/* wordsplit - a word splitter Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Sergey Poznyakoff This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE_NLS # include #else # define gettext(msgid) msgid #endif #define _(msgid) gettext (msgid) #define N_(msgid) msgid #include #define ISWS(c) ((c)==' '||(c)=='\t'||(c)=='\n') #define ISDELIM(ws,c) \ (strchr ((ws)->ws_delim, (c)) != NULL) #define ISPUNCT(c) (strchr("!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~",(c))!=NULL) #define ISUPPER(c) ('A' <= ((unsigned) (c)) && ((unsigned) (c)) <= 'Z') #define ISLOWER(c) ('a' <= ((unsigned) (c)) && ((unsigned) (c)) <= 'z') #define ISALPHA(c) (ISUPPER(c) || ISLOWER(c)) #define ISDIGIT(c) ('0' <= ((unsigned) (c)) && ((unsigned) (c)) <= '9') #define ISXDIGIT(c) (strchr("abcdefABCDEF", c)!=NULL) #define ISALNUM(c) (ISALPHA(c) || ISDIGIT(c)) #define ISPRINT(c) (' ' <= ((unsigned) (c)) && ((unsigned) (c)) <= 127) #define ISVARBEG(c) (ISALPHA(c) || c == '_') #define ISVARCHR(c) (ISALNUM(c) || c == '_') #define WSP_RETURN_DELIMS(wsp) \ ((wsp)->ws_flags & WRDSF_RETURN_DELIMS || ((wsp)->ws_options & WRDSO_MAXWORDS)) #define ALLOC_INIT 128 #define ALLOC_INCR 128 static void _wsplt_alloc_die (struct wordsplit *wsp) { wsp->ws_error ("%s", _("memory exhausted")); abort (); } static void ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT ((__printf__, 1, 2)) _wsplt_error (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); vfprintf (stderr, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); fputc ('\n', stderr); } static void wordsplit_free_nodes (struct wordsplit *); static int _wsplt_seterr (struct wordsplit *wsp, int ec) { wsp->ws_errno = ec; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SHOWERR) wordsplit_perror (wsp); return ec; } static int _wsplt_nomem (struct wordsplit *wsp) { errno = ENOMEM; wsp->ws_errno = WRDSE_NOSPACE; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_ENOMEMABRT) wsp->ws_alloc_die (wsp); if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SHOWERR) wordsplit_perror (wsp); if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_REUSE)) wordsplit_free (wsp); wordsplit_free_nodes (wsp); return wsp->ws_errno; } static int wordsplit_run (const char *command, size_t length, struct wordsplit *wsp, unsigned flags, int lvl); static int wordsplit_init (struct wordsplit *wsp, const char *input, size_t len, unsigned flags); static int wordsplit_process_list (struct wordsplit *wsp, size_t start); static int wordsplit_finish (struct wordsplit *wsp); static int _wsplt_subsplit (struct wordsplit *wsp, struct wordsplit *wss, char const *str, int len, unsigned flags, int finalize) { int rc; wss->ws_delim = wsp->ws_delim; wss->ws_debug = wsp->ws_debug; wss->ws_error = wsp->ws_error; wss->ws_alloc_die = wsp->ws_alloc_die; if (!(flags & WRDSF_NOVAR)) { wss->ws_env = wsp->ws_env; wss->ws_getvar = wsp->ws_getvar; flags |= wsp->ws_flags & (WRDSF_ENV | WRDSF_ENV_KV | WRDSF_GETVAR); } if (!(flags & WRDSF_NOCMD)) { wss->ws_command = wsp->ws_command; } if ((flags & (WRDSF_NOVAR|WRDSF_NOCMD)) != (WRDSF_NOVAR|WRDSF_NOCMD)) { wss->ws_closure = wsp->ws_closure; flags |= wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_CLOSURE; } wss->ws_options = wsp->ws_options; flags |= WRDSF_DELIM | WRDSF_ALLOC_DIE | WRDSF_ERROR | WRDSF_DEBUG | (wsp->ws_flags & (WRDSF_SHOWDBG | WRDSF_SHOWERR | WRDSF_OPTIONS)); rc = wordsplit_init (wss, str, len, flags); if (rc) return rc; wss->ws_lvl = wsp->ws_lvl + 1; rc = wordsplit_process_list (wss, 0); if (rc) { wordsplit_free_nodes (wss); return rc; } if (finalize) { rc = wordsplit_finish (wss); wordsplit_free_nodes (wss); } return rc; } static void _wsplt_seterr_sub (struct wordsplit *wsp, struct wordsplit *wss) { if (wsp->ws_errno == WRDSE_USERERR) free (wsp->ws_usererr); wsp->ws_errno = wss->ws_errno; if (wss->ws_errno == WRDSE_USERERR) { wsp->ws_usererr = wss->ws_usererr; wss->ws_errno = WRDSE_EOF; wss->ws_usererr = NULL; } } static void wordsplit_init0 (struct wordsplit *wsp) { if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_REUSE) { if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_APPEND)) wordsplit_free_words (wsp); wordsplit_clearerr (wsp); } else { wsp->ws_wordv = NULL; wsp->ws_wordc = 0; wsp->ws_wordn = 0; } wsp->ws_errno = 0; } char wordsplit_c_escape_tab[] = "\\\\\"\"a\ab\bf\fn\nr\rt\tv\v"; static int wordsplit_init (struct wordsplit *wsp, const char *input, size_t len, unsigned flags) { wsp->ws_flags = flags; if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_ALLOC_DIE)) wsp->ws_alloc_die = _wsplt_alloc_die; if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_ERROR)) wsp->ws_error = _wsplt_error; if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_NOVAR)) { /* These will be initialized on first variable assignment */ wsp->ws_envidx = wsp->ws_envsiz = 0; wsp->ws_envbuf = NULL; } if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_NOCMD)) { if (!wsp->ws_command) { _wsplt_seterr (wsp, WRDSE_USAGE); errno = EINVAL; return wsp->ws_errno; } } if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SHOWDBG) { if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_DEBUG)) { if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_ERROR) wsp->ws_debug = wsp->ws_error; else if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SHOWERR) wsp->ws_debug = _wsplt_error; else wsp->ws_flags &= ~WRDSF_SHOWDBG; } } wsp->ws_input = input; wsp->ws_len = len; if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_DOOFFS)) wsp->ws_offs = 0; if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_DELIM)) wsp->ws_delim = " \t\n"; if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_COMMENT)) wsp->ws_comment = NULL; if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_CLOSURE)) wsp->ws_closure = NULL; if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_OPTIONS)) wsp->ws_options = 0; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_ESCAPE) { if (!wsp->ws_escape[WRDSX_WORD]) wsp->ws_escape[WRDSX_WORD] = ""; if (!wsp->ws_escape[WRDSX_QUOTE]) wsp->ws_escape[WRDSX_QUOTE] = ""; } else { if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_CESCAPES) { wsp->ws_escape[WRDSX_WORD] = wordsplit_c_escape_tab; wsp->ws_escape[WRDSX_QUOTE] = wordsplit_c_escape_tab; wsp->ws_options |= WRDSO_OESC_QUOTE | WRDSO_OESC_WORD | WRDSO_XESC_QUOTE | WRDSO_XESC_WORD; } else { wsp->ws_escape[WRDSX_WORD] = ""; wsp->ws_escape[WRDSX_QUOTE] = "\\\\\"\""; wsp->ws_options |= WRDSO_BSKEEP_QUOTE; } } wsp->ws_endp = 0; wsp->ws_wordi = 0; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_REUSE) wordsplit_free_nodes (wsp); wsp->ws_head = wsp->ws_tail = NULL; wordsplit_init0 (wsp); return 0; } static int alloc_space (struct wordsplit *wsp, size_t count) { size_t offs = (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_DOOFFS) ? wsp->ws_offs : 0; char **ptr; size_t newalloc; if (wsp->ws_wordv == NULL) { newalloc = offs + count > ALLOC_INIT ? count : ALLOC_INIT; ptr = calloc (newalloc, sizeof (ptr[0])); } else if (wsp->ws_wordn < offs + wsp->ws_wordc + count) { newalloc = offs + wsp->ws_wordc + (count > ALLOC_INCR ? count : ALLOC_INCR); ptr = realloc (wsp->ws_wordv, newalloc * sizeof (ptr[0])); } else return 0; if (ptr) { wsp->ws_wordn = newalloc; wsp->ws_wordv = ptr; } else return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); return 0; } /* Node state flags */ #define _WSNF_NULL 0x01 /* null node (a noop) */ #define _WSNF_WORD 0x02 /* node contains word in v.word */ #define _WSNF_QUOTE 0x04 /* text is quoted */ #define _WSNF_NOEXPAND 0x08 /* text is not subject to expansion */ #define _WSNF_JOIN 0x10 /* node must be joined with the next node */ #define _WSNF_SEXP 0x20 /* is a sed expression */ #define _WSNF_DELIM 0x40 /* node is a delimiter */ #define _WSNF_EMPTYOK 0x0100 /* special flag indicating that wordsplit_add_segm must add the segment even if it is empty */ struct wordsplit_node { struct wordsplit_node *prev; /* Previous element */ struct wordsplit_node *next; /* Next element */ unsigned flags; /* Node flags */ union { struct { size_t beg; /* Start of word in ws_input */ size_t end; /* End of word in ws_input */ } segm; char *word; } v; }; static const char * wsnode_flagstr (unsigned flags) { static char retbuf[7]; char *p = retbuf; if (flags & _WSNF_WORD) *p++ = 'w'; else if (flags & _WSNF_NULL) *p++ = 'n'; else *p++ = '-'; if (flags & _WSNF_QUOTE) *p++ = 'q'; else *p++ = '-'; if (flags & _WSNF_NOEXPAND) *p++ = 'E'; else *p++ = '-'; if (flags & _WSNF_JOIN) *p++ = 'j'; else *p++ = '-'; if (flags & _WSNF_SEXP) *p++ = 's'; else *p++ = '-'; if (flags & _WSNF_DELIM) *p++ = 'd'; else *p++ = '-'; *p = 0; return retbuf; } static const char * wsnode_ptr (struct wordsplit *wsp, struct wordsplit_node *p) { if (p->flags & _WSNF_NULL) return ""; else if (p->flags & _WSNF_WORD) return p->v.word; else return wsp->ws_input + p->v.segm.beg; } static size_t wsnode_len (struct wordsplit_node *p) { if (p->flags & _WSNF_NULL) return 0; else if (p->flags & _WSNF_WORD) return strlen (p->v.word); else return p->v.segm.end - p->v.segm.beg; } static struct wordsplit_node * wsnode_new (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *node = calloc (1, sizeof (*node)); if (!node) _wsplt_nomem (wsp); return node; } static void wsnode_free (struct wordsplit_node *p) { if (p->flags & _WSNF_WORD) free (p->v.word); free (p); } static void wsnode_append (struct wordsplit *wsp, struct wordsplit_node *node) { node->next = NULL; node->prev = wsp->ws_tail; if (wsp->ws_tail) wsp->ws_tail->next = node; else wsp->ws_head = node; wsp->ws_tail = node; } static void wsnode_remove (struct wordsplit *wsp, struct wordsplit_node *node) { struct wordsplit_node *p; p = node->prev; if (p) { p->next = node->next; if (!node->next) p->flags &= ~_WSNF_JOIN; } else wsp->ws_head = node->next; p = node->next; if (p) p->prev = node->prev; else wsp->ws_tail = node->prev; node->next = node->prev = NULL; } static struct wordsplit_node * wsnode_tail (struct wordsplit_node *p) { while (p->next) p = p->next; return p; } static void wsnode_insert (struct wordsplit *wsp, struct wordsplit_node *node, struct wordsplit_node *anchor, int before) { if (!wsp->ws_head) { node->next = node->prev = NULL; wsp->ws_head = wsp->ws_tail = node; } else if (before) { if (anchor->prev) wsnode_insert (wsp, node, anchor->prev, 0); else { struct wordsplit_node *tail = wsnode_tail (node); node->prev = NULL; tail->next = anchor; anchor->prev = tail; wsp->ws_head = node; } } else { struct wordsplit_node *p; struct wordsplit_node *tail = wsnode_tail (node); p = anchor->next; if (p) p->prev = tail; else wsp->ws_tail = tail; tail->next = p; node->prev = anchor; anchor->next = node; } } static int wordsplit_add_segm (struct wordsplit *wsp, size_t beg, size_t end, int flg) { if (end == beg && !(flg & _WSNF_EMPTYOK)) return 0; struct wordsplit_node *node = wsnode_new (wsp); if (!node) return 1; node->flags = flg & ~(_WSNF_WORD | _WSNF_EMPTYOK); node->v.segm.beg = beg; node->v.segm.end = end; wsnode_append (wsp, node); return 0; } static void wordsplit_free_nodes (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *p; for (p = wsp->ws_head; p;) { struct wordsplit_node *next = p->next; wsnode_free (p); p = next; } wsp->ws_head = wsp->ws_tail = NULL; } static void wordsplit_dump_nodes (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *p; int n = 0; for (p = wsp->ws_head, n = 0; p; p = p->next, n++) { if (p->flags & _WSNF_WORD) wsp->ws_debug ("(%02d) %4d: %p: %#04x (%s):%s;", wsp->ws_lvl, n, p, p->flags, wsnode_flagstr (p->flags), p->v.word); else wsp->ws_debug ("(%02d) %4d: %p: %#04x (%s):%.