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Remove rebox.el (reappeared after migration to Git)

Sergey Poznyakoff 15 vuotta sitten
1 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 0 lisäystä ja 852 poistoa
  1. 0 852

+ 0 - 852

@@ -1,852 +0,0 @@
-;;; Handling of comment boxes.
-;;; Copyright (C) 1991, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;;; François Pinard <[email protected]>, April 1991.
-;;; I first observed rounded corners, as in style 223 boxes, in code from
-;;; Warren Tucker <[email protected]>, a previous shar maintainer.
-;;; Refilling paragraphs inside comments, stretching or shrinking the
-;;; surrounding box as needed, is a pain to do "by hand".  This GNU Emacs
-;;; LISP code eases my life on this and I find it fair, giving all sources
-;;; for a package, to also give the means for nicely modifying comments.
-;;; The function rebox-comment discovers the extent of the boxed comments
-;;; near the cursor, possibly refills the text, then adjusts the comment
-;;; box style.  The function rebox-region does the same, except that it
-;;; takes the current region as a boxed comment.  Numeric prefixes are
-;;; used to add or remove a box, change its style (language, quality or
-;;; type), or to prevent refilling of its text.  A minus sign alone as
-;;; prefix asks for interactive style selection.
-;;; For most Emacs language editing modes, refilling does not make sense
-;;; outside comments, so you may redefine the M-q command and link it to
-;;; this file.  For example, I use this in my .emacs file:
-;;;	(setq c-mode-hook
-;;;	      '(lambda ()
-;;;		 (define-key c-mode-map "\M-q" 'rebox-comment)))
-;;;	(autoload 'rebox-comment "rebox" nil t)
-;;;	(autoload 'rebox-region "rebox" nil t)
-;;; The cursor should be within a comment before any of these commands,
-;;; or else it should be between two comments, in which case the command
-;;; applies to the next comment.  When the command is given without prefix,
-;;; the current comment box style is recognized from the comment itself
-;;; as far as possible, and preserved.	A prefix may be used to force
-;;; a particular box style.  A style is made up of three attributes: a
-;;; language (the hundreds digit), a quality (the tens digit) and a type
-;;; (the units digit).	A zero or negative flag value changes the default
-;;; box style to its absolute value.  Zero digits in default style,
-;;; when not overriden in flag, asks for recognition of corresponding
-;;; attributes from the current box.  `C-u' avoids refilling the text,
-;;; using the default box style.  `C-u -' defines the style interactively.
-;;; Box language is associated with comment delimiters.  Values are 100
-;;; for none or unknown, 200 for `/*' and `*/' as in plain C, 300 for
-;;; '//' as in C++, 400 for `#' as in most scripting languages, 500 for
-;;; `;' as in LISP or assembler and 600 for `%' as in TeX or PostScript.
-;;; Box quality differs according to language.	For unknown languages (100)
-;;; or for the C language (200), values are 10 for simple, 20 or 30 for
-;;; rounded, and 40 for starred.  For all others, box quality indicates
-;;; the thickness in characters of the left and right sides of the box:
-;;; values are 10, 20, 30 or 40 for 1, 2, 3 or 4 characters wide.  C++
-;;; quality 10 is always promoted to 20.  Roughly said, simple quality
-;;; boxes (10) use comment delimiters to left and right of each comment
-;;; line, and also for the top or bottom line when applicable.	Rounded
-;;; quality boxes (20 or 30) try to suggest rounded corners in boxes.
-;;; Starred quality boxes (40) mostly use a left margin of asterisks or
-;;; X'es, and use them also in box surroundings.  Experiment a little to
-;;; see what happens.
-;;; Box type values are 1 for fully opened boxes for which boxing is done
-;;; only for the left and right but not for top or bottom, 2 for half
-;;; single lined boxes for which boxing is done on all sides except top,
-;;; 3 for fully single lined boxes for which boxing is done on all sides,
-;;; 4 for half double lined boxes which is like type 2 but more bold,
-;;; or 5 for fully double lined boxes which is like type 3 but more bold.
-;;; The special style 221 or 231 is worth a note, because it is fairly
-;;; common: the whole C comment stays between a single opening `/*'
-;;; and a single closing `*/'.  The special style 111 deletes a box.
-;;; The initial default style is 023 so, unless overriden, comments are
-;;; put in single lined boxes, C comments are of rounded quality.
