فهرست منبع

Use gendocs.sh to generate web documentation

Sergey Poznyakoff 20 سال پیش
1فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه14 افزوده شده و 168 حذف شده
  1. 14 168

+ 14 - 168

@@ -19,184 +19,30 @@
 info_TEXINFOS = tar.texi
 tar_TEXINFOS = fdl.texi freemanuals.texi getdate.texi header.texi
-EXTRA_DIST = convtexi.pl 
-CLEANFILES = tmp-* tmp2-* index.html
+EXTRA_DIST = convtexi.pl gendocs_template 
 # The rendering level is anyone of PUBLISH, DISTRIB or PROOF.
-# Just call `make dvi RENDITION=PROOF' if you want PROOF rendition.
+# Just call `make RENDITION=PROOF [target]' if you want PROOF rendition.
-$(srcdir)/tar.info: tar.texi fdl.texi freemanuals.texi getdate.texi \
-  $(srcdir)/header.texi version.texi
-	$(MAKEINFO) --no-split -D$(RENDITION) -I$(srcdir) tar.texi -o $@
-tmp-tar.texi: tar.texi getdate.texi $(srcdir)/header.texi version.texi
-	$(MAKEINFO) -D$(RENDITION) -Etmp-tar.tmp -otmp-tar.info \
-	  -I$(srcdir) tar.texi
-	rm -f tmp-tar.sed tmp-tar.info*
-	  || echo >>tmp-tar.sed 's/^@set DISTRIB/@set $(RENDITION)/'
-	  || echo >>tmp-tar.sed '/^@smallbook/d'
-	sed -f tmp-tar.sed tmp-tar.tmp > tmp-tar.texi
-	rm -f tmp-tar.sed tmp-tar.tmp
-tar.dvi: tmp-tar.texi
-	TEXINPUTS=$(top_srcdir)/config:$$TEXINPUTS \
-         $(TEXI2DVI) tmp-tar.texi
-	mv tmp-tar.dvi $@
-$(srcdir)/header.texi: $(top_srcdir)/src/tar.h
+header.texi: $(top_srcdir)/src/tar.h
 	sed -n '/Archive Format/,/End of Format/p' $(top_srcdir)/src/tar.h \
 	  | expand | sed 's/\([{}]\)/@\1/g' >$@
-TEXI2HTML=${SHELL} `cd $(top_srcdir); pwd`/config/missing --run texi2html
-INFO=${SHELL} `cd $(top_srcdir); pwd`/config/missing --run info
-DVIPDF=${SHELL} `cd $(top_srcdir); pwd`/config/missing --run dvipdf
-html: html_mono.stamp html_node.stamp html_chapter.stamp
-tmp2-$(PROJECT).texi: Makefile tmp-$(PROJECT).texi
-	echo '/@copying/,/@end copying/{H;x;s/@copying//;s/@end copying//;x;}' > tmp2.sed
-	echo '/@insertcopying/{x;h;}' >> tmp2.sed
-	echo 's/\(.\)@ifset/\1\' >> tmp2.sed
-	echo '@ifset/' >> tmp2.sed
-	sed -f tmp2.sed tmp-$(PROJECT).texi > tmp2-$(PROJECT).texi
-	rm -f tmp2.sed
-html_node.stamp: tmp2-$(PROJECT).texi
-	texi2html="$(TEXI2HTML)";\
-	if ! test -d html_node; then mkdir html_node; fi; \
-	cd html_node; \
-	$$texi2html -menu -split_node -prefix $(PROJECT) ../tmp2-$(PROJECT).texi; \
-	cd ..; \
-	touch html_node.stamp
-html_chapter.stamp: tmp2-$(PROJECT).texi
-	texi2html="$(TEXI2HTML)";\
-	if ! test -d html_chapter; then mkdir html_chapter; fi; \
-	cd html_chapter; \
-	$$texi2html -menu -split_chapter -prefix $(PROJECT) ../tmp2-$(PROJECT).texi; \
-	cd ..; \
-	touch html_chapter.stamp
-html_mono.stamp: tmp2-$(PROJECT).texi
-	texi2html="$(TEXI2HTML)";\
-	if ! test -d html_mono; then mkdir html_mono; fi; \
-	cd html_mono; \
-	$$texi2html -menu -monolithic -prefix $(PROJECT) ../tmp2-$(PROJECT).texi; \
-	cd ..; \
-	touch html_mono.stamp
-ps: $(PROJECT).ps
-$(PROJECT).ps: $(PROJECT).dvi
-	$(DVIPS) -o$(PROJECT).ps $(PROJECT).dvi
-# Override the default rule. The texinfo <= 4.5 is unable to cope with
-# tar docs.
-$(PROJECT).pdf: $(PROJECT).dvi
-	$(DVIPDF) $(PROJECT).dvi