*s;", wsp->ws_lvl, n, p, p->flags, wsnode_flagstr (p->flags), (int) (p->v.segm.end - p->v.segm.beg), wsp->ws_input + p->v.segm.beg); } } static int coalesce_segment (struct wordsplit *wsp, struct wordsplit_node *node) { struct wordsplit_node *p, *end; size_t len = 0; char *buf, *cur; int stop; for (p = node; p->flags & _WSNF_JOIN; ) { len += wsnode_len (p); p = p->next; if (!p) break; } if (p == node) return 0; end = p; buf = malloc (len + 1); if (!buf) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); cur = buf; p = node; for (stop = 0; !stop;) { struct wordsplit_node *next = p->next; const char *str = wsnode_ptr (wsp, p); size_t slen = wsnode_len (p); memcpy (cur, str, slen); cur += slen; if (p != node) { node->flags |= p->flags & _WSNF_QUOTE; wsnode_remove (wsp, p); stop = p == end; wsnode_free (p); } p = next; } *cur = 0; node->flags &= ~_WSNF_JOIN; if (node->flags & _WSNF_WORD) free (node->v.word); else node->flags |= _WSNF_WORD; node->v.word = buf; return 0; } static void wordsplit_string_unquote_copy (struct wordsplit *ws, int inquote, char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); static int wsnode_quoteremoval (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *p; for (p = wsp->ws_head; p; p = p->next) { const char *str = wsnode_ptr (wsp, p); size_t slen = wsnode_len (p); int unquote; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_QUOTE) unquote = !(p->flags & _WSNF_NOEXPAND); else unquote = 0; if (unquote) { if (!(p->flags & _WSNF_WORD)) { char *newstr = malloc (slen + 1); if (!newstr) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); memcpy (newstr, str, slen); newstr[slen] = 0; p->v.word = newstr; p->flags |= _WSNF_WORD; } wordsplit_string_unquote_copy (wsp, p->flags & _WSNF_QUOTE, p->v.word, str, slen); } } return 0; } static int wsnode_coalesce (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *p; for (p = wsp->ws_head; p; p = p->next) { if (p->flags & _WSNF_JOIN) if (coalesce_segment (wsp, p)) return 1; } return 0; } static int wsnode_tail_coalesce (struct wordsplit *wsp, struct wordsplit_node *p) { if (p->next) { struct wordsplit_node *np = p; while (np && np->next) { np->flags |= _WSNF_JOIN; np = np->next; } if (coalesce_segment (wsp, p)) return 1; } return 0; } static size_t skip_delim (struct wordsplit *wsp); static int wordsplit_finish (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *p; size_t n; int delim; /* Postprocess delimiters. It would be rather simple, if it weren't for the incremental operation. Nodes of type _WSNF_DELIM get inserted to the node list if either WRDSF_RETURN_DELIMS flag or WRDSO_MAXWORDS option is set. The following cases should be distinguished: 1. If both WRDSF_SQUEEZE_DELIMS and WRDSF_RETURN_DELIMS are set, compress any runs of similar delimiter nodes to a single node. The nodes are 'similar' if they point to the same delimiter character. If WRDSO_MAXWORDS option is set, stop compressing when ws_wordi + 1 == ws_maxwords, and coalesce the rest of nodes into a single last node. 2. If WRDSO_MAXWORDS option is set, but WRDSF_RETURN_DELIMS is not, remove any delimiter nodes. Stop operation when ws_wordi + 1 == ws_maxwords, and coalesce the rest of nodes into a single last node. 3. If incremental operation is in progress, restart the loop any time a delimiter node is about to be returned, unless WRDSF_RETURN_DELIMS is set. */ again: delim = 0; /* Delimiter being processed (if any) */ n = 0; /* Number of words processed so far */ p = wsp->ws_head; /* Current node */ while (p) { struct wordsplit_node *next = p->next; if (p->flags & _WSNF_DELIM) { if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_RETURN_DELIMS) { if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SQUEEZE_DELIMS) { char const *s = wsnode_ptr (wsp, p); if (delim) { if (delim == *s) { wsnode_remove (wsp, p); p = next; continue; } else { delim = 0; n++; /* Count this node; it will be returned */ } } else { delim = *s; p = next; continue; } } } else if (wsp->ws_options & WRDSO_MAXWORDS) { wsnode_remove (wsp, p); p = next; continue; } } else { if (delim) { /* Last node was a delimiter or a compressed run of delimiters; Count it, and clear the delimiter marker */ n++; delim = 0; } if (wsp->ws_options & WRDSO_MAXWORDS) { if (wsp->ws_wordi + n + 1 == wsp->ws_maxwords) break; } } n++; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_INCREMENTAL) p = NULL; /* Break the loop */ else p = next; } if (p) { /* We're here if WRDSO_MAXWORDS is in effect and wsp->ws_maxwords words have already been collected. Reconstruct a single final node from the remaining nodes. */ if (wsnode_tail_coalesce (wsp, p)) return wsp->ws_errno; n++; } if (n == 0 && (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_INCREMENTAL)) { /* The loop above have eliminated all nodes. Restart the processing, if there's any input left. */ if (wsp->ws_endp < wsp->ws_len) { int rc; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SHOWDBG) wsp->ws_debug (_("Restarting")); rc = wordsplit_process_list (wsp, skip_delim (wsp)); if (rc) return rc; } else { wsp->ws_error = WRDSE_EOF; return WRDSE_EOF; } goto again; } if (alloc_space (wsp, n + 1)) return wsp->ws_errno; while (wsp->ws_head) { const char *str = wsnode_ptr (wsp, wsp->ws_head); size_t slen = wsnode_len (wsp->ws_head); char *newstr = malloc (slen + 1); /* Assign newstr first, even if it is NULL. This way wordsplit_free will work even if we return nomem later. */ wsp->ws_wordv[wsp->ws_offs + wsp->ws_wordc] = newstr; if (!newstr) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); memcpy (newstr, str, slen); newstr[slen] = 0; wsnode_remove (wsp, wsp->ws_head); wsp->ws_wordc++; wsp->ws_wordi++; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_INCREMENTAL) break; } wsp->ws_wordv[wsp->ws_offs + wsp->ws_wordc] = NULL; return 0; } int wordsplit_append (wordsplit_t *wsp, int argc, char **argv) { int rc; size_t i; rc = alloc_space (wsp, wsp->ws_wordc + argc + 1); if (rc) return rc; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { char *newstr = strdup (argv[i]); if (!newstr) { while (i > 0) { free (wsp->ws_wordv[wsp->ws_offs + wsp->ws_wordc + i - 1]); wsp->ws_wordv[wsp->ws_offs + wsp->ws_wordc + i - 1] = NULL; i--; } return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); } wsp->ws_wordv[wsp->ws_offs + wsp->ws_wordc + i] = newstr; } wsp->ws_wordc += i; wsp->ws_wordv[wsp->ws_offs + wsp->ws_wordc] = NULL; return 0; } /* Variable expansion */ static int node_split_prefix (struct wordsplit *wsp, struct wordsplit_node **ptail, struct wordsplit_node *node, size_t beg, size_t