-(defvar rebox-default-style 0 "*Preferred style for box comments.")
-;;; Help strings for prompting or error messages.
-  "Box language is 100-none, 200-/*, 300-//, 400-#, 500-;, 600-%%")
-(defconst REBOX_LANGUAGE_NONE 100)
-(defconst REBOX_LANGUAGE_C 200)
-(defconst REBOX_LANGUAGE_C++ 300)
-(defconst REBOX_LANGUAGE_AWK 400)
-(defconst REBOX_LANGUAGE_LISP 500)
-(defconst REBOX_LANGUAGE_TEX 600)
-(defun rebox-help-string-for-language (language)
-  (cond ((= language 0) "default language")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_NONE) "no language")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C) "plain C")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C++) "C++")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_AWK) "sh/Perl/make")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_LISP) "LISP/assembler")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_TEX) "TeX/PostScript")
-	(t "<Unknown Language>")))
-  "Box quality/width is 10-simple, 20-rounded, 30-rounded or 40-starred")
-(defun rebox-help-string-for-quality (quality)
-  (cond ((= quality 0) "default quality")
-	((= quality REBOX_QUALITY_SIMPLE_ONE) "square or 1-wide")
-	((= quality REBOX_QUALITY_ROUNDED_TWO) "rounded or 2-wide")
-	((= quality REBOX_QUALITY_ROUNDED_THREE) "rounded or 3-wide")
-	((= quality REBOX_QUALITY_STARRED_FOUR) "starred or 4-wide")
-	(t "<Unknown Quality>")))
-  "Box type is 1-open, 2-half-single, 3-single, 4-half-double or 5-double")
-(defconst REBOX_TYPE_OPEN 1)
-(defconst REBOX_TYPE_SINGLE 3)
-(defconst REBOX_TYPE_DOUBLE 5)
-(defun rebox-help-string-for-type (type)
-  (cond ((= type 0) "default type")
-	((= type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN) "opened box")
-	((= type REBOX_TYPE_HALF_SINGLE) "half normal")
-	((= type REBOX_TYPE_SINGLE) "full normal")
-	((= type REBOX_TYPE_HALF_DOUBLE) "half bold")
-	((= type REBOX_TYPE_DOUBLE) "full bold")
-	(t "<Unknown Type>")))
-(defconst REBOX_MAX_LANGUAGE 6)
-(defconst REBOX_MAX_QUALITY 4)
-(defconst REBOX_MAX_TYPE 5)
-;;; Request the style interactively, using the minibuffer.
-(defun rebox-ask-for-style ()
-  (let (key language quality type)
-    (while (not language)
-      (message REBOX_HELP_FOR_LANGUAGE)
-      (setq key (read-char))
-      (if (and (>= key ?0) (<= key (+ ?0 REBOX_MAX_LANGUAGE)))
-	  (setq language (- key ?0))))
-    (while (not quality)
-      (message REBOX_HELP_FOR_QUALITY)
-      (setq key (read-char))
-      (if (and (>= key ?0) (<= key (+ ?0 REBOX_MAX_QUALITY)))
-	  (setq quality (- key ?0))))
-    (while (not type)
-      (message REBOX_HELP_FOR_TYPE)
-      (setq key (read-char))
-      (if (and (>= key ?0) (<= key (+ ?0 REBOX_MAX_TYPE)))
-	  (setq type (- key ?0))))
-    (+ (* 100 language) (* 10 quality) type)))
-;;; Write some TEXT followed by an edited STYLE value into the minibuffer.
-(defun rebox-show-style (text style)
-  (message
-   (concat text (format " (%03d)" style)
-	   ": " (rebox-help-string-for-language (* (/ style 100) 100))
-	   ", " (rebox-help-string-for-quality (* (% (/ style 10) 10) 10))
-	   ", " (rebox-help-string-for-type (% style 10)))))
-;;; Validate FLAG and usually return t if not interrupted by errors.
-;;; But if FLAG is zero or negative, then change default box style and
-;;; return nil.
-(defun rebox-validate-flag (flag)
-  ;; Validate flag.
-  (if (numberp flag)
-      (let ((value (if (< flag 0) (- flag) flag)))
-	(if (> (/ value 100) REBOX_MAX_LANGUAGE)
-	(if (> (% (/ value 10) 10) REBOX_MAX_QUALITY)
-	(if (> (% value 10) REBOX_MAX_TYPE)
-	    (error REBOX_HELP_FOR_TYPE))))
-  ;; Change default box style if requested.
