@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+//! fnmatch implementation
+extern crate alloc;
+extern crate platform;
+use alloc::vec::Vec;
+use platform::types::*;
+pub const FNM_NOMATCH: c_int = 1;
+pub const FNM_NOESCAPE: c_int = 1;
+pub const FNM_PATHNAME: c_int = 2;
+pub const FNM_PERIOD: c_int = 4;
+pub const FNM_CASEFOLD: c_int = 8;
+enum Token {
+ Any,
+ Char(u8),
+ Match(bool, Vec<u8>),
+ Wildcard,
+ // TODO: FNM_EXTMATCH, which is basically a whole another custom regex
+ // format that's ambigious and ugh. The C standard library is really bloaty
+ // and I sure hope we can get away with delaying this as long as possible.
+ // If you need to implement this, you can contact jD91mZM2 for assistance
+ // in reading this code in case it's ugly.
+unsafe fn next_token(pattern: &mut *const c_char, flags: c_int) -> Option<Token> {
+ let c = **pattern as u8;
+ if c == 0 {
+ return None;
+ }
+ *pattern = pattern.offset(1);
+ Some(match c {
+ b'\\' if flags & FNM_NOESCAPE == FNM_NOESCAPE => {
+ let c = **pattern as u8;
+ if c == 0 {
+ // Trailing backslash. Maybe error here?
+ return None;
+ }
+ *pattern = pattern.offset(1);
+ Token::Char(c)
+ },
+ b'?' => Token::Any,
+ b'*' => Token::Wildcard,
+ b'[' => {
+ let mut matches = Vec::new();
+ let invert = if **pattern as u8 == b'!' {
+ *pattern = pattern.offset(1);
+ true
+ } else { false };
+ loop {
+ let mut c = **pattern as u8;
+ if c == 0 {
+ break;
+ }
+ *pattern = pattern.offset(1);
+ match c {
+ b']' => break,
+ b'\\' => {
+ c = **pattern as u8;
+ *pattern = pattern.offset(1);
+ if c == 0 {
+ // Trailing backslash. Maybe error?
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ _ => ()
+ }
+ if matches.len() >= 2 && matches[matches.len() - 1] == b'-' {
+ let len = matches.len();
+ let start = matches[len - 2];
+ matches.drain(len - 2..);
+ // Exclusive range because we'll push C later
+ for c in start..c {
+ matches.push(c);
+ }
+ }
+ matches.push(c);
+ }
+ // Otherwise, there was no closing ]. Maybe error?
+ Token::Match(invert, matches)
+ },
+ c => Token::Char(c)
+ })
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn fnmatch(mut pattern: *const c_char, mut input: *const c_char, flags: c_int) -> c_int {
+ let pathname = flags & FNM_PATHNAME == FNM_PATHNAME;
+ let casefold = flags & FNM_CASEFOLD == FNM_CASEFOLD;
+ let mut leading = true;
+ loop {
+ if *input == 0 {
+ return if *pattern == 0 { 0 } else { FNM_NOMATCH };
+ }
+ if leading && flags & FNM_PERIOD == FNM_PERIOD {
+ if *input as u8 == b'.' && *pattern as u8 != b'.' {
+ return FNM_NOMATCH;
+ }
+ }
+ leading = false;
+ match next_token(&mut pattern, flags) {
+ Some(Token::Any) => {
+ if pathname && *input as u8 == b'/' {
+ return FNM_NOMATCH;
+ }
+ input = input.offset(1);
+ },
+ Some(Token::Char(c)) => {
+ let mut a = *input as u8;
+ if casefold && a >= b'a' && a <= b'z' {
+ a -= b'a' - b'A';
+ }
+ let mut b = c;
+ if casefold && b >= b'a' && b <= b'z' {
+ b -= b'a' - b'A';
+ }
+ if a != b {
+ return FNM_NOMATCH;
+ }
+ if pathname && a == b'/' {
+ leading = true;
+ }
+ input = input.offset(1);
+ },
+ Some(Token::Match(invert, matches)) => {
+ if (pathname && *input as u8 == b'/') || matches.contains(&(*input as u8)) == invert {
+ // Found it, but it's inverted! Or vise versa.
+ return FNM_NOMATCH;
+ }
+ input = input.offset(1);
+ },
+ Some(Token::Wildcard) => {
+ loop {
+ let c = *input as u8;
+ if c == 0 {
+ return if *pattern == 0 { 0 } else { FNM_NOMATCH };
+ }
+ let ret = fnmatch(pattern, input, flags);
+ if ret == FNM_NOMATCH {
+ input = input.offset(1);
+ } else {
+ // Either an error or a match. Forward the return.
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if pathname && c == b'/' {
+ // End of segment, no match yet
+ return FNM_NOMATCH;
+ }
+ }
+ unreachable!("nothing should be able to break out of the loop");
+ },
+ None => return FNM_NOMATCH // Pattern ended but there's still some input
+ }
+ }