len, int flg) { if (len == 0) return 0; struct wordsplit_node *newnode = wsnode_new (wsp); if (!newnode) return 1; wsnode_insert (wsp, newnode, *ptail, 0); if (node->flags & _WSNF_WORD) { const char *str = wsnode_ptr (wsp, node); char *newstr = malloc (len + 1); if (!newstr) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); memcpy (newstr, str + beg, len); newstr[len] = 0; newnode->flags = _WSNF_WORD; newnode->v.word = newstr; } else { newnode->v.segm.beg = node->v.segm.beg + beg; newnode->v.segm.end = newnode->v.segm.beg + len; } newnode->flags |= flg; *ptail = newnode; return 0; } static int find_closing_paren (const char *str, size_t i, size_t len, size_t *poff, char const *paren) { enum { st_init, st_squote, st_dquote } state = st_init; size_t level = 1; for (; i < len; i++) { switch (state) { case st_init: switch (str[i]) { default: if (str[i] == paren[0]) { level++; break; } else if (str[i] == paren[1]) { if (--level == 0) { *poff = i; return 0; } break; } break; case '"': state = st_dquote; break; case '\'': state = st_squote; break; } break; case st_squote: if (str[i] == '\'') state = st_init; break; case st_dquote: if (str[i] == '\\') i++; else if (str[i] == '"') state = st_init; break; } } return 1; } static int wordsplit_find_env (struct wordsplit *wsp, const char *name, size_t len, char const **ret) { size_t i; if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_ENV)) return WRDSE_UNDEF; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_ENV_KV) { /* A key-value pair environment */ for (i = 0; wsp->ws_env[i]; i++) { size_t elen = strlen (wsp->ws_env[i]); if (elen == len && memcmp (wsp->ws_env[i], name, elen) == 0) { *ret = wsp->ws_env[i + 1]; return WRDSE_OK; } /* Skip the value. Break the loop if it is NULL. */ i++; if (wsp->ws_env[i] == NULL) break; } } else if (wsp->ws_env) { /* Usual (A=B) environment. */ for (i = 0; wsp->ws_env[i]; i++) { size_t j; const char *var = wsp->ws_env[i]; for (j = 0; j < len; j++) if (name[j] != var[j]) break; if (j == len && var[j] == '=') { *ret = var + j + 1; return WRDSE_OK; } } } return WRDSE_UNDEF; } static int wsplt_assign_var (struct wordsplit *wsp, const char *name, size_t namelen, char *value) { int n = (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_ENV_KV) ? 2 : 1; char *v; if (wsp->ws_envidx + n >= wsp->ws_envsiz) { size_t sz; char **newenv; if (!wsp->ws_envbuf) { if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_ENV) { size_t i = 0, j; if (wsp->ws_env) { for (; wsp->ws_env[i]; i++) ; } sz = i + n + 1; newenv = calloc (sz, sizeof(newenv[0])); if (!newenv) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { newenv[j] = strdup (wsp->ws_env[j]); if (!newenv[j]) { for (; j > 1; j--) free (newenv[j-1]); free (newenv[j-1]); free (newenv); return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); } } newenv[j] = NULL; wsp->ws_envbuf = newenv; wsp->ws_envidx = i; wsp->ws_envsiz = sz; wsp->ws_env = (const char**) wsp->ws_envbuf; } else { newenv = calloc (WORDSPLIT_ENV_INIT, sizeof(newenv[0])); if (!newenv) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); wsp->ws_envbuf = newenv; wsp->ws_envidx = 0; wsp->ws_envsiz = WORDSPLIT_ENV_INIT; wsp->ws_env = (const char**) wsp->ws_envbuf; wsp->ws_flags |= WRDSF_ENV; } } else { wsp->ws_envsiz *= 2; newenv = realloc (wsp->ws_envbuf, wsp->ws_envsiz * sizeof (wsp->ws_envbuf[0])); if (!newenv) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); wsp->ws_envbuf = newenv; wsp->ws_env = (const char**) wsp->ws_envbuf; } } if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_ENV_KV) { /* A key-value pair environment */ char *p = malloc (namelen + 1); if (!p) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); memcpy (p, name, namelen); p[namelen] = 0; v = strdup (value); if (!v) { free (p); return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); } wsp->ws_env[wsp->ws_envidx++] = p; wsp->ws_env[wsp->ws_envidx++] = v; } else { v = malloc (namelen + strlen(value) + 2); if (!v) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); memcpy (v, name, namelen); v[namelen++] = '='; strcpy(v + namelen, value); wsp->ws_env[wsp->ws_envidx++] = v; } wsp->ws_env[wsp->ws_envidx++] = NULL; return WRDSE_OK; } static int expvar (struct wordsplit *wsp, const char *str, size_t len, struct wordsplit_node **ptail, const char **pend, unsigned flg) { size_t i = 0; const char *defstr = NULL; char *value; const char *vptr; struct wordsplit_node *newnode; const char *start = str - 1; int rc; struct wordsplit ws; if (ISVARBEG (str[0])) { for (i = 1; i < len; i++) if (!ISVARCHR (str[i])) break; *pend = str + i - 1; } else if (str[0] == '{') { str++; len--; for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { if (str[i] == ':') { size_t j; defstr = str + i + 1; if (find_closing_paren (str, i + 1, len, &j, "{}")) return _wsplt_seterr (wsp, WRDSE_CBRACE); *pend = str + j; break; } else if (str[i] == '}') { defstr = NULL; *pend = str + i; break; } else if (strchr ("-+?=", str[i])) { size_t j; defstr = str + i; if (find_closing_paren (str, i, len, &j, "{}")) return _wsplt_seterr (wsp, WRDSE_CBRACE); *pend = str + j; break; } } if (i == len) return _wsplt_seterr (wsp, WRDSE_CBRACE); } else { newnode = wsnode_new (wsp); if (!newnode) return 1; wsnode_insert (wsp, newnode, *ptail, 0); *ptail = newnode; newnode->flags = _WSNF_WORD | flg; newnode->v.word = malloc (3); if (!newnode->v.word) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); newnode->v.word[0] = '$'; newnode->v.word[1] = str[0]; newnode->v.word[2] = 0; *pend = str; return 0; } /* Actually expand the variable */ /* str - start of the variable name i - its length defstr - default replacement str */ if (defstr && strchr("-+?