-  (if (and (numberp flag) (<= flag 0))
-      (progn
-	(setq flag (- flag))
-	(if (not (zerop (/ flag 100)))
-	    (setq rebox-default-style
-		  (+ (* (/ flag 100) 100)
-		     (% rebox-default-style 100))))
-	(if (not (zerop (% (/ flag 10) 10)))
-	    (setq rebox-default-style
-		  (+ (* (/ rebox-default-style 100) 100)
-		     (* (% (/ flag 10) 10) 10)
-		     (% rebox-default-style 10))))
-	(if (not (zerop (% flag 10)))
-	    (setq rebox-default-style
-		  (+ (* (/ rebox-default-style 10) 10)
-		     (% flag 10))))
-	(rebox-show-style "Default style" rebox-default-style)
-	nil)
-    t))
-;;; Return the minimum value of the left margin of all lines, or -1 if
-;;; all lines are empty.
-(defun rebox-left-margin ()
-  (let ((margin -1))
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (while (not (eobp))
-      (skip-chars-forward " \t")
-      (if (not (looking-at "\n"))
-	  (setq margin
-		(if (< margin 0)
-		    (current-column)
-		  (min margin (current-column)))))
-      (forward-line 1))
-    margin))
-;;; Return the maximum value of the right margin of all lines.  Any
-;;; sentence ending a line has a space guaranteed before the margin.
-(defun rebox-right-margin ()
-  (let ((margin 0) period)
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (while (not (eobp))
-      (end-of-line)
-      (if (bobp)
-	  (setq period 0)
-	(backward-char 1)
-	(setq period (if (looking-at "[.?!]") 1 0))
-	(forward-char 1))
-      (setq margin (max margin (+ (current-column) period)))
-      (forward-char 1))
-    margin))
-;;; Return a regexp to match the start or end of a comment for some
-;;; LANGUAGE, leaving the comment marks themselves available in \1.
-;; FIXME: Recognize style 1** boxes.
-(defun rebox-regexp-start (language)
-  (cond ((= language 0) "^[ \t]*\\(/\\*\\|//+\\|#+\\|;+\\|%+\\)")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_NONE) "^\\(\\)")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C) "^[ \t]*\\(/\\*\\)")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C++) "^[ \t]*\\(//+\\)")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_AWK) "^[ \t]*\\(#+\\)")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_LISP) "^[ \t]*\\(;+\\)")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_TEX) "^[ \t]*\\(%+\\)")))
-(defun rebox-regexp-end (language)
-  (cond ((= language 0) "\\(\\*/\\|//+\\|#+\\|;+\\|%+\\)[ \t]*$")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_NONE) "\\(\\)$")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C) "\\(\\*/\\)[ \t]*$")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C++) "\\(//+\\)[ \t]*$")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_AWK) "\\(#+\\)[ \t]*$")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_LISP) "\\(;+\\)[ \t]*$")
-	((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_TEX) "\\(%+\\)[ \t]*$")))
-;;; By looking at the text starting at the cursor position, guess the
-;;; language in use, and return it.
-(defun rebox-guess-language ()
-  (let ((language REBOX_LANGUAGE_NONE)
-	(value (* 100 REBOX_MAX_LANGUAGE)))
-    (while (not (zerop value))
-      (if (looking-at (rebox-regexp-start value))
-	  (progn
-	    (setq language value)
-	    (setq value 0))
-	(setq value (- value 100))))
-    language))
-;;; Find the limits of the block of comments following or enclosing
-;;; the cursor, or return an error if the cursor is not within such a
-;;; block of comments.  Extend it as far as possible in both
-;;; directions, then narrow the buffer around it.
-(defun rebox-find-and-narrow ()
-  (save-excursion
-    (let (start end temp language)
-      ;; Find the start of the current or immediately following comment.
