@@ -31,87 +31,93 @@ mod inner {
) {
use std::{
env, io,
- sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
+ sync::{
+ atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
+ Once,
+ },
use tracing_subscriber::{filter::Targets, fmt, prelude::*};
- // set up tracing for loom.
- const LOOM_LOG: &str = "LOOM_LOG";
- struct TracebufWriter;
- impl io::Write for TracebufWriter {
- fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
- let len = buf.len();
- let s = std::str::from_utf8(buf)
- .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, e))?;
- TRACE_BUF.with(|buf| buf.borrow_mut().push_str(s));
- Ok(len)
- }
+ static SETUP_TRACE: Once = Once::new();
- fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
- Ok(())
- }
- }
+ SETUP_TRACE.call_once(|| {
+ // set up tracing for loom.
+ const LOOM_LOG: &str = "LOOM_LOG";
- let filter = env::var(LOOM_LOG)
- .ok()
- .and_then(|var| match var.parse::<Targets>() {
- Err(e) => {
- eprintln!("invalid {}={:?}: {}", LOOM_LOG, var, e);
- None
+ struct TracebufWriter;
+ impl io::Write for TracebufWriter {
+ fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ let len = buf.len();
+ let s = std::str::from_utf8(buf)
+ .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, e))?;
+ TRACE_BUF.with(|buf| buf.borrow_mut().push_str(s));
+ Ok(len)
- Ok(targets) => Some(targets),
- })
- .unwrap_or_else(|| Targets::new().with_target("loom", tracing::Level::INFO));
- let _ = fmt::Subscriber::builder()
- .with_writer(|| TracebufWriter)
- .without_time()
- .finish()
- .with(filter)
- .try_init();
- // wrap the loom model with `catch_unwind` to avoid potentially losing
- // test output on double panics.
- let current_iteration = std::sync::Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(1));
- let result = {
- let current_iteration = current_iteration.clone();
- std::panic::catch_unwind(move || {
- builder.check(move || {
- traceln(format_args!(
- "\n---- {} iteration {} ----",
- std::thread::current().name().unwrap_or("<unknown test>"),
- current_iteration.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
- ));
- model();
- // if this iteration succeeded, clear the buffer for the
- // next iteration...
- TRACE_BUF.with(|buf| buf.borrow_mut().clear());
- })
- })
- };
+ fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
- if let Err(panic) = result {
- .try_with(|buf| {
- if let Ok(buf) = buf.try_borrow() {
- eprint!("{}", buf);
- } else {
- eprint!("trace buf already mutably borrowed?");
+ let filter = env::var(LOOM_LOG)
+ .ok()
+ .and_then(|var| match var.parse::<Targets>() {
+ Err(e) => {
+ eprintln!("invalid {}={:?}: {}", LOOM_LOG, var, e);
+ None
+ Ok(targets) => Some(targets),
- .unwrap_or_else(|e| eprintln!("trace buf already torn down: {}", e));
- eprintln!(
- "test '{}' panicked after {} iterations!",
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| Targets::new().with_target("loom", tracing::Level::INFO));
+ fmt::Subscriber::builder()
+ .with_writer(|| TracebufWriter)
+ .without_time()
+ .finish()
+ .with(filter)
+ .init();
+ let default_hook = std::panic::take_hook();
+ std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic| {
+ // try to print the trace buffer.
+ .try_with(|buf| {
+ if let Ok(mut buf) = buf.try_borrow_mut() {
+ eprint!("{}", buf);
+ buf.clear();
+ } else {
+ eprint!("trace buf already mutably borrowed?");
+ }
+ })
+ .unwrap_or_else(|e| eprintln!("trace buf already torn down: {}", e));
+ // let the default panic hook do the rest...
+ default_hook(panic);
+ }))
+ });
+ // wrap the loom model with `catch_unwind` to avoid potentially losing
+ // test output on double panics.
+ let current_iteration = std::sync::Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(1));
+ builder.check(move || {
+ traceln(format_args!(
+ "\n---- {} iteration {} ----",
std::thread::current().name().unwrap_or("<unknown test>"),
- current_iteration.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
- );
- std::panic::resume_unwind(panic);
- }
+ current_iteration.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
+ ));
+ model();
+ // if this iteration succeeded, clear the buffer for the
+ // next iteration...
+ TRACE_BUF.with(|buf| buf.borrow_mut().clear());
+ });
pub(crate) fn model(model: impl Fn() + std::panic::UnwindSafe + Sync + Send + 'static) {
- run_builder(loom::model::Builder::default(), model)
+ let mut builder = loom::model::Builder::default();
+ // // A couple of our tests will hit the max number of branches riiiiight
+ // // before they should complete. Double it so this stops happening.
+ builder.max_branches *= 2;
+ run_builder(builder, model)
pub(crate) mod alloc {