=", defstr[0]) == 0) { rc = WRDSE_UNDEF; defstr = NULL; } else { rc = wordsplit_find_env (wsp, str, i, &vptr); if (rc == WRDSE_OK) { if (vptr) { value = strdup (vptr); if (!value) rc = WRDSE_NOSPACE; } else rc = WRDSE_UNDEF; } else if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_GETVAR) rc = wsp->ws_getvar (&value, str, i, wsp->ws_closure); else rc = WRDSE_UNDEF; if (rc == WRDSE_OK && (!value || value[0] == 0) && defstr && defstr[-1] == ':') { free (value); rc = WRDSE_UNDEF; } } switch (rc) { case WRDSE_OK: if (defstr && *defstr == '+') { size_t size = *pend - ++defstr; rc = _wsplt_subsplit (wsp, &ws, defstr, size, WRDSF_NOSPLIT | WRDSF_WS | WRDSF_QUOTE | (wsp->ws_flags & (WRDSF_NOVAR | WRDSF_NOCMD)), 1); if (rc) return rc; free (value); value = ws.ws_wordv[0]; ws.ws_wordv[0] = NULL; wordsplit_free (&ws); } break; case WRDSE_UNDEF: if (defstr) { size_t size; if (*defstr == '-' || *defstr == '=') { size = *pend - ++defstr; rc = _wsplt_subsplit (wsp, &ws, defstr, size, WRDSF_NOSPLIT | WRDSF_WS | WRDSF_QUOTE | (wsp->ws_flags & (WRDSF_NOVAR | WRDSF_NOCMD)), 1); if (rc) return rc; value = ws.ws_wordv[0]; ws.ws_wordv[0] = NULL; wordsplit_free (&ws); if (defstr[-1] == '=') wsplt_assign_var (wsp, str, i, value); } else { if (*defstr == '?') { size = *pend - ++defstr; if (size == 0) wsp->ws_error (_("%.*s: variable null or not set"), (int) i, str); else { rc = _wsplt_subsplit (wsp, &ws, defstr, size, WRDSF_NOSPLIT | WRDSF_WS | WRDSF_QUOTE | (wsp->ws_flags & (WRDSF_NOVAR | WRDSF_NOCMD)), 1); if (rc == 0) wsp->ws_error ("%.*s: %s", (int) i, str, ws.ws_wordv[0]); else wsp->ws_error ("%.*s: %.*s", (int) i, str, (int) size, defstr); wordsplit_free (&ws); } } value = NULL; } } else if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_UNDEF) { _wsplt_seterr (wsp, WRDSE_UNDEF); return 1; } else { if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_WARNUNDEF) wsp->ws_error (_("warning: undefined variable `%.*s'"), (int) i, str); if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_KEEPUNDEF) value = NULL; else { value = strdup (""); if (!value) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); } } break; case WRDSE_NOSPACE: return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); case WRDSE_USERERR: if (wsp->ws_errno == WRDSE_USERERR) free (wsp->ws_usererr); wsp->ws_usererr = value; FALLTHROUGH; default: _wsplt_seterr (wsp, rc); return 1; } if (value) { if (flg & _WSNF_QUOTE) { newnode = wsnode_new (wsp); if (!newnode) { free (value); return 1; } wsnode_insert (wsp, newnode, *ptail, 0); *ptail = newnode; newnode->flags = _WSNF_WORD | _WSNF_NOEXPAND | flg; newnode->v.word = value; } else if (*value == 0) { free (value); /* Empty string is a special case */ newnode = wsnode_new (wsp); if (!newnode) return 1; wsnode_insert (wsp, newnode, *ptail, 0); *ptail = newnode; newnode->flags = _WSNF_NULL; } else { struct wordsplit ws; int rc; rc = _wsplt_subsplit (wsp, &ws, value, strlen (value), WRDSF_NOVAR | WRDSF_NOCMD | WRDSF_QUOTE | (WSP_RETURN_DELIMS (wsp) ? WRDSF_RETURN_DELIMS : 0) , 0); free (value); if (rc) { _wsplt_seterr_sub (wsp, &ws); wordsplit_free (&ws); return 1; } wsnode_insert (wsp, ws.ws_head, *ptail, 0); *ptail = ws.ws_tail; ws.ws_head = ws.ws_tail = NULL; wordsplit_free (&ws); } } else if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_KEEPUNDEF) { size_t size = *pend - start + 1; newnode = wsnode_new (wsp); if (!newnode) return 1; wsnode_insert (wsp, newnode, *ptail, 0); *ptail = newnode; newnode->flags = _WSNF_WORD | _WSNF_NOEXPAND | flg; newnode->v.word = malloc (size + 1); if (!newnode->v.word) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); memcpy (newnode->v.word, start, size); newnode->v.word[size] = 0; } else { newnode = wsnode_new (wsp); if (!newnode) return 1; wsnode_insert (wsp, newnode, *ptail, 0); *ptail = newnode; newnode->flags = _WSNF_NULL; } return 0; } static int begin_var_p (int c) { return c == '{' || ISVARBEG (c); } static int node_expand (struct wordsplit *wsp, struct wordsplit_node *node, int (*beg_p) (int), int (*ws_exp_fn) (struct wordsplit *wsp, const char *str, size_t len, struct wordsplit_node **ptail, const char **pend, unsigned flg)) { const char *str = wsnode_ptr (wsp, node); size_t slen = wsnode_len (node); const char *end = str + slen; const char *p; size_t off = 0; struct wordsplit_node *tail = node; for (p = str; p < end; p++) { if (*p == '\\') { p++; continue; } if (*p == '$' && beg_p (p[1])) { size_t n = p - str; if (tail != node) tail->flags |= _WSNF_JOIN; if (node_split_prefix (wsp, &tail, node, off, n, _WSNF_JOIN)) return 1; p++; if (ws_exp_fn (wsp, p, slen - n, &tail, &p, node->flags & (_WSNF_JOIN | _WSNF_QUOTE))) return 1; off += p - str + 1; str = p + 1; } } if (p > str) { if (tail != node) tail->flags |= _WSNF_JOIN; if (node_split_prefix (wsp, &tail, node, off, p - str, node->flags & (_WSNF_JOIN|_WSNF_QUOTE))) return 1; } if (tail != node) { wsnode_remove (wsp, node); wsnode_free (node); } return 0; } /* Remove NULL nodes from the list */ static void wsnode_nullelim (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *p; for (p = wsp->ws_head; p;) { struct wordsplit_node *next = p->next; if (p->flags & _WSNF_DELIM && p->prev) p->prev->flags &= ~_WSNF_JOIN; if (p->flags & _WSNF_NULL) { wsnode_remove (wsp, p); wsnode_free (p); } p = next; } } static int wordsplit_varexp (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *p; for (p = wsp->ws_head; p;) { struct wordsplit_node *next = p->next; if (!(p->flags & (_WSNF_NOEXPAND|_WSNF_DELIM))) if (node_expand (wsp, p, begin_var_p, expvar)) return 1; p = next; } wsnode_nullelim (wsp); return 0; } static int begin_cmd_p (int c) { return c == '('; } static int expcmd (struct wordsplit *wsp, const char *str, size_t len, struct wordsplit_node **ptail, const char **pend, unsigned flg) { int rc; size_t j; char *value; struct wordsplit_node *newnode; str++; len--; if (find_closing_paren (str, 0, len, &j, "()")) { _wsplt_seterr (wsp, WRDSE_PAREN); return 1; } *pend = str + j; if (wsp->ws_options & WRDSO_ARGV) { struct wordsplit ws; rc = _wsplt_subsplit (wsp, &ws, str, j, WRDSF_WS | WRDSF_QUOTE, 1); if (rc) { _wsplt_seterr_sub (wsp, &ws); wordsplit_free (&ws); return 1; } rc = wsp->ws_command (&value, str, j, ws.ws_wordv, wsp->ws_closure); wordsplit_free (&ws); } else rc = wsp->ws_command (&value, str, j, NULL, wsp->ws_closure); if (rc == WRDSE_NOSPACE) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); else