use std::{ fmt::Write, sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, thread, }; use thingbuf::{StaticStringBuf, StaticThingBuf}; #[test] fn static_storage_thingbuf() { static BUF: StaticThingBuf = StaticThingBuf::new(); static PRODUCER_LIVE: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true); let producer = thread::spawn(move || { for i in 0..32 { let mut thing = 'write: loop { match BUF.push_ref() { Ok(thing) => break 'write thing, _ => thread::yield_now(), } }; thing.with_mut(|thing| *thing = i); }, Ordering::Release); }); let mut i = 0; // While the producer is writing to the queue, push each entry to the // results string. while PRODUCER_LIVE.load(Ordering::Acquire) { match BUF.pop_ref() { Some(thing) => thing.with(|thing| { assert_eq!(*thing, i); i += 1; }), None => thread::yield_now(), } } producer.join().unwrap(); // drain the queue. while let Some(thing) = BUF.pop_ref() { thing.with(|thing| { assert_eq!(*thing, i); i += 1; }) } } #[test] fn static_storage_stringbuf() { static BUF: StaticStringBuf<8> = StaticStringBuf::new(); static PRODUCER_LIVE: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true); let producer = thread::spawn(move || { for i in 0..16 { let mut string = 'write: loop { match BUF.write() { Ok(string) => break 'write string, _ => thread::yield_now(), } }; write!(&mut string, "{:?}", i).unwrap(); }, Ordering::Release); println!("producer done"); }); let mut results = String::new(); // While the producer is writing to the queue, push each entry to the // results string. while PRODUCER_LIVE.load(Ordering::Acquire) { if let Some(string) = BUF.pop_ref() { writeln!(results, "{}", string).unwrap(); } thread::yield_now(); } producer.join().unwrap(); println!("producer done..."); // drain the queue. while let Some(string) = BUF.pop_ref() { writeln!(results, "{}", string).unwrap(); } println!("results:\n{}", results); for (n, ln) in results.lines().enumerate() { assert_eq!(ln.parse::(), Ok(n)); } } #[tokio::test] async fn static_async_channel() { use std::collections::HashSet; use thingbuf::mpsc; const N_PRODUCERS: usize = 8; const N_SENDS: usize = N_PRODUCERS * 2; static CHANNEL: mpsc::StaticChannel = mpsc::StaticChannel::new(); async fn do_producer(tx: mpsc::StaticSender, n: usize) { let tag = n * N_SENDS; for i in 0..N_SENDS { let msg = i + tag; println!("sending {}...", msg); tx.send(msg).await.unwrap(); println!("sent {}!", msg); } println!("PRODUCER {} DONE!", n); } let (tx, rx) = CHANNEL.split(); for n in 0..N_PRODUCERS { tokio::spawn(do_producer(tx.clone(), n)); } drop(tx); let mut results = HashSet::new(); while let Some(val) = { println!("receiving..."); rx.recv().await } { println!("received {}!", val); results.insert(val); } let results = dbg!(results); for n in 0..N_PRODUCERS { let tag = n * N_SENDS; for i in 0..N_SENDS { let msg = i + tag; assert!(results.contains(&msg), "missing message {:?}", msg); } } } #[test] fn static_sync_channel() { use std::collections::HashSet; use thingbuf::mpsc::sync; const N_PRODUCERS: usize = 8; const N_SENDS: usize = N_PRODUCERS * 2; static CHANNEL: sync::StaticChannel = sync::StaticChannel::new(); fn do_producer(tx: sync::StaticSender, n: usize) -> impl FnOnce() { move || { let tag = n * N_SENDS; for i in 0..N_SENDS { let msg = i + tag; println!("sending {}...", msg); tx.send(msg).unwrap(); println!("sent {}!", msg); } println!("PRODUCER {} DONE!", n); } } let (tx, rx) = CHANNEL.split(); for n in 0..N_PRODUCERS { std::thread::spawn(do_producer(tx.clone(), n)); } drop(tx); let mut results = HashSet::new(); while let Some(val) = { println!("receiving..."); rx.recv() } { println!("received {}!", val); results.insert(val); } let results = dbg!(results); for n in 0..N_PRODUCERS { let tag = n * N_SENDS; for i in 0..N_SENDS { let msg = i + tag; assert!(results.contains(&msg), "missing message {:?}", msg); } } }