# thingbuf > "I'm at the buffer pool. I'm at the MPSC channel. I'm at the combination MPSC > channel and buffer pool." ## What Is It? `thingbuf` is a lock-free array-based concurrent ring buffer that allows access to slots in the buffer by reference. It's also [asynchronous][`thingbuf::mpsc`] and [blocking][`thingbuf::mpsc::sync`] bounded MPSC channels implemented using the ring buffer. ## When Should I Use It? - **If you want a high-throughput bounded MPSC channel** that allocates only on channel creation. Some MPSC channels have good throughput. Some other MPSC channels won't allocate memory per-waiter. [`thingbuf::mpsc`] has both. See [here](../mpsc_perf_comparison) for a detailed performance comparison of MPSC channels. [`thingbuf::mpsc`] is a competitive choice for a general-purpose MPSC channel in most use cases. Both [asynchronous][`thingbuf::mpsc`] and [blocking][`thingbuf::mpsc::sync`] MPSC channels are available[^blocking-std], so `thingbuf` can be used in place of asynchronous channels like [`futures::channel::mpsc`] *and* blocking channels like [`std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel`]. - **If you can't allocate** or **you need to build with `#![no_std]`** because you're working on embedded systems or other bare-metal software. Thingbuf provides a [statically-allocated MPSC channel][static-mpsc] and a [statically-allocated lock-free queue][static-queue]. These can be placed in a `static` initializer and used without requiring any runtime allocations. - **You want to use the same MPSC channel with and without `std`** . Thingbuf's asynchronous MPSC channel provides an identical API and feature set regardless of whether or not the "std" feature flag is enabled. If you're writing a library that needs to conditionally support `#![no_std]`, and you need an asynchronous MPSC channel, it might be easier to use [`thingbuf::mpsc`] in both cases, rather than switching between separate `std` and `#![no_std]` channel implementations. ## When *Shouldn't* I Use It? It's equally important to discuss when `thingbuf` should *not* be used. Here are some cases where you might be better off considering other options: - **You need a really, really, absurdly high bound and you're not going to be near it most of the time**. If you want to set a very, very high bound on a bounded MPSC channel, and the channel will typically never be anywhere near that full, [`thingbuf::mpsc`] might *not* be the best choice. Thingbuf's channels will allocate an array with length equal to the capacity as soon as they're constructed. This improves performance by avoiding additional allocations, but if you need to set very high bounds, you might prefer a channel implementation that only allocates memory for messages as it's needed (such as [`tokio::sync::mpsc`]). - **You need a blocking channel with `send_timeout`** or **a blocking channel with a `select` operation**. I'm probably not going to implement these things. The blocking channel isn't particularly important to me compared to the async channel, and I _probably_ won't add a bunch of additional APIs to it. If you need a synchronous channel with this kind of functionality, [`crossbeam-channel`] is probably a good choice. - **You want an unbounded channel**. I'm not going to write an unbounded channel. Unbounded channels are evil. ## FAQs - **Q: Why did you make this?** **A:** For [`tracing`], I wanted to be able to send formatted log lines to a dedicated worker thread that writes them to a file. Right now, we do this using [`crossbeam-channel`]. However, this has the sad disadvantage that we have to allocate `String`s, send them through the channel to the writer, and immediately drop them. It would be nice to do this while reusing those allocations. Thus...`StringBuf`. - **Q: Is it lock-free?** **A:** Extremely. - **Q: Is it wait-free?** **A:** As long as you don't use the APIs that wait :) - **Q: Why is there only a bounded variant?** **A:** Because unbounded queues are of the Devil. - **Q: Isn't this just a giant memory leak?** **A:** If you use it wrong, yes. - **Q: Why is it called that?** **A:** Originally, I imagined it as a kind of ring buffer, so (as a pun on "ringbuf"), I called it "stringbuf". Then, I realized you could do this with more than just strings. In fact, it can be generalized to arbitrary...things. So, "thingbuf". [`thingbuf::mpsc`]: https://docs.rs/thingbuf/0.1/thingbuf/mpsc/index.html [`thingbuf::mpsc::sync`]: https://docs.rs/thingbuf/0.1/thingbuf/mpsc/sync/index.html [static-queue]: https://docs.rs/thingbuf/0.1/thingbuf/struct.StaticThingBuf.html [static-mpsc]: https://docs.rs/thingbuf/0.1./thingbuf/mpsc/struct.StaticChannel.html [`futures::channel::mpsc`]: https://docs.rs/futures/latest/futures/channel/mpsc/index.html [`std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/sync/mpsc/fn.sync_channel.html [`tokio::sync::mpsc`]: https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/sync/mpsc/index.html [`tracing`]: https://crates.io/crates/tracing [`crossbeam-channel`]: https://crates.io/crates/crossbeam-channel [^blocking-std]: The synchronous (blocking) channel naturally requires `std` in order to park threads.