if (rc) { if (rc == WRDSE_USERERR) { if (wsp->ws_errno == WRDSE_USERERR) free (wsp->ws_usererr); wsp->ws_usererr = value; } _wsplt_seterr (wsp, rc); return 1; } if (value) { if (flg & _WSNF_QUOTE) { newnode = wsnode_new (wsp); if (!newnode) return 1; wsnode_insert (wsp, newnode, *ptail, 0); *ptail = newnode; newnode->flags = _WSNF_WORD | _WSNF_NOEXPAND | flg; newnode->v.word = value; } else if (*value == 0) { free (value); /* Empty string is a special case */ newnode = wsnode_new (wsp); if (!newnode) return 1; wsnode_insert (wsp, newnode, *ptail, 0); *ptail = newnode; newnode->flags = _WSNF_NULL; } else { struct wordsplit ws; int rc; rc = _wsplt_subsplit (wsp, &ws, value, strlen (value), WRDSF_NOVAR | WRDSF_NOCMD | WRDSF_WS | WRDSF_QUOTE | (WSP_RETURN_DELIMS (wsp) ? WRDSF_RETURN_DELIMS : 0), 0); free (value); if (rc) { _wsplt_seterr_sub (wsp, &ws); wordsplit_free (&ws); return 1; } wsnode_insert (wsp, ws.ws_head, *ptail, 0); *ptail = ws.ws_tail; ws.ws_head = ws.ws_tail = NULL; wordsplit_free (&ws); } } else { newnode = wsnode_new (wsp); if (!newnode) return 1; wsnode_insert (wsp, newnode, *ptail, 0); *ptail = newnode; newnode->flags = _WSNF_NULL; } return 0; } static int wordsplit_cmdexp (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *p; for (p = wsp->ws_head; p;) { struct wordsplit_node *next = p->next; if (!(p->flags & _WSNF_NOEXPAND)) if (node_expand (wsp, p, begin_cmd_p, expcmd)) return 1; p = next; } wsnode_nullelim (wsp); return 0; } /* Strip off any leading and trailing whitespace. This function is called right after the initial scanning, therefore it assumes that every node in the list is a text reference node. */ static int wordsplit_trimws (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *p; for (p = wsp->ws_head; p; p = p->next) { size_t n; if (!(p->flags & _WSNF_QUOTE)) { /* Skip leading whitespace: */ for (n = p->v.segm.beg; n < p->v.segm.end && ISWS (wsp->ws_input[n]); n++) ; p->v.segm.beg = n; } while (p->next && (p->flags & _WSNF_JOIN)) p = p->next; if (p->flags & _WSNF_QUOTE) continue; /* Trim trailing whitespace */ for (n = p->v.segm.end; n > p->v.segm.beg && ISWS (wsp->ws_input[n - 1]); n--); p->v.segm.end = n; if (p->v.segm.beg == p->v.segm.end) p->flags |= _WSNF_NULL; } wsnode_nullelim (wsp); return 0; } static int wordsplit_tildexpand (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *p; char *uname = NULL; size_t usize = 0; for (p = wsp->ws_head; p; p = p->next) { const char *str; if (p->flags & _WSNF_QUOTE) continue; str = wsnode_ptr (wsp, p); if (str[0] == '~') { size_t i, size, dlen; size_t slen = wsnode_len (p); struct passwd *pw; char *newstr; for (i = 1; i < slen && str[i] != '/'; i++) ; if (i == slen) continue; if (i > 1) { if (i > usize) { char *p = realloc (uname, i); if (!p) { free (uname); return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); } uname = p; usize = i; } --i; memcpy (uname, str + 1, i); uname[i] = 0; pw = getpwnam (uname); } else pw = getpwuid (getuid ()); if (!pw) continue; dlen = strlen (pw->pw_dir); size = slen - i + dlen; newstr = malloc (size); if (!newstr) { free (uname); return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); } --size; memcpy (newstr, pw->pw_dir, dlen); memcpy (newstr + dlen, str + i + 1, slen - i - 1); newstr[size] = 0; if (p->flags & _WSNF_WORD) free (p->v.word); p->v.word = newstr; p->flags |= _WSNF_WORD; } } free (uname); return 0; } static int isglob (const char *s, int l) { while (l--) { if (strchr ("*?[", *s++)) return 1; } return 0; } static int wordsplit_pathexpand (struct wordsplit *wsp) { struct wordsplit_node *p, *next; size_t slen; int flags = 0; #ifdef GLOB_PERIOD if (wsp->ws_options & WRDSO_DOTGLOB) flags = GLOB_PERIOD; #endif for (p = wsp->ws_head; p; p = next) { const char *str; next = p->next; if (p->flags & _WSNF_QUOTE) continue; str = wsnode_ptr (wsp, p); slen = wsnode_len (p); if (isglob (str, slen)) { int i; glob_t g; struct wordsplit_node *prev; char *pattern; pattern = malloc (slen + 1); if (!pattern) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); memcpy (pattern, str, slen); pattern[slen] = 0; switch (glob (pattern, flags, NULL, &g)) { case 0: free (pattern); break; case GLOB_NOSPACE: free (pattern); return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); case GLOB_NOMATCH: if (wsp->ws_options & WRDSO_NULLGLOB) { wsnode_remove (wsp, p); wsnode_free (p); } else if (wsp->ws_options & WRDSO_FAILGLOB) { char buf[128]; if (wsp->ws_errno == WRDSE_USERERR) free (wsp->ws_usererr); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("no files match pattern %s"), pattern); free (pattern); wsp->ws_usererr = strdup (buf); if (!wsp->ws_usererr) return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); else return _wsplt_seterr (wsp, WRDSE_USERERR); } free (pattern); continue; default: free (pattern); return _wsplt_seterr (wsp, WRDSE_GLOBERR); } prev = p; for (i = 0; i < g.gl_pathc; i++) { struct wordsplit_node *newnode = wsnode_new (wsp); char *newstr; if (!newnode) return 1; newstr = strdup (g.gl_pathv[i]); if (!newstr) { wsnode_free (newnode); return _wsplt_nomem (wsp); } newnode->v.word = newstr; newnode->flags |= _WSNF_WORD|_WSNF_QUOTE; wsnode_insert (wsp, newnode, prev, 0); prev = newnode; } globfree (&g); wsnode_remove (wsp, p); wsnode_free (p); } } return 0; } static int skip_sed_expr (const char *command, size_t i, size_t len) { int state; do { int delim; if (command[i] == ';') i++; if (!