123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451 |
- #![no_std]
- #![no_main]
- extern crate alloc;
- mod exceptions;
- mod hal;
- mod logger;
- #[cfg(platform = "qemu")]
- mod pl011;
- #[cfg(platform = "qemu")]
- use pl011 as uart;
- #[cfg(platform = "crosvm")]
- mod uart8250;
- #[cfg(platform = "crosvm")]
- use uart8250 as uart;
- use buddy_system_allocator::LockedHeap;
- use core::{
- mem::size_of,
- panic::PanicInfo,
- ptr::{self, NonNull},
- };
- use fdt::{node::FdtNode, standard_nodes::Compatible, Fdt};
- use hal::HalImpl;
- use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn, LevelFilter};
- use smccc::{psci::system_off, Hvc};
- use virtio_drivers::{
- device::{
- blk::VirtIOBlk,
- console::VirtIOConsole,
- gpu::VirtIOGpu,
- socket::{
- VirtIOSocket, VsockAddr, VsockConnectionManager, VsockEventType, VMADDR_CID_HOST,
- },
- },
- transport::{
- mmio::{MmioTransport, VirtIOHeader},
- pci::{
- bus::{BarInfo, Cam, Command, DeviceFunction, MemoryBarType, PciRoot},
- virtio_device_type, PciTransport,
- },
- DeviceType, Transport,
- },
- };
- /// Base memory-mapped address of the primary PL011 UART device.
- #[cfg(platform = "qemu")]
- pub const UART_BASE_ADDRESS: usize = 0x900_0000;
- /// The base address of the first 8250 UART.
- #[cfg(platform = "crosvm")]
- pub const UART_BASE_ADDRESS: usize = 0x3f8;
- #[global_allocator]
- static HEAP_ALLOCATOR: LockedHeap<32> = LockedHeap::new();
- static mut HEAP: [u8; 0x1000000] = [0; 0x1000000];
- #[no_mangle]
- extern "C" fn main(x0: u64, x1: u64, x2: u64, x3: u64) {
- logger::init(LevelFilter::Debug).unwrap();
- info!("virtio-drivers example started.");
- debug!(
- "x0={:#018x}, x1={:#018x}, x2={:#018x}, x3={:#018x}",
- x0, x1, x2, x3
- );
- // Safe because `HEAP` is only used here and `entry` is only called once.
- unsafe {
- // Give the allocator some memory to allocate.
- .lock()
- .init(HEAP.as_mut_ptr() as usize, HEAP.len());
- }
- info!("Loading FDT from {:#018x}", x0);
- // Safe because the pointer is a valid pointer to unaliased memory.
- let fdt = unsafe { Fdt::from_ptr(x0 as *const u8).unwrap() };
- for node in fdt.all_nodes() {
- // Dump information about the node for debugging.
- trace!(
- "{}: {:?}",
- node.name,
- node.compatible().map(Compatible::first),
- );
- if let Some(reg) = node.reg() {
- for range in reg {
- trace!(
- " {:#018x?}, length {:?}",
- range.starting_address,
- range.size
- );
- }
- }
- // Check whether it is a VirtIO MMIO device.
