1. Authors of GNU tar.
  2. The following contributions warranted legal paper exchanges with the
  3. Free Software Foundation. Also see files ChangeLog and THANKS.
  4. TAR Jay Fenlason
  5. Assigns his changes.
  6. TAR Richard E Salz 1993-03-11
  7. Disclaims changes to getdate.y.
  8. TAR MANUAL (?) Amy Gorin (US 1963) 1995-01-10
  9. Assigns the Tar Manual.
  10. TAR Francois Pinard Canada 1949 1996-02-01
  11. Assigns past and future changes.
  12. TAR Melissa Weisshaus US 1966 1997-04-09
  13. Assigns changes to the manual and future changes.
  14. [email protected]
  15. TAR Thomas Michael Innis Bushnell US 1967 1997-04-09
  16. Assigns changes.
  17. [email protected]
  18. TAR Thomas Michael Innis Bushnell US 1967 1997-04-09
  19. Assigns changes to manual.
  20. [email protected]