(command[i] == 's' && i + 3 < len && ISPUNCT (command[i + 1]))) break; delim = command[++i]; state = 1; for (i++; i < len; i++) { if (state == 3) { if (command[i] == delim || !ISALNUM (command[i])) break; } else if (command[i] == '\\') i++; else if (command[i] == delim) state++; } } while (state == 3 && i < len && command[i] == ';'); return i; } /* wsp->ws_endp points to a delimiter character. If RETURN_DELIMS is true, return its value, otherwise return the index past it. */ static size_t skip_delim_internal (struct wordsplit *wsp, int return_delims) { return return_delims ? wsp->ws_endp : wsp->ws_endp + 1; } static size_t skip_delim (struct wordsplit *wsp) { return skip_delim_internal (wsp, WSP_RETURN_DELIMS (wsp)); } static size_t skip_delim_real (struct wordsplit *wsp) { return skip_delim_internal (wsp, wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_RETURN_DELIMS); } #define _WRDS_EOF 0 #define _WRDS_OK 1 #define _WRDS_ERR 2 static int scan_qstring (struct wordsplit *wsp, size_t start, size_t *end) { size_t j; const char *command = wsp->ws_input; size_t len = wsp->ws_len; char q = command[start]; for (j = start + 1; j < len && command[j] != q; j++) if (q == '"' && command[j] == '\\') j++; if (j < len && command[j] == q) { unsigned flags = _WSNF_QUOTE | _WSNF_EMPTYOK; if (q == '\'') flags |= _WSNF_NOEXPAND; if (wordsplit_add_segm (wsp, start + 1, j, flags)) return _WRDS_ERR; *end = j; } else { wsp->ws_endp = start; _wsplt_seterr (wsp, WRDSE_QUOTE); return _WRDS_ERR; } return 0; } static int scan_word (struct wordsplit *wsp, size_t start, int consume_all) { size_t len = wsp->ws_len; const char *command = wsp->ws_input; const char *comment = wsp->ws_comment; int join = 0; unsigned flags = 0; struct wordsplit_node *np = wsp->ws_tail; size_t i = start; if (i >= len) { wsp->ws_errno = WRDSE_EOF; return _WRDS_EOF; } start = i; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SED_EXPR && command[i] == 's' && i + 3 < len && ISPUNCT (command[i + 1])) { flags = _WSNF_SEXP; i = skip_sed_expr (command, i, len); } else if (consume_all || !ISDELIM (wsp, command[i])) { while (i < len) { if (comment && strchr (comment, command[i]) != NULL) { size_t j; for (j = i + 1; j < len && command[j] != '\n'; j++) ; if (wordsplit_add_segm (wsp, start, i, 0)) return _WRDS_ERR; wsp->ws_endp = j; return _WRDS_OK; } if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_QUOTE) { if (command[i] == '\\') { if (++i == len) break; i++; continue; } if (((wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SQUOTE) && command[i] == '\'') || ((wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_DQUOTE) && command[i] == '"')) { if (join && wsp->ws_tail) wsp->ws_tail->flags |= _WSNF_JOIN; if (wordsplit_add_segm (wsp, start, i, _WSNF_JOIN)) return _WRDS_ERR; if (scan_qstring (wsp, i, &i)) return _WRDS_ERR; start = i + 1; join = 1; } } if (command[i] == '$') { if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_NOVAR) && command[i+1] == '{' && find_closing_paren (command, i + 2, len, &i, "{}") == 0) continue; if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_NOCMD) && command[i+1] == '(' && find_closing_paren (command, i + 2, len, &i, "()") == 0) continue; } if (!consume_all && ISDELIM (wsp, command[i])) break; else i++; } } else if (WSP_RETURN_DELIMS (wsp)) { i++; flags |= _WSNF_DELIM; } else if (!(wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SQUEEZE_DELIMS)) flags |= _WSNF_EMPTYOK; if (join && i > start && wsp->ws_tail) wsp->ws_tail->flags |= _WSNF_JOIN; if (wordsplit_add_segm (wsp, start, i, flags)) return _WRDS_ERR; wsp->ws_endp = i; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_INCREMENTAL) return _WRDS_EOF; if (consume_all) { if (!np) np = wsp->ws_head; while (np) { np->flags |= _WSNF_QUOTE; np = np->next; } } return _WRDS_OK; } #define to_num(c) \ (ISDIGIT(c) ? c - '0' : (ISXDIGIT(c) ? toupper(c) - 'A' + 10 : 255 )) static int xtonum (int *pval, const char *src, int base, int cnt) { int i, val; for (i = 0, val = 0; i < cnt; i++, src++) { int n = *(unsigned char *) src; if (n > 127 || (n = to_num (n)) >= base) break; val = val * base + n; } *pval = val; return i; } size_t wordsplit_c_quoted_length (const char *str, int quote_hex, int *quote) { size_t len = 0; *quote = 0; for (; *str; str++) { if (strchr (" \"", *str)) *quote = 1; if (*str == ' ') len++; else if (*str == '"') len += 2; else if (*str != '\t' && *str != '\\' && ISPRINT (*str)) len++; else if (quote_hex) len += 3; else { if (wordsplit_c_quote_char (*str)) len += 2; else len += 4; } } return len; } static int wsplt_unquote_char (const char *transtab, int c) { while (*transtab && transtab[1]) { if (*transtab++ == c) return *transtab; ++transtab; } return 0; } static int wsplt_quote_char (const char *transtab, int c) { for (; *transtab && transtab[1]; transtab += 2) { if (transtab[1] == c) return *transtab; } return 0; } int wordsplit_c_unquote_char (int c) { return wsplt_unquote_char (wordsplit_c_escape_tab, c); } int wordsplit_c_quote_char (int c) { return wsplt_quote_char (wordsplit_c_escape_tab, c); } void wordsplit_string_unquote_copy (struct wordsplit *ws, int inquote, char *dst, const char *src, size_t n) { int i = 0; int c; inquote = !!inquote; while (i < n) { if (src[i] == '\\') { ++i; if (WRDSO_ESC_TEST (ws, inquote, WRDSO_XESC) && (src[i] == 'x' || src[i] == 'X')) { if (n - i < 2) { *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = src[i++]; } else { int off = xtonum (&c, src + i + 1, 16, 2); if (off == 0) { *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = src[i++]; } else { *dst++ = c; i += off + 1; } } } else if (WRDSO_ESC_TEST (ws, inquote, WRDSO_OESC) && (unsigned char) src[i] < 128 && ISDIGIT (src[i])) { if (n - i < 1) { *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = src[i++]; } else { int off = xtonum (&c, src + i, 8, 3); if (off == 0) { *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = src[i++]; } else { *dst++ = c; i += off; } } } else if ((c = wsplt_unquote_char (ws->ws_escape[inquote], src[i]))) { *dst++ = c; ++i; } else { if (WRDSO_ESC_TEST (ws, inquote, WRDSO_BSKEEP)) *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = src[i++]; } } else *dst++ = src[i++]; } *dst = 0; } void wordsplit_c_quote_copy (char *dst, const char *src, int quote_hex) { for (; *src; src++) { if (*src == '"') { *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = *src; } else if (*src != '\t' && *src != '\\' && ISPRINT (*src)) *dst++ = *src; else { char tmp[4]; if (quote_hex) { snprintf (tmp, sizeof tmp, "%%%02X", *(unsigned char *) src); memcpy (dst, tmp, 3); dst += 3; } else { int c = wordsplit_c_quote_char (*src); *dst++ = '\\'; if (c) *dst++ = c; else { snprintf (tmp, sizeof tmp, "%03o", *(unsigned char *) src); memcpy (dst, tmp, 3); dst += 3; } } } } } /* This structure describes a single expansion phase */ struct exptab { char const *descr; /* Textual description (for debugging) */ int flag; /* WRDSF_ bit that controls this phase */ int opt; /* Entry-specific options (see EXPOPT_ flags below */ int (*expansion) (struct wordsplit *wsp); /* expansion function */ }; /* The following options control expansions: */ /* Normally the exptab entry is run if its flag bit is set in struct wordsplit. The EXPOPT_NEG option negates this test so that expansion is performed if its associated flag bit is not set in struct wordsplit. */ #define EXPOPT_NEG 0x01 /* All bits in flag must be set in order for entry to match */ #define EXPORT_ALLOF 0x02 /* Coalesce the input list before running the expansion. */ #define EXPOPT_COALESCE 0x04 static struct exptab exptab[] = { { N_("WS trimming"), WRDSF_WS, 0, wordsplit_trimws }, { N_("command substitution"), WRDSF_NOCMD, EXPOPT_NEG|EXPOPT_COALESCE, wordsplit_cmdexp }, { N_("coalesce list"), 0, EXPOPT_NEG|EXPOPT_COALESCE, NULL }, { N_("tilde expansion"), WRDSF_PATHEXPAND, 0, wordsplit_tildexpand }, { N_("variable expansion"), WRDSF_NOVAR, EXPOPT_NEG, wordsplit_varexp }, { N_("quote removal"), 0, EXPOPT_NEG, wsnode_quoteremoval }, { N_("coalesce list"), 0, EXPOPT_NEG|EXPOPT_COALESCE, NULL }, { N_("path expansion"), WRDSF_PATHEXPAND, 0, wordsplit_pathexpand }, { NULL } }; static int exptab_matches (struct exptab *p, struct wordsplit *wsp) { int result; result = (wsp->ws_flags & p->flag); if (p->opt & EXPORT_ALLOF) result = result == p->flag; if (p->opt & EXPOPT_NEG) result = !result; return result; } static int wordsplit_process_list (struct wordsplit *wsp, size_t start) { struct exptab *p; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SHOWDBG) wsp->ws_debug (_("(%02d) Input:%.*s;"), wsp->ws_lvl, (int) wsp->ws_len, wsp->ws_input); if ((wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_NOSPLIT) || ((wsp->ws_options & WRDSO_MAXWORDS) && wsp->ws_wordi + 1 == wsp->ws_maxwords)) { /* Treat entire input as a single word */ if (scan_word (wsp, start, 1) == _WRDS_ERR) return wsp->ws_errno; } else { int rc; while ((rc = scan_word (wsp, start, 0)) == _WRDS_OK) start = skip_delim (wsp); /* Make sure tail element is not joinable */ if (wsp->ws_tail) wsp->ws_tail->flags &= ~_WSNF_JOIN; if (rc == _WRDS_ERR) return wsp->ws_errno; } if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SHOWDBG) { wsp->ws_debug ("(%02d) %s", wsp->ws_lvl, _("Initial list:")); wordsplit_dump_nodes (wsp); } for (p = exptab; p->descr; p++) { if (exptab_matches(p, wsp)) { if (p->opt & EXPOPT_COALESCE) { if (wsnode_coalesce (wsp)) break; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SHOWDBG) { wsp->ws_debug ("(%02d) %s", wsp->ws_lvl, _("Coalesced list:")); wordsplit_dump_nodes (wsp); } } if (p->expansion) { if (p->expansion (wsp)) break; if (wsp->ws_flags & WRDSF_SHOWDBG) { wsp->ws_debug ("(%02d) %s", wsp->ws_lvl, _(p->descr)); wordsplit_dump_nodes (wsp); } } } } return wsp->ws_errno; } static int wordsplit_run (const char *command, size_t length, struct wordsplit *wsp, unsigned flags, int lvl) { int rc; size_t start; if (!command) { if (!(flags & WRDSF_INCREMENTAL)) return _wsplt_seterr (wsp, WRDSE_USAGE); if (wsp->ws_head) return wordsplit_finish (wsp); start = skip_delim_real (wsp); if (wsp->ws_endp == wsp->ws_len) return _wsplt_seterr (wsp, WRDSE_NOINPUT); wsp->ws_flags |= WRDSF_REUSE; wordsplit_init0 (wsp); } else { start = 0; rc = wordsplit_init (wsp, command, length, flags); if (rc) return rc; wsp->ws_lvl = lvl; } rc = wordsplit_process_list (wsp, start); if (rc) return rc; return wordsplit_finish (wsp); } int wordsplit_len (const char *command, size_t length, struct wordsplit *wsp, unsigned flags) { return wordsplit_run (command, length, wsp, flags, 0); } int wordsplit (const char *command, struct wordsplit *ws, unsigned flags) { return wordsplit_len (command, command ? strlen (command) : 0, ws, flags); } void wordsplit_free_words (struct wordsplit *ws) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < ws->ws_wordc; i++) { char *p = ws->ws_wordv[ws->ws_offs + i]; if (p) { free (p); ws->ws_wordv[ws->ws_offs + i] = NULL; } } ws->ws_wordc = 0; } void wordsplit_free_envbuf (struct wordsplit *ws) { if (ws->ws_flags & WRDSF_NOCMD) return; if (ws->ws_envbuf) { size_t i; for (i = 0; ws->ws_envbuf[i]; i++) free (ws->ws_envbuf[i]); free (ws->ws_envbuf); ws->ws_envidx = ws->ws_envsiz = 0; ws->ws_envbuf = NULL; } } void wordsplit_clearerr (struct wordsplit *ws) { if (ws->ws_errno == WRDSE_USERERR) free (ws->ws_usererr); ws->ws_usererr = NULL; ws->ws_errno = WRDSE_OK; } void wordsplit_free (struct wordsplit *ws) { wordsplit_free_nodes (ws); wordsplit_free_words (ws); free (ws->ws_wordv); ws->ws_wordv = NULL; wordsplit_free_envbuf (ws); } int wordsplit_get_words (struct wordsplit *ws, size_t *wordc, char ***wordv) { char **p = realloc (ws->ws_wordv, (ws->ws_wordc + 1) * sizeof (ws->ws_wordv[0])); if (!p) return -1; *wordv = p; *wordc = ws->ws_wordc; ws->ws_wordv = NULL; ws->ws_wordc = 0; ws->ws_wordn = 0; return 0; } const char *_wordsplit_errstr[] = { N_("no error"), N_("missing closing quote"), N_("memory exhausted"), N_("invalid wordsplit usage"), N_("unbalanced curly brace"), N_("undefined variable"), N_("input exhausted"), N_("unbalanced parenthesis"), N_("globbing error") }; int _wordsplit_nerrs = sizeof (_wordsplit_errstr) / sizeof (_wordsplit_errstr[0]); const char * wordsplit_strerror (struct wordsplit *ws) { if (ws->ws_errno == WRDSE_USERERR) return ws->ws_usererr; if (ws->ws_errno < _wordsplit_nerrs) return _wordsplit_errstr[ws->ws_errno]; return N_("unknown error"); } void wordsplit_perror (struct wordsplit *wsp) { switch (wsp->ws_errno) { case WRDSE_QUOTE: wsp->ws_error (_("missing closing %c (start near #%lu)"), wsp->ws_input[wsp->ws_endp], (unsigned long) wsp->ws_endp); break; default: wsp->ws_error ("%s", wordsplit_strerror (wsp)); } }