-      (beginning-of-line)
-      (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
-      (beginning-of-line)
-      (if (not (looking-at (rebox-regexp-start 0)))
-	  (progn
-	    (setq temp (point))
-	    (if (re-search-forward "\\*/" nil t)
-		(progn
-		  (re-search-backward "/\\*")
-		  (if (> (point) temp)
-		      (error "outside any comment block"))
-		  (setq temp (point))
-		  (beginning-of-line)
-		  (skip-chars-forward " \t")
-		  (if (not (= (point) temp))
-		      (error "text before start of comment"))
-		  (beginning-of-line))
-	      (error "outside any comment block"))))
-      (setq start (point))
-      (setq language (rebox-guess-language))
-      ;; - find the end of this comment
-      (if (= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C)
-	  (progn
-	    (search-forward "*/")
-	    (if (not (looking-at "[ \t]*$"))
-		(error "text after end of comment"))))
-      (end-of-line)
-      (if (eobp)
-	  (insert "\n")
-	(forward-char 1))
-      (setq end (point))
-      ;; - try to extend the comment block backwards
-      (goto-char start)
-      (while (and (not (bobp))
-		  (if (= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C)
-		      (progn
-			(skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
-			(if (and (looking-at "[ \t]*\n[ \t]*/\\*")
-				 (> (point) 2))
-			    (progn
-			      (backward-char 2)
-			      (if (looking-at "\\*/")
-				  (progn
-				    (re-search-backward "/\\*")
-				    (setq temp (point))
-				    (beginning-of-line)
-				    (skip-chars-forward " \t")
-				    (if (= (point) temp)
-					(progn (beginning-of-line) t)))))))
-		    (previous-line 1)
-		    (looking-at (rebox-regexp-start language))))
-	(setq start (point)))
-      ;; - try to extend the comment block forward
-      (goto-char end)
-      (while (looking-at (rebox-regexp-start language))
-	(if (= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C)
-	    (progn
-	      (re-search-forward "[ \t]*/\\*")
-	      (re-search-forward "\\*/")
-	      (if (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
-		  (progn
-		    (beginning-of-line)
-		    (forward-line 1)
-		    (setq end (point)))))
-	  (forward-line 1)
-	  (setq end (point))))
-      ;; - narrow to the whole block of comments
-      (narrow-to-region start end))))
-;;; After refilling it if REFILL is not nil, while respecting a left
-;;; MARGIN, put the narrowed buffer back into a boxed LANGUAGE comment
-;;; box of a given QUALITY and TYPE.
-(defun rebox-reconstruct (refill margin language quality type)
-  (rebox-show-style "Style" (+ language quality type))
-  (let (right-margin nw nn ne ww ee sw ss se x xx)
-    ;; - decide the elements of the box being produced
-    (cond ((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_NONE)
-	   ;; - planify a comment for no language in particular
-	   (cond ((= quality REBOX_QUALITY_SIMPLE_ONE)
-		  ;; - planify a simple box
-		  (cond ((= type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN)
-			 (setq nw "") (setq sw "")
-			 (setq ww "") (setq ee ""))
-			 (setq nw "")
-			 (setq ww "| ")              (setq ee " |")
-			 (setq sw "+-") (setq ss ?-) (setq se "-+"))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_SINGLE)
-			 (setq nw "+-") (setq nn ?-) (setq ne "-+")
-			 (setq ww "| ")              (setq ee " |")
-			 (setq sw "+-") (setq ss ?-) (setq se "-+"))
-			 (setq nw "")
-			 (setq ww "| ")              (setq ee " |")
-			 (setq sw "*=") (setq ss ?=) (setq se "=*"))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_DOUBLE)
-			 (setq nw "*=") (setq nn ?=) (setq ne "=*")
-			 (setq ww "| ")              (setq ee " |")
-			 (setq sw "*=") (setq ss ?=) (setq se "=*"))))
-		 ((or (= quality REBOX_QUALITY_ROUNDED_TWO)
-		      (= quality REBOX_QUALITY_ROUNDED_THREE))
-		  ;; - planify a rounded box
-		  (cond ((= type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN)
-			 (setq nw "") (setq sw "")
-			 (setq ww "| ") (setq ee " |"))
-			 (setq nw "")
-			 (setq ww "| ")              (setq ee " |")
-			 (setq sw "`-") (setq ss ?-) (setq se "-'"))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_SINGLE)
-			 (setq nw ".-") (setq nn ?-) (setq ne "-.")
