# How to use GraphQL with Rust # GUI Clients (Electron apps) Use a client to experiment and build your GraphQL query/mutation. https://insomnia.rest/download https://docs.usebruno.com Once you're happy with the result, save your query in a `.gql` file in this directory. It will serve as documentation on how to reproduce the Rust boilerplate. # Cynic CLI Introspect a schema and save it locally: ```sh cynic introspect \ -H "User-Agent: cynic/3.4.3" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer [GITHUB_TOKEN]" \ "https://api.github.com/graphql" \ -o schemas/github.graphql ``` Execute a GraphQL query/mutation and save locally the Rust boilerplate: ``` sh cynic querygen --schema schemas/github.graphql --query query.gql ```