- if let (Some(compatible), Some(region)) =
- (node.compatible(), node.reg().and_then(|mut reg| reg.next()))
- {
- if compatible.all().any(|s| s == "virtio,mmio")
- && region.size.unwrap_or(0) > size_of::<VirtIOHeader>()
- {
- debug!("Found VirtIO MMIO device at {:?}", region);
- let header = NonNull::new(region.starting_address as *mut VirtIOHeader).unwrap();
- match unsafe { MmioTransport::new(header) } {
- Err(e) => warn!("Error creating VirtIO MMIO transport: {}", e),
- Ok(transport) => {
- info!(
- "Detected virtio MMIO device with vendor id {:#X}, device type {:?}, version {:?}",
- transport.vendor_id(),
- transport.device_type(),
- transport.version(),
- );
- virtio_device(transport);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if let Some(pci_node) = fdt.find_compatible(&["pci-host-cam-generic"]) {
- info!("Found PCI node: {}", pci_node.name);
- enumerate_pci(pci_node, Cam::MmioCam);
- }
- if let Some(pcie_node) = fdt.find_compatible(&["pci-host-ecam-generic"]) {
- info!("Found PCIe node: {}", pcie_node.name);
- enumerate_pci(pcie_node, Cam::Ecam);
- }
- system_off::<Hvc>().unwrap();
- }
- fn virtio_device(transport: impl Transport) {
- match transport.device_type() {
- DeviceType::Block => virtio_blk(transport),
- DeviceType::GPU => virtio_gpu(transport),
- // DeviceType::Network => virtio_net(transport), // currently is unsupported without alloc
- DeviceType::Console => virtio_console(transport),
- DeviceType::Socket => match virtio_socket(transport) {
- Ok(()) => info!("virtio-socket test finished successfully"),
- Err(e) => error!("virtio-socket test finished with error '{e:?}'"),
- },
- t => warn!("Unrecognized virtio device: {:?}", t),
- }
- }
- fn virtio_blk<T: Transport>(transport: T) {
- let mut blk = VirtIOBlk::<HalImpl, T>::new(transport).expect("failed to create blk driver");
- assert!(!blk.readonly());
- let mut input = [0xffu8; 512];
- let mut output = [0; 512];
- for i in 0..32 {
- for x in input.iter_mut() {
- *x = i as u8;
- }
- blk.write_block(i, &input).expect("failed to write");
- blk.read_block(i, &mut output).expect("failed to read");
- assert_eq!(input, output);
- }
- info!("virtio-blk test finished");
- }
- fn virtio_gpu<T: Transport>(transport: T) {
- let mut gpu = VirtIOGpu::<HalImpl, T>::new(transport).expect("failed to create gpu driver");
- let (width, height) = gpu.resolution().expect("failed to get resolution");
- let width = width as usize;
- let height = height as usize;
- info!("GPU resolution is {}x{}", width, height);
- let fb = gpu.setup_framebuffer().expect("failed to get fb");
- for y in 0..height {
- for x in 0..width {
- let idx = (y * width + x) * 4;
- fb[idx] = x as u8;
- fb[idx + 1] = y as u8;
- fb[idx + 2] = (x + y) as u8;
- }
- }
- gpu.flush().expect("failed to flush");
- //delay some time
- info!("virtio-gpu show graphics....");
- for _ in 0..1000 {
- for _ in 0..100000 {
- unsafe {
- core::arch::asm!("nop");
- }
- }
- }
- info!("virtio-gpu test finished");
- }
- fn virtio_console<T: Transport>(transport: T) {
- let mut console =
- VirtIOConsole::<HalImpl, T>::new(transport).expect("Failed to create console driver");
- let info = console.info();
- info!("VirtIO console {}x{}", info.rows, info.columns);
- for &c in b"Hello world on console!\n" {
- console.send(c).expect("Failed to send character");
- }
- let c = console.recv(true).expect("Failed to read from console");
- info!("Read {:?}", c);
- info!("virtio-console test finished");
- }
- fn virtio_socket<T: Transport>(transport: T) -> virtio_drivers::Result<()> {
- let mut socket = VsockConnectionManager::new(
- VirtIOSocket::<HalImpl, T>::new(transport).expect("Failed to create socket driver"),
- );
- let port = 1221;
- let host_address = VsockAddr {
- port,
- };
- info!("Connecting to host on port {port}...");
- socket.connect(host_address, port)?;
- let event = socket.wait_for_event()?;
- assert_eq!(event.source, host_address);