-			 (setq ww "| ")              (setq ee " |")
-			 (setq sw "`-") (setq ss ?-) (setq se "-'"))
-			 (setq nw "")
-			 (setq ww "| " )              (setq ee " |" )
-			 (setq sw "\\=") (setq ss ?=) (setq se "=/" ))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_DOUBLE)
-			 (setq nw "/=" ) (setq nn ?=) (setq ne "=\\")
-			 (setq ww "| " )              (setq ee " |" )
-			 (setq sw "\\=") (setq ss ?=) (setq se "=/" ))))
-		  ;; - planify a starred box
-		  (cond ((= type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN)
-			 (setq nw "") (setq sw "")
-			 (setq ww "| ") (setq ee ""))
-			 (setq nw "")
-			 (setq ww "* ")              (setq ee " *")
-			 (setq sw "**") (setq ss ?*) (setq se "**"))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_SINGLE)
-			 (setq nw "**") (setq nn ?*) (setq ne "**")
-			 (setq ww "* ")              (setq ee " *")
-			 (setq sw "**") (setq ss ?*) (setq se "**"))
-			 (setq nw "")
-			 (setq ww "X ")              (setq ee " X")
-			 (setq sw "XX") (setq ss ?X) (setq se "XX"))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_DOUBLE)
-			 (setq nw "XX") (setq nn ?X) (setq ne "XX")
-			 (setq ww "X ")              (setq ee " X")
-			 (setq sw "XX") (setq ss ?X) (setq se "XX"))))))
-	  ((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C)
-	   ;; - planify a comment for C
-	   (cond ((= quality REBOX_QUALITY_SIMPLE_ONE)
-		  ;; - planify a simple C comment
-		  (cond ((= type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN)
-			 (setq nw "") (setq sw "")
-			 (setq ww "/* ") (setq ee " */"))
-			 (setq nw "")
-			 (setq ww "/* ")              (setq ee " */")
-			 (setq sw "/* ") (setq ss ?-) (setq se " */"))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_SINGLE)
-			 (setq nw "/* ") (setq nn ?-) (setq ne " */")
-			 (setq ww "/* ")              (setq ee " */")
-			 (setq sw "/* ") (setq ss ?-) (setq se " */"))
-			 (setq nw "")
-			 (setq ww "/* ")              (setq ee " */")
-			 (setq sw "/* ") (setq ss ?=) (setq se " */"))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_DOUBLE)
-			 (setq nw "/* ") (setq nn ?=) (setq ne " */")
-			 (setq ww "/* ")              (setq ee " */")
-			 (setq sw "/* ") (setq ss ?=) (setq se " */"))))
-		 ((or (= quality REBOX_QUALITY_ROUNDED_TWO)
-		      (= quality REBOX_QUALITY_ROUNDED_THREE))
-		  ;; - planify a rounded C comment
-		  (cond ((= type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN)
-			 ;; ``open rounded'' is a special case
-			 (setq nw "") (setq sw "")
-			 (setq ww "   ") (setq ee ""))
-			 (setq nw "/*") (setq nn ? ) (setq ne " .")
-			 (setq ww "| ")              (setq ee " |")
-			 (setq sw "`-") (setq ss ?-) (setq se "*/"))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_SINGLE)
-			 (setq nw "/*") (setq nn ?-) (setq ne "-.")
-			 (setq ww "| ")              (setq ee " |")
-			 (setq sw "`-") (setq ss ?-) (setq se "*/"))
-			 (setq nw "/*" ) (setq nn ? ) (setq ne " \\")
-			 (setq ww "| " )              (setq ee " |" )
-			 (setq sw "\\=") (setq ss ?=) (setq se "*/" ))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_DOUBLE)
-			 (setq nw "/*" ) (setq nn ?=) (setq ne "=\\")
-			 (setq ww "| " )              (setq ee " |" )
-			 (setq sw "\\=") (setq ss ?=) (setq se "*/" ))))
-		  ;; - planify a starred C comment
-		  (cond ((= type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN)
-			 (setq nw "/* ") (setq nn ? ) (setq ne "")
-			 (setq ww " * ")              (setq ee "")
-			 (setq sw " */") (setq ss ? ) (setq se ""))
-			 (setq nw "/* ") (setq nn ? ) (setq ne " *")
-			 (setq ww " * ")              (setq ee " *")
-			 (setq sw " **") (setq ss ?*) (setq se "**/"))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_SINGLE)
-			 (setq nw "/**") (setq nn ?*) (setq ne "**")
-			 (setq ww " * ")              (setq ee " *")
