@@ -119,6 +119,28 @@ impl<H: Hal, T: Transport> VirtIOBlk<H, T> {
+ /// Gets the device ID.
+ ///
+ /// The ID is written as ASCII into the given buffer, which must be 20 bytes long, and the used
+ /// length returned.
+ pub fn device_id(&mut self, id: &mut [u8; 20]) -> Result<usize> {
+ let req = BlkReq {
+ type_: ReqType::GetId,
+ reserved: 0,
+ sector: 0,
+ };
+ let mut resp = BlkResp::default();
+ self.queue.add_notify_wait_pop(
+ &[req.as_bytes()],
+ &mut [id, resp.as_bytes_mut()],
+ &mut self.transport,
+ )?;
+ Result::from(resp.status)?;
+ let length = id.iter().position(|&x| x == 0).unwrap_or(20);
+ Ok(length)
+ }
/// Reads a block into the given buffer.
/// Blocks until the read completes or there is an error.
@@ -768,4 +790,76 @@ mod tests {
+ #[test]
+ fn device_id() {
+ let mut config_space = BlkConfig {
+ capacity_low: Volatile::new(66),
+ capacity_high: Volatile::new(0),
+ size_max: Volatile::new(0),
+ seg_max: Volatile::new(0),
+ cylinders: Volatile::new(0),
+ heads: Volatile::new(0),
+ sectors: Volatile::new(0),
+ blk_size: Volatile::new(0),
+ physical_block_exp: Volatile::new(0),
+ alignment_offset: Volatile::new(0),
+ min_io_size: Volatile::new(0),
+ opt_io_size: Volatile::new(0),
+ };
+ let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(State {
+ status: DeviceStatus::empty(),
+ driver_features: 0,
+ guest_page_size: 0,
+ interrupt_pending: false,
+ queues: vec![QueueStatus::default()],
+ }));
+ let transport = FakeTransport {
+ device_type: DeviceType::Console,
+ max_queue_size: QUEUE_SIZE.into(),
+ device_features: 0,
+ config_space: NonNull::from(&mut config_space),
+ state: state.clone(),
+ };
+ let mut blk = VirtIOBlk::<FakeHal, FakeTransport<BlkConfig>>::new(transport).unwrap();
+ // Start a thread to simulate the device waiting for a flush request.
+ let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
+ println!("Device waiting for a request.");
+ State::wait_until_queue_notified(&state, QUEUE);
+ println!("Transmit queue was notified.");
+ state
+ .lock()
+ .unwrap()
+ .read_write_queue::<{ QUEUE_SIZE as usize }>(QUEUE, |request| {
+ assert_eq!(
+ request,
+ BlkReq {
+ type_: ReqType::GetId,
+ reserved: 0,
+ sector: 0,
+ }
+ .as_bytes()
+ );
+ let mut response = Vec::new();
+ response.extend_from_slice(b"device_id\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
+ response.extend_from_slice(
+ BlkResp {
+ status: RespStatus::OK,
+ }
+ .as_bytes(),
+ );
+ response
+ });
+ });
+ let mut id = [0; 20];
+ let length = blk.device_id(&mut id).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(&id[0..length], b"device_id");
+ handle.join().unwrap();
+ }