- assert_eq!(event.destination.port, port);
- assert_eq!(event.event_type, VsockEventType::Connected);
- info!("Connected to the host");
- const EXCHANGE_NUM: usize = 2;
- let messages = ["0-Ack. Hello from guest.", "1-Ack. Received again."];
- for k in 0..EXCHANGE_NUM {
- let mut buffer = [0u8; 24];
- let socket_event = socket.wait_for_event()?;
- let VsockEventType::Received {length, ..} = socket_event.event_type else {
- panic!("Received unexpected socket event {:?}", socket_event);
- };
- let read_length = socket.recv(host_address, port, &mut buffer)?;
- assert_eq!(length, read_length);
- info!(
- "Received message: {:?}({:?}), len: {:?}",
- buffer,
- core::str::from_utf8(&buffer[..length]),
- length
- );
- let message = messages[k % messages.len()];
- socket.send(host_address, port, message.as_bytes())?;
- info!("Sent message: {:?}", message);
- }
- socket.shutdown(host_address, port)?;
- info!("Shutdown the connection");
- Ok(())
- }
- #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
- enum PciRangeType {
- ConfigurationSpace,
- IoSpace,
- Memory32,
- Memory64,
- }
- impl From<u8> for PciRangeType {
- fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
- match value {
- 0 => Self::ConfigurationSpace,
- 1 => Self::IoSpace,
- 2 => Self::Memory32,
- 3 => Self::Memory64,
- _ => panic!("Tried to convert invalid range type {}", value),
- }
- }
- }
- fn enumerate_pci(pci_node: FdtNode, cam: Cam) {
- let reg = pci_node.reg().expect("PCI node missing reg property.");
- let mut allocator = PciMemory32Allocator::for_pci_ranges(&pci_node);
- for region in reg {
- info!(
- "Reg: {:?}-{:#x}",
- region.starting_address,
- region.starting_address as usize + region.size.unwrap()
- );
- assert_eq!(region.size.unwrap(), cam.size() as usize);
- // Safe because we know the pointer is to a valid MMIO region.
- let mut pci_root = unsafe { PciRoot::new(region.starting_address as *mut u8, cam) };
- for (device_function, info) in pci_root.enumerate_bus(0) {
- let (status, command) = pci_root.get_status_command(device_function);
- info!(
- "Found {} at {}, status {:?} command {:?}",
- info, device_function, status, command
- );
- if let Some(virtio_type) = virtio_device_type(&info) {
- info!(" VirtIO {:?}", virtio_type);
- allocate_bars(&mut pci_root, device_function, &mut allocator);
- dump_bar_contents(&mut pci_root, device_function, 4);
- let mut transport =
- PciTransport::new::<HalImpl>(&mut pci_root, device_function).unwrap();
- info!(
- "Detected virtio PCI device with device type {:?}, features {:#018x}",
- transport.device_type(),
- transport.read_device_features(),
- );
- virtio_device(transport);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// Allocates 32-bit memory addresses for PCI BARs.
- struct PciMemory32Allocator {
- start: u32,
- end: u32,
- }
- impl PciMemory32Allocator {
- /// Creates a new allocator based on the ranges property of the given PCI node.
- pub fn for_pci_ranges(pci_node: &FdtNode) -> Self {
- let ranges = pci_node
- .property("ranges")
- .expect("PCI node missing ranges property.");
- let mut memory_32_address = 0;
- let mut memory_32_size = 0;
- for i in 0..ranges.value.len() / 28 {
- let range = &ranges.value[i * 28..(i + 1) * 28];
- let prefetchable = range[0] & 0x80 != 0;
- let range_type = PciRangeType::from(range[0] & 0x3);
- let bus_address = u64::from_be_bytes(range[4..12].try_into().unwrap());
- let cpu_physical = u64::from_be_bytes(range[12..20].try_into().unwrap());
- let size = u64::from_be_bytes(range[20..28].try_into().unwrap());
- info!(
- "range: {:?} {}prefetchable bus address: {:#018x} host physical address: {:#018x} size: {:#018x}",
- range_type,
- if prefetchable { "" } else { "non-" },
- bus_address,
- cpu_physical,
- size,
- );
- // Use the largest range within the 32-bit address space for 32-bit memory, even if it
- // is marked as a 64-bit range. This is necessary because crosvm doesn't currently
- // provide any 32-bit ranges.