-			 (setq sw " **") (setq ss ?*) (setq se "**/"))
-			 (setq nw "/* " ) (setq nn ? ) (setq ne " *\\")
-			 (setq ww "|* " )              (setq ee " *|" )
-			 (setq sw "\\**") (setq ss ?*) (setq se "**/" ))
-			((= type REBOX_TYPE_DOUBLE)
-			 (setq nw "/**" ) (setq nn ?*) (setq ne "**\\")
-			 (setq ww "|* " )              (setq ee " *|" )
-			 (setq sw "\\**") (setq ss ?*) (setq se "**/" ))))))
-	  (t
-	   ;; - planify a comment for all other things
-	   (if (and (= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C++)
-		    (= quality REBOX_QUALITY_SIMPLE_ONE))
-	       (setq quality REBOX_QUALITY_ROUNDED_TWO))
-	   (setq x (cond ((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C++) ?/)
-			 ((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_AWK) ?#)
-			 ((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_LISP) ?\;)
-			 ((= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_TEX) ?%)))
-	   (setq xx (make-string (/ quality 10) x))
-	   (setq ww (concat xx " "))
-	   (cond ((= type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN)
-		  (setq nw "") (setq sw "") (setq ee ""))
-		  (setq ee (concat " " xx))
-		  (setq nw "")
-		  (setq sw ww) (setq ss ?-) (setq se ee))
-		 ((= type REBOX_TYPE_SINGLE)
-		  (setq ee (concat " " xx))
-		  (setq nw ww) (setq nn ?-) (setq ne ee)
-		  (setq sw ww) (setq ss ?-) (setq se ee))
-		  (setq ee (concat " " xx))
-		  (setq xx (make-string (1+ (/ quality 10)) x))
-		  (setq nw "")
-		  (setq sw xx) (setq ss x) (setq se xx))
-		 ((= type REBOX_TYPE_DOUBLE)
-		  (setq ee (concat " " xx))
-		  (setq xx (make-string (1+ (/ quality 10)) x))
-		  (setq nw xx) (setq nn x) (setq ne xx)
-		  (setq sw xx) (setq ss x) (setq se xx)))))
-    ;; - possibly refill, and adjust margins to account for left inserts
-    (if (not (and flag (listp flag)))
-	(let ((fill-prefix (make-string margin ? ))
-	      (fill-column (- fill-column (+ (length ww) (length ee)))))
-	  (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))))
-    (setq right-margin (+ (rebox-right-margin) (length ww)))
-    ;; - construct the box comment, from top to bottom
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (if (and (= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C)
-	     (or (= quality REBOX_QUALITY_ROUNDED_TWO)
-	     (= type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN))
-	(progn
-	  ;; - construct an 33 style comment
-	  (skip-chars-forward " " (+ (point) margin))
-	  (insert (make-string (- margin (current-column)) ? )
-		  "/* ")
-	  (end-of-line)
-	  (forward-char 1)
-	  (while (not (eobp))
-	    (skip-chars-forward " " (+ (point) margin))
-	    (insert (make-string (- margin (current-column)) ? )
-		    ww)
-	    (beginning-of-line)
-	    (forward-line 1))
-	  (backward-char 1)
-	  (insert "  */"))
-      ;; - construct all other comment styles
-      ;; construct one top line
-      (if (not (zerop (length nw)))
-	  (progn
-	    (indent-to margin)
-	    (insert nw)
-	    (if (or (not (eq nn ? )) (not (zerop (length ne))))
-		(insert (make-string (- right-margin (current-column)) nn)
-			ne))
-	    (insert "\n")))
-      ;; construct one middle line
-      (while (not (eobp))
-	(skip-chars-forward " " (+ (point) margin))
-	(insert (make-string (- margin (current-column)) ? )
-		ww)
-	(end-of-line)
-	(if (not (zerop (length ee)))
-	    (progn
-	      (indent-to right-margin)
-	      (insert ee)))
-	(beginning-of-line)
-	(forward-line 1))
-      ;; construct one bottom line
-      (if (not (zerop (length sw)))
-	  (progn
-	    (indent-to margin)
-	    (insert sw)
-	    (if (or (not (eq ss ? )) (not (zerop (length se))))
-		(insert (make-string (- right-margin (current-column)) ss)
-			se "\n")))))))
-;;; Add, delete or adjust a comment box in the narrowed buffer.
-;;; Various FLAG values are explained at beginning of this file.
