@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Options:
--force Attempt to bootstrap even if the sources seem
not to have been checked out.
--skip-po Do not download po files.
- --update-po[=LANG] Update po file(s) and exit.
+ --update-po Update po files and exit.
--cvs-user=USERNAME Set the CVS username to be used when accessing
the paxutils repository.
@@ -116,11 +116,13 @@ gnulib_modules=
# Any gnulib files needed that are not in modules.
-# Translation Project URL, for the registry of all projects
-# and for the translation-team master directory.
-tp_url() {
- echo "http://translationproject.org/domain/$1.html"
+# The command to download all .po files for a specified domain into
+# a specified directory. Fill in the first %s is the domain name, and
+# the second with the destination directory. Use rsync's -L and -r
+# options because the latest/%s directory and the .po files within are
+# all symlinks.
+"rsync -Lrtvz 'translationproject.org::tp/latest/%s/' '%s'"
@@ -223,78 +225,60 @@ echo "$0: Bootstrapping CVS $package..."
# Get translations.
-get_translations() {
+download_po_files() {
- po_file=$3
- case $WGET_COMMAND in
- '')
- echo "$0: wget not available; skipping translations";;
- ?*)
- url=`tp_url $domain`
- baseurl=`expr "$url" : '\(.*\)/.*'`
- echo "$0: getting translations into $subdir for $domain..." &&
- case $po_file in
- '') (cd $subdir && rm -f dummy `ls | sed -n '/\.gmo$/p; /\.po/p'`);;
- esac &&
- $WGET_COMMAND -O "$subdir/$domain.html" "$url" &&
- sed -n 's|.*href="\(.*\)/\([^/][^/]*\)/'"$domain"'-\([^/"]*\)\.[^."]*\.po".*|\2:\3:\1|p' <"$subdir/$domain.html" |
- sort -t: -k 1,1 -k 2,2n -k2,2 -k3,3n -k3,3 -k4,4n -k4,4 -k5,5n -k5.5 |
- awk -F: '
- { if (lang && $1 != lang) print lang, ver, $3 }
- { lang = $1; ver = $2 }
- END { if (lang) print lang, ver, $3 }
- ' | awk -v domain="$domain" -v baseurl="$baseurl" -v subdir="$subdir" \
- -v po_file="$po_file" '
- {
- lang = $1
- if (po_file && po_file != (lang ".po")) next
- ver = $2
- printf "{ $WGET_COMMAND -O %s/%s.po %s/%s/%s/%s-%s.%s.po &&\n", subdir, lang, baseurl, $3, lang, domain, ver, lang
- printf " msgfmt -c -o /dev/null %s/%s.po || {\n", subdir, lang
- printf " echo >&2 '\'"$0"': omitting translation for %s'\''\n", lang
- printf " rm -f %s/%s.po; }; } &&\n", subdir, lang
- }
- END { print ":" }
- ;;
- esac &&
- ls "$subdir"/*.po 2>/dev/null |
- sed 's|.*/||; s|\.po$||' >"$subdir/LINGUAS" &&
- rm -f "$subdir/$domain.html"
+ echo "$0: getting translations into $subdir for $domain..."
+ cmd=`printf "$po_download_command_format" "$domain" "$subdir"`
+ eval "$cmd"
-case `wget --help` in
- WGET_COMMAND='wget -nv --no-cache';;
- WGET_COMMAND='wget -nv --cache=off';;
- WGET_COMMAND='wget -nv';;
+# Download .po files to $po_dir/.reference and copy only the new
+# or modified ones into $po_dir. Also update $po_dir/LINGUAS.
+update_po_files() {
+ # Directory containing primary .po files.
+ # Overwrite them only when we're sure a .po file is new.
+ po_dir=$1
+ domain=$2
+ # Download *.po files into this dir.
+ # Usually contains *.s1 checksum files.
+ ref_po_dir="$po_dir/.reference"
+ test -d $ref_po_dir || mkdir $ref_po_dir || return
+ download_po_files $ref_po_dir $domain \
+ && ls "$ref_po_dir"/*.po 2>/dev/null |
+ sed 's|.*/||; s|\.po$||' > "$po_dir/LINGUAS"
+ langs=`cd $ref_po_dir && echo *.po|sed 's/\.po//g'`
+ test "$langs" = '*' && langs=x
+ for po in `cd $ref_po_dir && echo *.po|sed 's/\.po//g'`; do
+ case $po in x) continue;; esac
+ new_po="$ref_po_dir/$po.po"
+ cksum_file="$ref_po_dir/$po.s1"
+ if ! test -f "$cksum_file" ||
+ ! test -f "$po_dir/$po.po" ||
+ ! sha1sum -c --status "$cksum_file" < "$new_po" > /dev/null; then
+ echo "updated $po_dir/$po.po..."
+ cp "$new_po" "$po_dir/$po.po" && sha1sum < "$new_po" > "$cksum_file"
+ fi
+ done
case $DOWNLOAD_PO in
- get_translations po $package || exit
+ if test -d po; then
+ update_po_files po $package || exit
+ fi
- get_translations po $package
- exit
- ;;
- get_translations po $package "$DOWNLOAD_PO"
+ if test -d po; then
+ update_po_files po $package || exit
+ fi
- get_translations po $package "${DOWNLOAD_PO}.po"
- exit
# Get paxutils files.