next_block_after (x);