-(defun rebox-engine (flag)
-  (let ((undo-list buffer-undo-list)
-	(marked-point (point-marker))
-	(language (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (rebox-guess-language)))
-	(quality 0)
-	(type 0))
-    (untabify (point-min) (point-max))
-    ;; Remove all the comment marks, and move all the text rigidly to the
-    ;; left for insuring that the left margin stays at the same place.
-    ;; At the same time, try recognizing the box style, saving its quality
-    ;; in QUALITY and its type in TYPE.  (LANGUAGE is already guessed.)
-    (let ((indent-tabs-mode nil)
-	  (previous-margin (rebox-left-margin))
-	  actual-margin)
-      ;; FIXME: Cleanup style 1** boxes.
-      ;; FIXME: Recognize really all cases of type and quality.
-      ;; - remove all comment marks
-      (if (= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_NONE)
-	  nil
-	(goto-char (point-min))
-	(while (re-search-forward (rebox-regexp-start language) nil t)
-	  (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
-	  (delete-region (point) (match-end 1))
-	  (insert (make-string (- (match-end 1) (point)) ? )))
-	(goto-char (point-min))
-	(while (re-search-forward (rebox-regexp-end language) nil t)
-	  (replace-match "" t t)))
-      (if (= language REBOX_LANGUAGE_C)
-	  (progn
-	    (goto-char (point-min))
-	    (while (re-search-forward "\\*/ */\\*" nil t)
-	      (replace-match "  " t t))
-	    (goto-char (point-min))
-	    (while (re-search-forward "^\\( *\\)|\\*\\(.*\\)\\*| *$" nil t)
-	      (setq quality REBOX_QUALITY_STARRED_FOUR)
-	      (setq type REBOX_TYPE_DOUBLE)
-	      (replace-match "\\1  \\2" t))
-	    (goto-char (point-min))
-	    (while (re-search-forward "^\\( *\\)\\*\\(.*\\)\\* *$" nil t)
-	      (setq quality REBOX_QUALITY_STARRED_FOUR)
-	      (setq type REBOX_TYPE_SINGLE)
-	      (replace-match "\\1 \\2" t))
-	    (goto-char (point-min))
-	    (while (re-search-forward "^\\( *\\)|\\(.*\\)| *$" nil t)
-	      (setq quality REBOX_QUALITY_ROUNDED_TWO)
-	      (replace-match "\\1 \\2" t))
-	    (goto-char (point-min))
-	    (if (zerop quality)
-		(while (re-search-forward "^\\( +\\)\\* " nil t)
-		  (setq quality REBOX_QUALITY_STARRED_FOUR)
-		  (setq type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN)
-		  (replace-match "\\1  " t)))))
-      ;; - remove the first dashed or starred line
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (if (looking-at "^ *\\(--+\\|\\*\\*+\\)[.\+\\]? *\n")
-	  (progn
-	    (setq type REBOX_TYPE_SINGLE)
-	    (replace-match "" t t))
-	(if (looking-at "^ *\\(==\\|XX+\\|##+\\|;;+\\)[.\+\\]? *\n")
-	    (progn
-	      (setq type REBOX_TYPE_DOUBLE)
-	      (replace-match "" t t))))
-      ;; - remove the last dashed or starred line
-      (goto-char (point-max))
-      (previous-line 1)
-      (if (looking-at "^ *[`\+\\]?*--+ *\n")
-	  (progn
-	    (if (= type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN)
-		(setq type REBOX_TYPE_HALF_SINGLE))
-	    (replace-match "" t t))
-	(if (looking-at "^ *[`\+\\]?*\\(==+\\|##+\\|;;+\\) *\n")
-	    (progn
-	      (if (= type REBOX_TYPE_OPEN)
-		  (setq type REBOX_TYPE_HALF_DOUBLE))
-	      (replace-match "" t t))
-	  (if (looking-at "^ *\\*\\*+[.\+\\]? *\n")
-	      (progn
-		(replace-match "" t t))
-	    (if (looking-at "^ *XX+[.\+\\]? *\n")
-		(progn
-		  (setq quality REBOX_QUALITY_STARRED_FOUR)
-		  (setq type REBOX_TYPE_HALF_DOUBLE)
-		  (replace-match "" t t))))))
-      ;; - remove all spurious whitespace
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (while (re-search-forward " +$" nil t)
-	(replace-match "" t t))
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (if (looking-at "\n+")
-	  (replace-match "" t t))
-      (goto-char (point-max))
-      (skip-chars-backward "\n")
-      (if (looking-at "\n\n+")
-	  (replace-match "\n" t t))
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (while (re-search-forward "\n\n\n+" nil t)
-	(replace-match "\n\n" t t))
-      ;; - move the text left is adequate
-      (setq actual-margin (rebox-left-margin))
-      (if (not (= previous-margin actual-margin))
-	  (indent-rigidly (point-min) (point-max)
-			  (- previous-margin actual-margin))))
-    ;; Override box style according to FLAG or chosen default style.