- if !prefetchable
- && matches!(range_type, PciRangeType::Memory32 | PciRangeType::Memory64)
- && size > memory_32_size.into()
- && bus_address + size < u32::MAX.into()
- {
- assert_eq!(bus_address, cpu_physical);
- memory_32_address = u32::try_from(cpu_physical).unwrap();
- memory_32_size = u32::try_from(size).unwrap();
- }
- }
- if memory_32_size == 0 {
- panic!("No 32-bit PCI memory region found.");
- }
- Self {
- start: memory_32_address,
- end: memory_32_address + memory_32_size,
- }
- }
- /// Allocates a 32-bit memory address region for a PCI BAR of the given power-of-2 size.
- ///
- /// It will have alignment matching the size. The size must be a power of 2.
- pub fn allocate_memory_32(&mut self, size: u32) -> u32 {
- assert!(size.is_power_of_two());
- let allocated_address = align_up(self.start, size);
- assert!(allocated_address + size <= self.end);
- self.start = allocated_address + size;
- allocated_address
- }
- }
- const fn align_up(value: u32, alignment: u32) -> u32 {
- ((value - 1) | (alignment - 1)) + 1
- }
- fn dump_bar_contents(root: &mut PciRoot, device_function: DeviceFunction, bar_index: u8) {
- let bar_info = root.bar_info(device_function, bar_index).unwrap();
- trace!("Dumping bar {}: {:#x?}", bar_index, bar_info);
- if let BarInfo::Memory { address, size, .. } = bar_info {
- let start = address as *const u8;
- unsafe {
- let mut buf = [0u8; 32];
- for i in 0..size / 32 {
- let ptr = start.add(i as usize * 32);
- ptr::copy(ptr, buf.as_mut_ptr(), 32);
- if buf.iter().any(|b| *b != 0xff) {
- trace!(" {:?}: {:x?}", ptr, buf);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- trace!("End of dump");
- }
- /// Allocates appropriately-sized memory regions and assigns them to the device's BARs.
- fn allocate_bars(
- root: &mut PciRoot,
- device_function: DeviceFunction,
- allocator: &mut PciMemory32Allocator,
- ) {
- let mut bar_index = 0;
- while bar_index < 6 {
- let info = root.bar_info(device_function, bar_index).unwrap();
- debug!("BAR {}: {}", bar_index, info);
- // Ignore I/O bars, as they aren't required for the VirtIO driver.
- if let BarInfo::Memory {
- address_type, size, ..
- } = info
- {
- match address_type {
- MemoryBarType::Width32 => {
- if size > 0 {
- let address = allocator.allocate_memory_32(size);
- debug!("Allocated address {:#010x}", address);
- root.set_bar_32(device_function, bar_index, address);
- }
- }
- MemoryBarType::Width64 => {
- if size > 0 {
- let address = allocator.allocate_memory_32(size);
- debug!("Allocated address {:#010x}", address);
- root.set_bar_64(device_function, bar_index, address.into());
- }
- }
- _ => panic!("Memory BAR address type {:?} not supported.", address_type),
- }
- }
- bar_index += 1;
- if info.takes_two_entries() {
- bar_index += 1;
- }
- }
- // Enable the device to use its BARs.
- root.set_command(
- device_function,
- Command::IO_SPACE | Command::MEMORY_SPACE | Command::BUS_MASTER,
- );
- let (status, command) = root.get_status_command(device_function);
- debug!(
- "Allocated BARs and enabled device, status {:?} command {:?}",
- status, command
- );
- }
- #[panic_handler]
- fn panic(info: &PanicInfo) -> ! {
- error!("{}", info);
- system_off::<Hvc>().unwrap();
- loop {}
- }