-text: $(PROJECT).text
-$(PROJECT).text: Makefile $(PROJECT).info
-	$(INFO) --node=Top --subnodes --out $(PROJECT).text -f ./$(PROJECT).info
-$(PROJECT).info.tar.gz: Makefile
-	rm -f $(PROJECT).info.tar.gz
-	tar cf $(PROJECT).info.tar $(PROJECT).info*
-	gzip -f $(PROJECT).info.tar
-$(PROJECT).dvi.gz: Makefile $(PROJECT).dvi
-	gzip -c $(PROJECT).dvi > $(PROJECT).dvi.gz
-$(PROJECT).ps.gz: Makefile $(PROJECT).ps
-	gzip -c $(PROJECT).ps > $(PROJECT).ps.gz
-$(PROJECT).pdf.gz: Makefile $(PROJECT).pdf
-	gzip -c $(PROJECT).pdf > $(PROJECT).pdf.gz
-$(PROJECT).texi.tar.gz: Makefile $(info_TEXINFOS) $(tar_TEXINFOS)
-	tar cfz $(PROJECT).texi.tar.gz $(info_TEXINFOS) $(tar_TEXINFOS)
- html_mono\
- html_node\
- html_chapter
-WEB_HTML_STAMPS=$(patsubst %,%.stamp,$(WEB_HTML))
- $(PROJECT).info.tar.gz\
- $(PROJECT).dvi.gz\
- $(PROJECT).pdf.gz\
- $(PROJECT).ps.gz\
- $(PROJECT).texi.tar.gz\
- $(PROJECT).text
-webdocdir: $(WEB_HTML_STAMPS) $(WEB_BIN) index.html
-	if ! test -d $(WEBDOCDIR); then mkdir $(WEBDOCDIR); fi; \
-	here=`cd $(srcdir) && pwd`; \
-	webdocdir=`cd $(WEBDOCDIR) && pwd`; \
-	for file in $(WEB_HTML) index.html; do \
-	  if test -d $$here/$$file; then \
-	    cp -pr $$here/$$file $$webdocdir/$$file; \
-	  else \
-	    test -f $$webdocdir/$$file \
-	    || ln $$here/$$file $$webdocdir/$$file 2> /dev/null \
-	    || cp -p $$here/$$file $$webdocdir/$$file || :; \
-	  fi; \
-	done; \
-	if ! test -d $(WEBDOCDIR)/other; then mkdir $(WEBDOCDIR)/other; fi;\
-	for file in $(WEB_BIN); do \
-	  if test -d $$here/$$file; then \
-	    cp -pr $$here/$$file $$webdocdir/other/$$file; \
-	  else \
-	    test -f $$webdocdir/other/$$file \
-	    || ln $$here/$$file $$webdocdir/other/$$file 2> /dev/null \
-	    || cp -p $$here/$$file $$webdocdir/other/$$file || :; \
-	  fi; \
-	done
-index.html: index.html.in $(WEBDOC)
-	@echo "s^%BASE_URL%^$(BASE_URL)^;" > .webdoc
-	@echo "s/%DATE%/`date`/;" >> .webdoc
-	@echo "s/%UPDATED%/`date +'%B, %d'`/;" >> .webdoc
-	@echo "s/%PACKAGE_NAME%/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/" >> .webdoc
-	@echo "s/%PACKAGE%/$(PACKAGE)/" >> .webdoc
-	@echo "s/%VERSION%/$(VERSION)/" >> .webdoc
-	@for file in `sed -n 's,.*"other/%PACKAGE%\(.*\)".*,$(PACKAGE)\1,pg;s,.*"\(.*\)%PACKAGE%\(.*\)".*,\1$(PACKAGE)\2,pg' index.html.in`; \
-	do\
-		ls -sk $$file; \
-	done |\
-         $(AWK) -vPACKAGE=$(PACKAGE) \
-                'BEGIN { len = length(PACKAGE) } \
-                 { gsub("\\.", "_", $$2); \
-                   if (match($$2,"/")) \
-                       $$2=substr($$2,RSTART+1); \
-                   print "s/%" toupper(substr($$2,len+2)) "_SIZE%/" $$1 "/;" }' >> .webdoc
-	sed -f .webdoc index.html.in > index.html
-	rm -f .webdoc
+	rm -rf manual
-	$(MAKE) RENDITION=PUBLISH WEBDOCDIR=$(top_builddir)/doc/$(webdocname) webdocdir
-	cd $(top_builddir)/doc &&\
-	tar cfz $(webdocname).tar.gz $(webdocname) &&\
-	rm -r $(webdocname)
+TEXI2DVI=texi2dvi -t '@set $(RENDITION)' -E
-## End of webdoc
+# Make sure you set TEXINPUTS
+	TEXINPUTS=$(srcdir):$(top_srcdir)/config:$(TEXINPUTS) \
+	 TEXI2DVI="$(TEXI2DVI) -t @finalout" \
+	$(GENDOCS) tar 'GNU tar manual'