-    ;; Else, use either recognized style elements or built-in defaults.
-    (cond ((and (numberp flag) (not (zerop (/ flag 100))))
-	   (setq language (* (/ flag 100) 100)))
-	  ((not (zerop (/ rebox-default-style 100)))
-	   (setq language (* (/ rebox-default-style 100) 100))))
-    (cond ((and (numberp flag) (not (zerop (% (/ flag 10) 10))))
-	   (setq quality (* (% (/ flag 10) 10) 10)))
-	  ((not (zerop (% (/ rebox-default-style 10) 10)))
-	   (setq quality (* (% (/ rebox-default-style 10) 10) 10)))
-	  ((zerop quality)
-	   (setq quality REBOX_QUALITY_ROUNDED_TWO)))
-    (cond ((and (numberp flag) (not (zerop (% flag 10))))
-	   (setq type (% flag 10)))
-	  ((not (zerop (% rebox-default-style 10)))
-	   (setq type (% rebox-default-style 10)))
-	  ((zerop type)
-	   (setq type 1)))
-    ;; Possibly refill, then reconstruct the comment box.
-    (let ((indent-tabs-mode nil))
-      (rebox-reconstruct (not (and flag (listp flag)))
-			 (rebox-left-margin)
-			 language quality type))
-    ;; Retabify to the left only (adapted from tabify.el).
-    (if indent-tabs-mode
-	(progn
-	  (goto-char (point-min))
-	  (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t][ \t]+" nil t)
-	    (let ((column (current-column)))
-	      (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (point))
-	      (indent-to column)))))
-    ;; Restore the point position.
-    (goto-char (marker-position marked-point))
-    ;; Remove all intermediate boundaries from the undo list.
-    (if (not (eq buffer-undo-list undo-list))
-	(let ((cursor buffer-undo-list))
-	  (while (not (eq (cdr cursor) undo-list))
-	    (if (car (cdr cursor))
-		(setq cursor (cdr cursor))
-	      (rplacd cursor (cdr (cdr cursor)))))))))
-;;; Set or reset the Taarna team's own way for a C style.  You do not
-;;; really want to know about this.
-(defvar c-mode-taarna-style nil "*Non-nil for Taarna team C-style.")
-(defun taarna-mode ()
-  (interactive)
-  (if c-mode-taarna-style
-      (progn
-	(setq c-mode-taarna-style nil)
-	(setq c-indent-level 2)
-	(setq c-continued-statement-offset 2)
-	(setq c-brace-offset 0)
-	(setq c-argdecl-indent 5)
-	(setq c-label-offset -2)
-	(setq c-tab-always-indent t)
-	(setq rebox-default-style REBOX_QUALITY_ROUNDED_TWO)
-	(message "C mode: GNU style"))
-    (setq c-mode-taarna-style t)
-    (setq c-indent-level 4)
-    (setq c-continued-statement-offset 4)
-    (setq c-brace-offset -4)
-    (setq c-argdecl-indent 4)
-    (setq c-label-offset -4)
-    (setq c-tab-always-indent t)
-    (setq rebox-default-style
-    (message "C mode: Taarna style")))
-;;; Rebox the current region.
-(defun rebox-region (flag)
-  (interactive "P")
-  (if (eq flag '-) (setq flag (rebox-ask-for-style)))
-  (if (rebox-validate-flag flag)
-      (save-restriction
-	(narrow-to-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
-	(rebox-engine flag))))
-;;; Rebox the surrounding comment.
-(defun rebox-comment (flag)
-  (interactive "P")
-  (if (eq flag '-) (setq flag (rebox-ask-for-style)))
-  (if (rebox-validate-flag flag)
-      (save-restriction
-	(rebox-find-and-narrow)
-	(rebox-engine flag))))